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in 1848 moved to Weare, but never liked his new surroundings, for at home in Madbury he was "Esquire Wingate," but in Weare he was "Old Man Wingate." Mention was made of Deacon Thomas Hussey, father of Professor T. W. H. Hussey; Mrs. Judge Knapp of Somersworth, who left a fund known as the "Hussey Fund" to the Church; of Deacon Thompson, who had three sons in the Civil War, one of whom was killed in action and buried in the debris of Fort Sumter, although there is a tablet to his memory in Oak Hill Cemetery. The speaker mentioned. a very interesting episode concerning James Hayes, son of Paul Hayes, one of the founders of the church, who, owning the tip top of Green Hill, raised a huge crop of corn in the famine year of 1816, when all other crops were killed by frost. Demanding a silver dollar for each peck, Hayes made a huge fortune for those days. The son of James Hayes, somewhat of a reprobate, being reprimanded at one time by the minister, entered the church, one Sunday morning, and with great noise and profanity nailed up the door of his pew. Deacon Wiggin mentioned as deacons of the new Church, Deacon Joseph Babb, Deacon J. R. Drew, Deacon Samuel C. Ham, Deacon William C. Buzzell, brother of Captain Lewis Buzzell of Company F., Company F., Thirteenth New Hampshire Volunteers, who was killed leaiding his men against the enemy at Suffolk, Virginia; Deacon Horace G. Carter and the deacons now serving with the speaker, William B. Swaine and George B. Haley. The address ended with a eulogy to the sacrifice made by the faithful church. members of the past.

This impressive dedication ceremony was concluded by the singing of "America."

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Vespers" were held with a filled church auditorium in attendance. The Vespers were opened with a song service followed by the reading of Scripture and prayer by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Tyler. Miss Hilma Anderson of Everett, Massachusetts, sang a selected solo that was much appreciated. The address of the evening was was given by Mr. Thomas C. Ham of New York, who took as his subject "Where there is


vision, the people perish"Prov. 29: 18. Mr. Ham, who is the son of the late Deacon Samuel C. Ham, began his address by a series of reminiscences of his boyhood days and the good influences which surrounded him. His main address was devoted, however, to the alarming decadence of the New England rural town, Barrington being one which is a good example. He did not confine himself, however, to a delineation of these tendencies, but came out with a straight-forward constructive program for every rural community which to his mind would strike at at the root of rural New England decay. His proposals were as follows; (1) reforestation of deforested areas; (2) introduction of the graded school; (3) the utilization of the water power of the town to generate electrical power which would bring industry into the life of the town; (4) renewed interest in the Church and a careful study of its place in the community; (5) the formation of a "Vision Committee," which would hold before the community as a whole a vision of a greater future. In closing his address, Mr. Ham pleaded for the conservation of the rural youth for the rural communities, and for a vision to be always held before the community; for "Old men shall dream dreams, but young men shall see visions."

Following Mr. Ham's very able address, a mixed quartette from the

choir sang the "Vesper Hymn." The service closed with the singing of "Abide With Me" and the benediction.

On Monday at 2 p. m., there was a Play Carnival and Sports at Depot Field, under the direction of Mr. R. W. Giviens, the County Y. M. C. A. Secretary. There was a Junior and Senior 100 Yard Dash, Obstacle Race, Sack Race, Relay Race, Three-legged Race, Tug of War, Potato Race, and Group and Mass Games. This feature was greatly enjoyed by a large group of boys and young men.

The concert of the Schubert Male Quartette of Boston, assisted by Dorothy Berry Carpenter, on Monday evening was attended by an enthusiastic audience which taxed the capacity of the Congregational Church, and was generally acclaimed the treat of the anniversary. The rendering of the "Vocal March," "Arion Waltz," "Aloha" and "Songs of Home" by the quartette were enthusiastically greeted and many encores were responded to. Dr. Ames, in his rendering of the "Roses of Picardy" and the work of the bass, Mr. McGowan, were very well received. Miss Carpenter, the reader, took the audience by storm in the recital of "Daddy Long Legs," "A Model Letter" and "A Joy Ride."

