Puslapio vaizdai

has felt the effects of this strike more than any other place. Practically every Concord shopman left his work on July 1. The few who remained were generally guarded to and from the shops. Strike-breakers began to come in within a few days. As they were principally, if not wholly, housed within the railroad enclosure, there was comparatively little occasion for trouble on the streets.

Of such trouble there was, however, a litle-two or three assaults in the early days. A night raid at the shops, by parties as yet unapprehended, resulted in some of the strikebreakers being driven out of town.

As a result of conferences with the Mayor of Concord, Governor Brown called out two companies of the National Guard. Whether or not they were needed, has been the subject of keen controversy. Whether the City of Concord should pay for the troops, has also given rise to contention. Up to date the city has paid tens of thousands of dollars. The troops were withdrawn late in October, after the Chamber of Commerce had urged that they were no longer necessary.

Meanwhile the same sort of talk has been going on in Concord as in other railroad centers during during the strike. On the one side the rail roads have claimed everything everything was normal. On the other the strikers have claimed impairment of rollingstock to the point of danger to the lives of trainmen and travelers. They have published lists of late. trains.

They have criticized the waste of railroad money in housing, feeding, bedding and entertaining the "scabs," besides paying them overtime.

The "scabs" meanwhile have been sifted and settled, and, with the few who stuck and the few strikers who have returned, are represented by the railroad as a permanent force, whom they have allowed to organize in an independent association for the purpose of making agreements.

A peculiar situation exists here, as elsewhere; it is believed that the shop work is being done in part by men who struck on other lines and are "scabbing" here. Another interesting thing is the claim of certain artisans that their business has been seriously damaged by the the striking shopmen underbidding for work on mechanical jobs. The merchants find the strikers naturally with less than normal ability to buy, and the strikebreakers within the railroad enclosure do not find normal opportunity to spend their wages. Moreover, if the strikers are not to go back to work, the community will face the necessity of a general shaking-down-some jobless men moving out and leaving unpaid bills, new unpaid bills, new men taking their places with inevitable experimenting with credits, the sale of homesteads (perhaps at loss), the problem of housing the new-comers, the general difficulties of assimilating in bulk and immediately several hundred new families.

With these problems in mind, it is understood that some Concord business men are trying to bring the strikers and the railroad into some sort of agreement. What may be accomplished, with one group bound to win and the other confident of victory, is among the unknowable things. The situation is regarded by many people as sufficient proof, from the standpoint of community interest, of the public damage done by industrial warfare.

The textile strike goes on in New Hampshire, except at some points, as it has since last winter. Because of the longer duration of the trouble, the community losses have been more keenly felt than in the railroad contest, Due to the overshadowing size of the Amoskeag Mills, the textile strike has rather centered in Manchester. Long ago the strike, which began because the mills required a cut in wages, with the 54-hour week, became a deadlock. While the work

ers might possibly have accepted the wage-cut with a 48-hour week, they have steadily refused to go back to a 54-hour week even with a proferred return to the old wage. The mill managers have been adamant. Various futile attempts have been made on the part of the public to accommodate the parties. The last was an abject failure. A committee under city auspices invited the two sides to send representatives to meet each other. Both agreed, but October 17, the day fixed for the meeting, the strikers' delegates declined to attend the meeting because strike-breakers


among the company's delegates. Bishop Guertin, as we go to press, is exerting his influence to get a resumption of work on the basis of 51 hours a week at the old wage until February 1, before which a permanent arrangement would be hoped for. At Somersworth agreement has been reached on a 51 1-2 hour week.

the shorter work-week in view of southern Competition on the 55-and60-hour basis.

Thus the war goes on. Both sides lose money; the community suffers; and the community has small information as to the validity of the claims and counterclaims made by the contestants in the hope of winning popular support, which in the end is recognized as a pretty valuable asset to either side.

Representatives of fourteen Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade met at Tilton on October 18, and took steps toward the organization of a State Chamber of Commerce. One of the principal objects of the organization will be to cooperate with the New Hampshire Publicity Commission in raising $100,000 to advertise New Hampshire. The new organization will also take up the study of traffic on the highways in the hope of working out some sensible and consistent method of handling traffic throughout

Later advices are that the Amoskeag employees accepted Bishop Guertin's proposition, but the corporation declared itself unable to adopt the State.


By Louise P. Guyol

I am a lover of the commonplace,
The calm monotonous things of every day:
The sun that sets the same red-golden way
So many times a year; the dew-and-lace
Of cobwebbed lawns at dawn; the silver trace
Of the moon's high career; the flaunt and play
In tulip-gardens each recurrent May;
Women, and men; a child's adorable face.

I never set great store on rarity-
However often seen, can beauty fail?
An ordinary bluebird seems to me
As lovely as the peacock's haughty tail.
Not educated-well, that's no disgrace,
It's kind to kind; I love the commonplace.


SONGS, by Raymond Huse. Published by the author at Concord with the Rumford Press imprint. $1.00.

This book by a New Hampshire man, for a number of years prominent in the pulpit life of Concord, is a collection of homely and unassuming verse. The reviewer is disarmed by the opening lines of the stanzas entitled "To My Critic:"

You need not tell me, critic dear,
Because you see I know it,

I have too much preacher blood
To be your kind of poet!"

The "preacher blood" courses strongly through most of the two score poems in this collection. The very first in the little book is a bit of poetry which prettily hides a lesson.

