tions. Those who stop at the Willey House over night must either camp out on the public camping grounds, for which there is no charge, or pay a nominal price for the use of one of the cabins where they may have cot beds, but no luxuries. The recreational use of forests has developed to a marked degree during the past few years. While our mountain roads and trails have long been used by trampers, the auto camping party has come into his own quite recently. It ap.pears that camping by the roadside has been longer in vogue in the western states and has come to us from that direction. The possibility for recreation through out our mountain region is very great. The National Government is bending its efforts to establish public camping places, and private parties are beginning to take advantage of the opportunity to accomodate the public in this way. It is believed that the Willey House site is proper and suitable for development in this direction, always remembering that the public must be served freely with all that Nature has provided and that the traveler may pay for food supplies and comforts at reasonable prices. Already it is no uncommon thing to have forty automobile parties pass the night on the Willey House grounds. WHEN THE SUMMER DAYS HAVE By Alice Sargent Krikorian All the sweet summer we have felt the charm Shall we remember what the waves have said Or perchance, our roving feet have led In gardens old, beside the gray stone wall, Now flaming woods reflect the sunsets gold, SOUTH OF MOGADOR By Erwin Ferdinand Keene. Roaring up the mango-bordered beach, White-fingered waves lift high their greedy hands When men had much to learn, and more to teach. From gold-prowed triremes to our steel-ribbed ships, For thrice a thousand years, with hope unfurled, No dauntless keel e'er kissed thy tide-wet lips. But claimed thy seizin for some new-found world. Land of romance! of ivory, gold, and slaves: Thy fevered breast is bosomed high with graves! A DEGENERATE OF THE PINK FAMILY By Mary E. Hough. I remember that you grew In the sunlight and the dew, Where stood an old gray farm-house in clustering woodbine set Then you strayed down to the road-side; Yes, I think I see you yet. All your kin wore fresh, pink dresses, Now you've crept into my garden I shall root you up without the least regret, Do you blazonly forget That you've chummed with weed and sorrel, That you really aren't quite moral? O. I heartily dislike you, Bouncing Bet. But one morning I was speeding In my auto-no one heeding I saw a stretch of roadside all pink and dewy wet. But I knew where we had met. You were fluttering and graceful, I thought you would be cheery For my city-flat was dreary And I owed to you besides a much belated debt, You became my wild-flower pet. * * * But your pale pink has grown blowsy A BIT OF COLOR By Laura Garland Carr. There is mist on the mountain, Down the scarlet-bean lines; In the primrose is cuddled. The webs of the spiders- From morning till night. Be astir-little moth- In this glory outside. Adown leafy branches The sunbeams are sifting; Across grassy reaches Are shadow clouds drifting; Be a wise little moth And awake from your slumbers. Did the primrose beguile By its hypnotic motion Till now you are lost In oblivion's ocean? And your dreams-are they fair Like the picture you make? Then sleep in your primrose And never awake. There's a realm of delight. In the ether-somewhere We've sensed it and glimpsed it And know it is there. Is the little pink moth— This primrose marauder A waif and a stray From over its border? At the primary election held on September 5, there were more than 15,000 fewer votes cast than at the last primary two years ago. Windsor H. Goodnow of Keene won the Republican nomination for Governor by a vote of more than two to one over Arthur G. Whittemore of Dover. Fred H. Brown of Somersworth, in a angular contest, had a comfortable. margin over John C. Hutchins of Stratford for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, while Albert Wellington Noone of Peterborough was far in the rear. In the first congressional district, the Republican nomination. went to John Scammon of Exeter by a considerable margin over Hobart Pillsbury of Manchester. The other contestants, Fernando W. Hartford of Portsmouth and Albert E. Shute of Derry, were far behind. William N. Rogers of Wakefield received the Democratic nomination for this district without opposition. In the second congressional district, Edward H. Wason of Nashua was renominated by the Republicans without opposition. A trianA triangular contest for the Democratic nomination between William H. Barry of Nashua, Amos N. Blandin of Bath and George H. Whitcher of Concord resulted in the first named receiving more votes than his two competitors together. H. In view of the defeat for senatorial nomination in the fifth district of Fred A. Jones, who was expected to be president of the Senate, it is understood that Benjamin H. Orr of the fifteenth district and George Allen Putnam of the sixteenth district will be candidates for that office. For the speaker of the house Harry M. Cheney of Concord has been suggested. Mr. Cheney was speaker in 1903, but is not yet a candidate. Another suggested candidate for speaker is Charles W. Tobey of Temple who held the chair in the session of 1919. At present the indications are that the legislature will be an unusually strong one. The eleventh annual forestry conference under the auspices of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, in cooperation with the New Hampshire Forestry Commission, was held on August 29-31, at the Keene Normal School and was largely attended. The influence of the Society, under the presidency, first of the late Governor Rollins, and more lately of Allen Hollis, Esq., and under the skillful executive guidance of Philip W. Ayres, has been of inestimable value in the way of education. To it is due in large measure the enlightened public opinion which has made our forestry laws and our state department of forestry things of real vitality. The attendance at the conference was large, and the interest unflagging. Many came, as usual, from without the state, most prominent among whom was Colonel William B. Greeley, Chief of the United States Forestry Service. Of prime interest was the discussion on the second day of the subject of forest taxation. State Forester John H. Foster presided, and Harris A. Reynolds, Secretary of the Massachusetts Forestry Association, explained the new law which has recently gone into effect in his commonwelath. In the general discussion, Governor Brown and former Governor Bass joined, while the viewpoint of the practical lumberman was voiced by S. F. Langdell. There seemed to be a pretty general agreement that if our forests are to be maintained as a permanent valuable resource of the state, some change in taxation is |