Tuesday was the great day of the anniversary, beginning with a band concert at 9:30 a. m. by the Barrington-Northwood Band, E. L. Band, E. L. Wiggin, director. At 11 a. m., without delay, the anniversary parade, one of the finest ever held in this section, started. It was headed by Chief Marshal William S. Davis and Assistant Marshal, George B. Leighton, followed by the Barrington-Northwood Band. In the rear of the Band marched the combined John P. Hale Council of Barrington and the B. W. Jenness Council of Strafford, Junior O. U.

A. M., there being about one hundred men in line, an array of thirtythree beautifully decorated floats, followed by a detachment of World War Veterans in line of march and Civil War Veterans in automobiles. Automobiles lined both sides of the line of march for nearly half a mile, the line of march being from Oak Hill Cemetery through the East Village and a counter march back through the East Village to the Congregational Church. The judges of the parade, Mr. C. C. Copeland of Boston, Mr. Newall of Boston and Mr. Thomas C. Ham of New York, awarded the prizes as follows according to (1) appropriateness, (2) detail, (3) originality: First prize, West Barrington-a log cabin, the interior decorated with old-fashioned furniture and implements, the detail complete even to a fire place. Second prize, Fred Stone-a beautifully decorated team with historic background. Third prize, John P. Hale

Council, Junior O. U. A. M-a large truck decorated with national colors with four soldiers guarding the Goddess of Liberty. Fourth prize, Madbury Industriesa decorated truck with a complete barnyard scene. Other floats deserving particular mention were the beautiful Girls' Club Car, the Congregational Church, the advertising car of A. L. Calef, the complete blacksmith shop of William Palmer and the Woman's Club. All of the floats showed originality and tasty design and were liberally applauded as they passed the waiting throng.

During the picnic dinner hour a most enjoyable occasion was had, especially by those renewing old acquaintances and recounting old tales.

At 1:30 p. m. the Old Home exercises took place. These were opened by a selection by the band. and prayer by Rev. Francis O. Tyler. The address of welcome was delivered by Charles A. Tib

betts, President of the Day. "The Old Garrison," a poem written by Robert Boodey Caverly, the famous local poet, about the old Cate Garrison, was recited by his grandnephew, Master Robert Caverly of Strafford. The historic address of the day was delivered by Mr. John Scales of Dover. In his introductory remarks of twenty-five minutes, he spoke of the first impressions he received, when he came to Barrington to reside, 70 years ago, on the Judge Hale Farm.

miles to the west was the Land of Canaan.

Mr. Scales next explained why the town came to be called Barrington. The town of Portsmouth repaired the frigate of the Royal Navy, named Barrington. The tax payers got their pay from the Provincial Assembly by its making them a gift of a tract of land, six miles wide along the west line of Dover, and extending back twelve miles into the wilderness; beyond, the wilderness extended to Canada.



He came from his native home in Nottingham, where he was born, in a house that had been in the possession of the Scales family the Scales family a hundred years. It was the first frame house built in that town, which is the same age as Barrington. Mr. Scales said that the route of removal from Nottingham to Barrington was through Ireland, France, via the Wild Cat road, to the historic Province Road, over Waldron's Hill, to the valley of the Isinglass River, and made the final stop at Mt. Misery. Two miles to the north was Sodom and three

Each tax payer, of record of 1720, '21, '22, had a number of acres in proportion to his tax. In this connection he gave an interesting occount of the beginning of the settlement.

One of the early settlers was Capt. Mark Hunking, a distinguished sea captain and merchant of Portsmouth. He built a large colonial mansion near Winkley's Pond, not far from the Madbury line. Captain Hunking became one of the leading citizens, and died in that house in 1782. He owned negro slaves; one was Agnes, who

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son had a third. That purchase was made near the close of the Revolution, and the sons came up there about 1780. Samuel and William had a had a store, where the Judge Hale house now is, which now bears the ridiculous name of Norumbega. The account books that they kept are now extant. Mr. Scales gave extracts from the pages, showing what was bought and sold. One of the never-failing articles was rum, usually bought in pint quantities. Hale Brothers also became largely engaged in ship-building, having a ship-yard right there on the farm,


Andrew H. Young, Captain Lewis H. Buzzell. He spoke of Barrington's great scholars and college men, of whom the town has a fine record. One of these was Professor Sylvester Waterhouse, who for forty years was Professor of Greek in Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. Probably there was no instructor in any college or university who was his superior in this department of learning. Mr. Scales closed with a very interesting story of the success and remarkable career of the late Frank Jones of Portsmouth, who was the only millionaire that Barrington

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