Puslapio vaizdai

Educ 11562%


1. Translate:

(a) Eodem die legati ab hostibus missi ad Caesarem de pace venerunt. His Caesar numerum obsidum, quem antea imperaverat, duplicavit, eosque in continentem adduci jussit, quod propinqua die aequinoctii infirmis navibus hiemi navigationem subjiciendam non existimabat.

(b) Conlaudatis militibus atque iis, qui negotio praefuerant, quid fieri velit, ostendit, atque omnis ad portum Itium convenire jubet, quo ex portu commodissimum in Britanniam trajectum esse cognoverat, circiter millium passuum triginta transmissum a continenti. Huic rei quod satis esse visum est militum reliquit.

(c) Give the principal parts of missi, venerunt, jussit, ostendit, reliquit. Give the other infinitives of adduci, and the other participles of missi.

(d) Give the other cases of huic rei, and quo portu. Explain the mood and tense of velit; the case ofeodem die, navibus, negotio.

2. (a) Translate:

Extemplo Aeneae solvuntur frigore membra;
Ingemit, et duplicis tendens ad sidera palmas
Talia voce refert: O terque quaterque beati,
Quis ante ora patrum Troiae sub moenibus altis
Congitit oppetere! o Danaum fortissime gentis
Tydide! mene Iliacis occumbere campis
Non potuisse tuaque animam hanc effundere dextra.

(b) Scan lines 2 and 7.



(c) Give the other cases of sidera; the other persons of solvuntur and contigit. Explain the forms quis (1. 4) and Danaum.

3. Translate into Latin:

1. The scout reported that the enemy had collected many ships.

2. When the Germans had heard of Caesar's arrival, they sent ambassadors to him without delay.

3. After conquering the Gauls he resolved to cross the Rhine for the purpose of terrifying the Germans.

4. Caesar exhorts his soldiers to fortify the camp with a rampart and a ditch.

5. Since he feared that he would be deserted by the chiefs, Dumnorix sent envoys to Caesar.

6. Leaving the tenth legion on the continent, Caesar set out for Britain.

7. Having exhorted the legions to fight bravely the generals gave the signal for battle.

8. Caesar said that the soldiers must fortify the camp without delay.

9. The general ordered Labienus to find out what was happening in Gaul.

10. If Caesar had been present in Gaul, the Germans would not have crossed the Rhine.

4. Translate:


Helvetii jam per fines Sequanorum suas copias traduxerant et in Aeduorum fines pervenerant, eorumque agros populabantur. Itaque ne omnes fortunae sociorum consumerentur, Caesar castris profectus ad Helvetios pervenit. Quos aggressus, magnum partem eorum concidit; reliqui sese in proximas silvas abdiderunt. Hoc proelio facto, Caesar trans pontem traducit, atque per multos dies Helvetios insequitur.



N.B. A pass is required in Section B as well as in Section A. Sections A and B are to be written in separate examination books.

1. (a) Translate into English :


Ego te commendare non desisto, sed quid proficiam, ex te scire cupio: spem maximam habeo in Balbo, ad quem de te diligentissime et saepissime scribo. Illud soleo mirari, non me toties accipere tuas litteras, quoties a Quinto mihi fratre adferantur. In Britannia nihil esse audio neque auri neque argenti: id si ita est, essedum aliquod capias suadeo et ad nos quam primum recurras. Sin autem sine Britannia adsequi quod volumus possumus, perfice ut sis in familiaribus Caesaris: multum te in eo frater adiuvabit meus, multum Balbus, sed, mihi crede, tuus pudor et labor plurimum. Imperatorem liberalissimum, aetatem opportunissimam, commendationem certe singularem habes, ut tibi unum timendum sit, ne ipse tibi defuisse videare.

(b) Why are proficiam, adferantur and capias in the Subjunctive Mood? Give the principal parts of these verbs.

2. Show your acquaintance with the poem of Catullus on the death of Lesbia's sparrow.

3. (a) Translate into English:

Deiecit vultum et demissa voce locuta est:
'O felix una ante alias Priameia virgo,
Hostilem ad tumulum Troiae sub moenibus altis
Iussa mori, quae sortitus non pertulit ullos
Nec victoris eri tetigit captiva cubile!
Nos patria incensa diversa per aequora vectae
Stirpis Achilleae fastus iuvenemque superbum,
Servitio enixae, tulimus; qui deinde secutus
Ledaeam Hermionen Lacedaemoniosque hymenaeos

Me famulo famulamque Heleno transmisit habendam.
Ast illum ereptae magno flammatus amore
Coniugis et scelerum Furiis agitatus Orestes
Excipit incautum patriasque obtruncat ad aras.'

(b) Explain the allusion in Priameia virgo, Stirpis

Achilleae, Furiis agitatus Orestes.

(c) Scan the last two lines.

4. Give a brief account of the wanderings of Aeneas as related by him before Dido.


1. Translate into Latin:

Now that all Gaul was reduced to peace the Belgae began to fear that the Roman army would be led against themselves. They therefore sent messengers to Ariovistus, King of the Germans, and persuaded him to cross the Rhine to their aid. When this was reported to Caesar he hastened with all his forces to the spot where the Germans were likely to cross the river. His idea was to attack them as they were encumbered in the water.

2. Translate into English:

Maiores nostri saepe, mercatoribus aut naviculariis vestris iniuriosius tractatis, bella gesserunt: vos, tot milibus civium Romanorum uno nuntio atque uno tempore necatis, quo tandem animo esse debetis? Legati quod erant appellati superbius, Corinthum patres vestri, totius Graeciae lumen, exstinctum esse voluerunt: vos eum regem inultum esse patiemini, qui legatum populi Romani consularem vinculis ac verberibus atque omni supplicio excruciatum necavit?

3. (a) Write explanatory notes on the following: consul, dictator, atrium, Idus.

(b) What important events in Roman history are suggested by the following names: Regulus, Cannae, Corinth, Jugurtha?

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