When the sun has passed the hilltops,
And the solemn shadows creep
Slowly down the purple mountain,
Then from out the mystic deep
Of the ocean of the twilight
Notes of music float along.
Daylight is the time for action,
Sunset is the time for song.

But the reviewer must not quote; the reader should have the pleasure of discovering for himself the shrewdly simple way in which Mr. Huse clothes his thoughts. The

preacher has not forgotten his barefoot days, or the ways in which boys react to life; he has touched them up with a bit of mature, but reminiscent philosophy, Clever indeed is the playing of experience against adolescence in "When a Youth First Takes to Rhyming."

This little volume betrays the author as an appreciative lover of Nature in her every-day moods, which are interpreted in simple and homely, but apt, phrase. In one verse he speaks of Riley as having "heard the notes

That rise from common sod."

It is these very notes that Mr. Huse evokes.

INDIAN LEGENDS IN VERSE, by William C. T. Adams, Superintendent of Schools at Keene and formerly Professor of Education at the Plymouth Normal School.

Dr. Adams has put into metrical including such of special local apform about twenty Indian legends, peal as those of Pemigewasset, Passaconaway, Chocorua and Monadnock. For most of them he has adopted the form of verse used in "Hiawatha." Prefixed to most of the verse are prose treatments of the same legends. There is an introduction upon Indian characteristics and customs. The book is aimed to reach the child when he is at the mental age of the mature savage, when, in fact, the child, is at the primitive stage of development. There are illustrations by Beatrice. B. Adams and the book is from the press of the W. B. Ranney Company of Concord.

NEW HAMPSHIRE IN HISTORY AND STORY FOR CHILDREN, by Grace Edith Kingsland, Secretary, New Hampshire Public Library Commission.

Children's Book Week. which comes annually in November, is designed to interest parents and friends in making better and more books (with the emphasis on "better") easily accessible to children. This may be done both by building up the child's own library by gifts on Christmas, birthdays, and other special days, and by seeing that the local public library is well supplied with books suitable for juvenile patrons.

A magazine devoted to the state may well consider at this season what books dealing with New Hampshire in a manner likely to appeal to young

people are available. Unfortunately, these are few in number and often slight in content. Some are among the forgotten books of a previous generation, such as "A Book for New Hampshire Children, in Familiar Letters from a Father," published anonymously by Richard Grant of Exeter in 1823, later attributed to Hosea Hildreth who was for some time professor of mathematics Phillips Exeter Academy. One paragraph runs: "Nothing indeed can be more gloomy than the State Prison. If you were to go into it, to see how it looks, it would make you shudder. There are now about fifty wicked persons in it; but I do hope that no New Hampshire child that reads this letter will ever behave so bad as to be locked up in that dreadful place."


At this time Peterborough was famous because "there are more manufactories than in any other town in the state." He also says, "We have in New Hampshire a great many sawmills and corn-mills (commonly called grist-mills), a considerable number of manufactories for making cotton cloth and woolen cloth, and a few for making nails. We have ten, or twelve Banks, where money is kept to let out to people that wish to hire. money. All New Hampshire people are generally pretty good to work, though there are some in every town that are lazy and idle, and spend their time a dram-shops (commonly called "grog-shops"). But these are considered very naughty people. Their poor little children often go ragged, often go ragged, and sometimes have no bread to eat." These extracts will show that this book will appeal only to adults curious about manners and customs of early days and to the exceptional child. There is great need for a similar current book about our history and industries for use in schools. At the eleventh hour request of the editor of this magazine, I have compiled very hastily a few titles available in many libraries as well as in the State

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on a

Quaint stories of child life farm in the Franconia region in 1820. Still liked by children in spite of their avowed purpose to "develop the moral sentiments in the human heart in early youth."

ADAMS, WILLIAM C. T. Indian Legends in verse. c1922.

Several of the poems are founded on our Indian legends. See review elsewhere.

ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY, Story of a Bad Boy. c1870.

Based on the boyhood life of the author in Portsmouth. "Tom" and

his friends are natural fun-loving and adults, it is a book that will never boys. Equally popular with children.

grow old.

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the Revolution. John Stark and other real characters appear throughout its Author claims to have kept as near actual facts as does the average historian. The scene of his Woodranger is also in New Hampshire at a slightly earlier period. COFFIN, CHARLES CARLETON. Old times in the colonies. c1880. Readable history of colonial times. for children in the upper grades. Has three chapters on the settlement of New Hampshire and several pages about John Stark. Author was born in Boscawen in 1823.

CRAM, WILLIAM EVERETT. Little beasts of field and wood. c1899. ****.- More little beasts of field and wood. 1912.

Delightful books about wild creatures for children of ten years and upward. Observations were made in and around the author's native region, South Hampton.

DUDLEY, ALBERTUS TRUE. Following the ball. c1903.

Scene of this book, as well as of the three other titles in the series, is laid at Phillips Exeter Academy, where the author was formerly teacher.


FASSETT, JAMES H. Colonial life in New Hampsire. c1899.

The only history of early New Hampshire for children.

HARRIS, AMANDA B. Old time school days. c1886.

While written for adults, children of to-day will enjoy learning how very different the rural schools of the early 19th century were from those they attend. The author, a native of Warner, drew on her memory for this account of school houses, games, and pupils of former days. JOHNSON, CLIFTON. New England; a human interest reader. 1917. The history, industries, and nat

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