Puslapio vaizdai





YOU are daily announcing New Clubs to the Pu

blic; but you have not yet thought proper to give ours a place. Allow me to inform you, that our Club is one of an old establishment, and at prefent the most numerous in this city, and defirous to be better known. It has made a more rapid progrefs of late years than any fociety whatever. Befides, the vifible effects which our Club has had on the manners of the metropolis entitle it to fome attention. If you will be pleased to make us better known, by inferting the few following lines in your Paper, I fhall make a motion to have it taken in for the benefit of the reading members.

I am your's, &c.


L. H.

A GALA MEETING of THE JEZEBEL is to be held at the Rendezvous on Sunday next, after even, ing fervice, on bufinefs of importance.-Supper not


to be on the table till full three minutes after twelve, to prevent the cenfure of the fuperftitious and fcrupulous for breaking the Sabbath *, and no fwearing will be permitted till the tenth bumper.

PROPOSALS will be laid before the Meeting for having a supper or dinner with the Wig-the Feroboam-the Borachio-the Cape-the Hum-drum-the Antemanum--the Pandemonium-the Skink--the Spunge -the Free and Eafy-the Gin-and the &c. Clubs,in order to preferve a friendly intercourse.

SEVERAL Vacancies having lately happened by the premature death of decayed members at twenty years of age, it is refolved, that no new member can be propofed under ten, and no gin permitted tilk twelve.

SEVERAL letters of complaint from parents and guardians will be laid before the meeting; but it ought to be remembered, that the fault lies at home, and not with this Club. Volunteers cannot be refufed; and if parents do not like the manners of the JEZEBEL CLUB, they fhould be careful to inculcate other manners, by example and precept, to their children and domestics.

THE prefent increafing freedom of manners among all ranks gives the moft flattering profpect of

[blocks in formation]

A ball had been given fome time before on a Saturday night.

numerous applications for admiffion; and as the Club are refolved to be fcrupulous, when fo many candidates are offering, one white ball will pofitively exclude.

A PROPOSAL for a fubfcription for the encouragement of Circulating Libraries will be read from, the Chair, as, from long experience, they have been found the moft fuccefsful promoters of the intereft of this Society. It will be recommended to all parents to give their children an unrestricted licence to draw knowledge from these pure fountains of information.

SCHEMES for defeating the abfurd plan of a new Bridewell, fo fhocking to female delicacy, will be thankfully received. Many of the Club having been in intimate habits with Members of the auguft Houfes of Parliament, it is to be hoped they will ufe their influence to ftrengthen Oppofition upon this occafion.

A VOTE of thanks will be proposed to the Magiftrates, Ministers, and Captains of the Guard of this city, for their great lenity and indulgence to the Society, and their healths will be given in a bumper.

IT is propofed, that one fide of the upper boxes at the Theatre should be taken by the year, for the ufe of the Society, by way of fhow-box; and, for

this purpose a subscription will be opened.-As the Manager has hitherto been very obliging, his health will also be given in a bumper.

THE evening walk recommended by the Club is from the Luckenbooths to the further end of the New North Bridge, and along Prince's Street. The Day-light Members may also use this walk, if their drapery is tolerable. The mendicant members are requested to keep the low grounds, as the Cowgate, Grass-market, Blackfriars Wynd, &c. &c. feveral refpectable inhabitants having complained loudly, that they cannot visit with their wives and daughters of an evening, without being blafted with gin and obfcenity.

SEVERAL difcarded footmen have applied to the Club for its patronage in their new profeffion of Dancing-Mafters. That this elegant accomplishment may not interfere with the vulgar hours of business, these schools will not be opened till nine o'clock at night. The present fashionable fuppers will thus permit fervants to have an hour's practising before they are wanted at home. Apprentices of every kind will be taught in a few leffons to get rid of vulgar prejudices, and, instead of sheepish modesty, to affume the air degagé fo becoming, or the fierce ftare and impudent ftrut fo manly!

HAIR-DRESSERS will be taught how to enter a house with address, and also how to lead a converfation

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fation with a lady or gentleman according to character and circumftances.

As thefe dancing-fchools for fervants and apprentices of both fexes have been found very useful nurferies for the Club, it is hoped the present petitioners will meet with countenance and protection at the meeting.

AFTER fupper the following Duet will be rehearfed by NED HOPEFUL and BET BOUNCEr.

By TWO BLACK EYES my heart was won,

Sure never wretch was more undone.

TO CELIA with my fuit I came ;

But fhe, regardless of her prize,
Thought proper to reward my flame
With two black eyes!


in the Chair.

N. B. The Secret Committee will meet on Monday evening at ten o'clock, at St Cecilia's Oyfter Cellar Mrs SLAMAKIN in the Chair,

E. C.

However ludicrous this may appear, there is fuch a house and fign in the Cowgate, adjoining to the Concert Hall.


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