Puslapio vaizdai

a metaphysical boy goes beyond his adult



They ought all to learn mathematics," said Luttrel. "Euclid is the best of all cures for the intellectual diseases incident to childhood-the measles of the mind. Even girls would be none the worse for a little pure geometry."

"The theory of probabilities," said Harry Mauleverer, "is the only part of mathematics fit for a Derby Day. If the odds against Surplice are 3 to 1, and against Runaway 5 to 1-what's the betting about one of the two being first?"

"You may safely bet 5 to 3 against it in thousands," said Lord Riverdale.

"I recollect," said Harry, "that my mathematical coach once asked me some such question as this: If the House of

Commons consists of 300 Tories and 356 Whigs, what is the probability that a committee of seven, chosen by ballot, will consist of three Tories and four Whigs?" "I hope you answered it," said Guy.


Well, I told him that they didn't ballot for committees, and that he ought to count the independent members. As an American would say, he 'caved in.''

"A nice language, the Yankee," observed Lord Riverdale. "I should like to know what form it will ultimately assume."

"It is a language in which slang predominates over established phraseology," said Guy. "Mr. Cayley has aptly said that slang is young language; but in America the young language grows too fast."

"Talking of slang, what is the origin of the word Welsher," asked Harry.

"I believe," replied Lord Riverdale, "it is due to some importer of Welsh ponies, who got the money for the animals and never delivered them."

"Is that Cayley," inquired D'Almeida, "the man who is canvassing Scarborough ?"

"The same," said Guy.

"A pretty poet rather, I think.”

"I greatly admire his Sir Reginald Mohun; and if his Las Alforgas were compressed into one volume, it would be the best book of Spanish travel in the language."

"What a pity the prevalent spirit of trade should induce so able a man to

ignore the elementary principles of poli

tical duty," said D'Almeida. "I read in Dod that Mr. Lever will support any government which promotes the maintenance of Galway as a packet - station. I suppose, if Mr. Cayley gets in, he will vote with any minister who goes to Scarborough in the autumn."

I need not describe the drive home from Epsom. Lily went to bed that night weary with delightful excitement. We shall see in our next chapter what became of her lover.



"A gridiron too, upon whose silver bars

Spluttered and frizzed the turkey's limbs dis


While the rich unguents which those limbs an


Dripped flaming on the coals like falling stars :
Also a kettle from its brazen body

Yielded bright vaporous streams for whisky-toddy.

I need not dwell on these particulars,

But grieve to add they ended with cigars."


MR. CAYLEY is evidently at issue with Lord Caversham. Two stanzas later in

that pleasant poem, Sir Reginald Mohun, whence I have quoted, he learnedly remarks that

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