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As summer comes the thoughts of many busy people the country over turn toward this spot, one the most beautiful of New Hampshire's many summer colonies.

Vol. 55




No. 6


JUNE 1923

The Legislature Adjourns

HE principal event of the month of May, 1923, in New Hampshire, came early in its course, when, at 3 o'clock in the morning of Saturday, May 5, the Legislature was prorogued by Governor Fred H. Brown after a session of 122 days. Its final week, as is usually the case, saw decisions hastily given upon the most important legislation of the session and some much-debated matters left in unfinished business. The Governor signed all of the acts and resolves presented to him with the exception of a $225,000 bond issue for a

junction point, as to cattle car conditions, having been reduced from a large to a very small number.

An interesting state publication, given timely issue by the co-operation of the departments of highways, forestry and fish and game, is a new road map of New Hampshire, up to date in all particulars and having in the text upon its back much necessary information for tourists and others.

Death of John J. Donahue

new dormitory at the Keene Normal A sad feature of the month's news was

School. From this measure he withheld his signature, and as it came to him on the last day of the session the effect was a "pocket veto."

The official volume of Session Laws will be less bulky than usual and is now in preparation by the law reporter, Crawford D. Henning, Esq., of Lancaster. It will be included in the general revision of the statutes, provided for by the recent legislature, which will be a work requiring considerable time. for its completion. Meanwhile, heads. of various state departments have given to the public summaries of, and instructions regarding, new laws of whose administration they have the charge.

One of the new statutes whose good

the death at his post of duty of John J. Donahue, state insurance commission

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effects already are apparent is that reg- AT the same meeting, Labor Com

ulating the shipment of cattle; complaints to the S. P. C, A, at Concord, a

sioner John S. B. Davie, first appointed to that office in 1911 by Gov

ernor Robert P. Bass, was re-appointed and confirmed for another three year term. Those who read the appreciative article upon his work in the May GRANITE MONTHLY will understand the benefit which will come to the state from his continuance at the head of the labor bureau. The fact that Commissioner Davie is a Republican and Commissioner Sullivan, a Democrat, indicates the con

The speakers at the public meeting in the evening were the governor and the mayor and Congressmen Rogers and Wason. During his visit to the capital Congressman Wason took occasion to deny reports of his ill health which have come from Washington and to say that he expects to be a candidate for renomination in 1924.

tinuance of the peaceful compromise OTHER stimulants of political inter

conditions which have prevailed in the council chamber under this administration.

The board of trustees of the state sanatorium at Glencliffe submitted to the governor and council at this same meeting their nomination for superintendent of Dr. Robert M. Deming, for the past two years a member of the staff at the state hospital in this city, and it was approved. Doctor Deming saw over-seas service in the World War.

Spanish War Veterans Celebrate ONE

NE of the few fine days in May, 1923, was assigned by the weather man to the 25th anniversary celebration, on the 17th, of the departure from Concord for Chickamauga of the First

est during the month were the address at Manchester by Senator William E. Borah of Idaho, upon invitation of the New Hampshire Civic Association. and the return to his home state from Europe of Senator George H. Moses, overflowing with opposition to President Harding's proposal that the United States shall participate in the World Court of Justice.

On the heels of Senator Borah's address came a spirited meeting by the friends of the League of Nations at which Mr. John G. Winant was elected chairman of the work for the League in New Hampshire. There is evidently enough difference of opinion on this matter to make it an interesting issue during the coming months.

New Hampshire Regiment of Volun- AT the annual meeting of the New

teers for the War with Spain. A surprisingly large number of survivors of the regiment came to the capital on that day, for a parade, banquet, business meeting of the department of New Hampshire, U. S. W. V., public exercises in Representatives' Hall at the state house and other features. From a stand erected on the state house plaza the parade was reviewed by Governor Brown, attended by his staff and council, and Mayor Chamberlin, accompanied by the board of aldermen. The most impressive moment of the day came when the veterans massed behind their standards before the stand and renewed the oath of allegiance which they took a quarter of a century ago.

Hampshire Old Home Week Association, President Henry H. Metcalf was re-elected and Governor Brown was named as first vice-president. Mr. Metcalf has secured as chief orator of the tercentenary celebration, in August, of the settlement of the state, Judge Leslie P. Snow of the supreme court, who takes the place which President Hopkins of Dartmouth expected to fill, but finds himself unable to do so.

THE purchase by Henry Ford of a

garnet mine in the town of Danbury presages, it is hoped, the industrial development, hitherto retarded, of that immediate section of the state.

H. C. P.




Who spoke before distinguished audience in Man-
chester May 24, under the auspices of the
N. H. Civic Association.


An Interview

ENATOR Borah," I said, "I'm going to tell New Hampshire people about you. What do you think I'd better emphasize?"

The Senator smiled that characteristic crooked smile of his and pushed his hair back from his broad forehead.

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that touches Russia at all is radical."

"Russia itself is radical enough, to be sure; but for the United States to recognize the government of Russia is a conservative act, backed by such precedents as Washington's recognition of the Committee of Public Safety of the French Revolution. The present government in Russia, imperfect as it is, is the form of government under which 140,000,000 people have been living for six years, and from all indications they are going on living under it for some years to come. Whatever we may think about the government it's the part of conservative good sense to accept the situation as it is and make the best of

"We're inclined to think anything it."

There is one surprising and refreshing thing about William E. Borah, the Irreconcilable Senator from Idaho, and that is his absolute independence of approach to public problems. In a day when most of us have time only to regard the labels of things, he bases his opinions on his own research into their inner contents. Confronted with the Russian situation neatly tied with red ribbon and labelled, "Radical: Do Not Touch," he deftly unties the wrappings and sorts from the contents some phases which may be stamped "Conservative." The "International Brotherhood" label on the League of Nations did not satisfy him either. When he got through his careful investigation of how the wheels went round he turned away from the idea with the surprising statement that he opposed it, not because of its unattainable idealism, but of its militarism. This is disconcerting alike to materials who scorn the idea of ever bringing the world out of war, and to idealists who see in the League, ineffectual as it is at present, a glimmer of hope in a dark world. If our pet sheep are only wolves in sheep's clothing it still seems indecent to unclothe them. It is even more disconcerting to have him suddenly challenge the peacemakers of the world by demanding that they show their sincerity by daring to pronounce War a crime. Brought up on stories of splendid warfare, is it any wonder that we hesitate to put the ban upon the institution?

"We shall never have world peace" said the Senator earnestly, "until we are willing to pursue it with the same audacity and boldness with which we are wont to pursue war. You cannot overcome nitric acid with cologne water.

"What the world needs now is a Cromwell or a Peter the Great who will lead for peace as the great generals of the past led for war."

But pending the arrival of that leader, the Senator from Idaho is not being idle. He has launched upon the waves of public opinion his idea that the solu

tion of international relations involves three preliminary steps-the codification of international law, the outlawry of war, and the establishment of a real world court which, like the Supreme Court of the United States, though without power to enforce its decisions against states, has nevertheless a power which the existing court of the League of Nations does not have, namely, the power to try a case and render a decision without first having obtained the consent of the party against whom action is brought. We shall hear more of the idea in the coming months. The Senator's ideas have a way of gathering momentum long after he has turned his attention to other things. In response to my question as to whether the World Court issue was to figure largely in the coming campaign, he said:

"If it does it will be unfortunate. It will only have the effect of unnecessarily splitting the Republican party. There isn't any hurry really, you know. Even if we went into the League Court which now exists, we couldn't do anything until the next election of judges in 1930. And there are a lot of matters which are of immediate importance here at home. We've got to put our Own house in order if we are to be of any use internationally. That's what I'm studying on now, and I am expecting to work on these problems with even more concentration during the next few months."

When the Senator talks of study and concentration he means what he says. However much one may disagree with his conclusions, one cannot but admire the breadth of the foundations on which they are builded, one cannot but respect the scholarly character of his research, the painstaking accumulation of all the facts bearing on the situation, and the assimilation of those facts in the great brain that works within the square shaggy head. When he spoke to the N. H. Civic Association on May 24, he remarked whimsically, "No one believes the statements of an Irreconcilable

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