Puslapio vaizdai

parallel its own tracks from Concord to Nashua, and the electrification of the Portsmouth & Dover branch of its road was contemplated. During the following year earnings increased about $270,000, having reached approximately $552,500.

The next important development, and perhaps the final one, took place in 1902, and was that known as the "Lovell System." Mr. Lovell, as agent of the New Hampshire Traction Company, had acquired or produced the electric railways and other properties of the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury; the Amesbury & Hampton; the Haverhill, Plaistow & Newton; the Haverhill & Plaistow; the Seabrook & Hampton Beach; the Dover, Somersworth & Rochester; the Portsmouth & Exeter; the Hudson, Pelham & Salem; the Lawrence & Methuen; the Haverhill & Southern New Hampshire, and the Lowell & Pelham Street Railway companies; and the Rockingham County Light & Power Company; the Granite State. Land Company, and the Canobie Lake Company.


These companies experienced many of the hardships of lines constructed in sparsely settled sections, but they were destined to perform an important role in the transportation vice of the state. Re-organizations were effected; the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury went through foreclosure proceedings and was sold to bondholders' committee in March, 1908; the Portsmouth & Exeter was abandoned and its tracks torn and in 1913 there was merged into the Massachusetts Northeastern Street Railway Company the various street railway companies of the original "Lovell System" in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Due to Federal Law the Dover company is not an integral part of the North



The attitude of the state legislature in dealing with its street railways has been that of a willingness

to assist. Charters were freely given and for a long time were not restricted as to when they should be exercised although that practice terminated in due course. Under the general law, companies were exempted from taxation for ten years, but at

the expiration of that period, and more particularly in the depression following the World War, many were finding themselves in a position where the payment of a "state tax" was a real burden. Many of the companies had nothing left from earnings and credits had been seriously impaired. To meet this situation the legislature of 1919 passed a bill under which a corporation which had not, had not, under efficient management, earned sufficient money to pay its operating expenses and fixed charges, including taxes and excluding interest on its indebtedness, and to provide for necessary repairs, and maintenance of its properties and adequate reserves depreciation thereof, may be exempted from the payment of taxes and to the extent and subject to the limitations of the act. This was a timely assistance and the relief offered has come at the most opportune time.


In convening here to-day and such occasions come not too closely together, a perfectly natural interest is aroused as aroused as to those who have been identified with the industry the industry in our state. An effort has been made to obtain as much data as was possible concerning those who have been active in this work but the difficulty in obtaining it is doubtless realized."

We all rejoice with our host, Mr. Foster, in rounding out these fifty years of railroad service-it repre

sents a wonderful service in the interests of the public. Mr. Foster was general manager of the Lynn & Boston companies and later president of the New Orleans Railways. He came to Manchester January 1, 1912, at which time he was elected president of the Traction Company.

Associated with Mr. Foster has been Mr. J. Brodie Smith for whom we certainly have a warm place in our hearts. Mr. Smith was the first superintendent of the Ben Franklin Electric Company which commenced business in the fall of 1896. The first alternating current, incandescent lights used in Manchester were put in operation by the Manchester Electric Light Company under his direction, and he also set up the first electric motor used for power purposes in Manchester. Gen. Charles Williams promoted the Manchester street railroad properties and in the old days N. H. Walker was superintendent, later being located Salem, N. H., and finally returning to the circus business.



The Concord company was launched under the leadership of one of its most substantial citizens and former mayors, Hon. Moses Humprey. doubt very much if Mr. Humprey could be termed a promoter. I knew him quite well. It is but natural, possibly, that I should find myself in the street railway business as my father superintended the building of the first car used on the lines of that company.

The lines of the New Hampshire Traction Company interest were promoted by Mr. Wallace D. Lovell, and for a short time after Mr. Lovell's retirement they were presided over by Mr. Howard Abel, one of Mr. Lovell's experts.

Mr. Lovell conceived the system of railways bearing his name and it was through his efforts that the money was secured from the bankers who, after the investment of great sums in the various enterprises, took over their management and control and organized the New Hampshire Traction Company as the holding pany for their securities. Mr. Abel was selected by the bankers to organize and complete the systems, but he was not either friendly to Lovell nor was his presence welcome.


Following the early struggle of those properties the New Hampshire Traction Company was succeeded by New Hampshire Electric Railways, and Mr. David A. Belden was elected president, both of the parent company and its subsidiaries. Mr. Belden is a man of broad experience in the railway industry, in operating as well as financial matters, and to him is due the credit for the perpetuity of the greater portion of the "Lovell" system With Mr. Belden was associated Mr. Franklin Woodman, who came to the properties in 1900 as general manager. Mr. Woodman was of an untiring disposition and it was due to his natural qualifications as a railroad man that the patrons of the road were so efficiently served. Mr. Woodman retired in March, 1917. since which time Mr. Ralph D. Hood has served as vice-president and general manager. Mr. Hood was identified with early street railway construction in New Hampshire acting in the capacity of engineer for the "Lovell" interests, and with him was asociated Mr. Arthur W. Dean, resident engineer in charge of lay-out and construction between Nashua and Haverhill, Mass.

Mr. Dean later became Chief Engineer of the New Hampshire Traction Company leaving that office to become Engineer of the State of New Hampshire and still later of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury has had a more or less checkered career. It sponsored many of the railway projects and financial troubles were early encountered. At one time Mr. Warren Brown was president, and in 1898 Mr. A. E. McReel began his association with the property which continued for some four years. By legislative authority in 1919 the towns of Exeter, Hampton, Hampton Falls and Seabrook were authorized to purchase all or any part of the properties and assets and of the shares of stock of this company.

The outcome of this municipal operation will be followed with inter


The Concord and Portsmouth companies are under the management of the Boston & Maine Railroad. The superintendent at Concord is Mr. John B. Crawford, and at Portsmouth, Mr. Mr. William E. Dowdell is in charge. The Dover company is a subsidiary of New Hampshire Electric Railways, its local superintendent being Mr. L. E. Lynde, one of our active members.

The Nashua company was organized in 1885, and during its career was operated for a while under lease to the Boston & Northern. At the expiration of the lease it returned to operation by its owners and is at present under the direction of Mr. Engelhardt W. Holst, an engineer-manager.

In passing we should not fail to recall Hon. John W. Sanborn, commonly known as "Uncle John," opposed to the granting of street railway franchises presumably because of the competition they would arouse with the steam roads; neither should we overlook Henry M. Putney, former Railroad Commissioner, and from whose astute pen came so much of extraordinary interest in his editorials both officially and otherwise.


But the public mind is rapidly undergoing a change. The outcry against excessive capitalization which has so often been heard has a standing no longer. Regulatory laws which have brought utilities and communities into closer relation have been adopted by many states. To-day we are hearing more of "a reasonable return on capital honestly and prudently invested." Where excessive capitalization has existed the regulatory bodies have insisted upon a gradual writing off so that actual capital and fair present value are

coming more closely together. The public has come to recognize the growing usefulness of the services of utilities, and the utilities utilities have responded by an increased insurance against failure to function. A city or a town may get along with a poor municipal government but it cannot live without a good transportation service.

The street railway business in the United States is one of the largest enterprises. Mr. Hoover surprised the people with the statement that the electric railways directly employ 300,000 workers, and that they purchase materials and supplies amounting to $500,000,000 per year. Surely these are factors in the economic life of the nation. During this past month the thirty-fourth anniversary of the birth of the modern overhead trolley found the financial conditions of city electric lines improving but it is to be regretted that this improvement has not reached the interurban lines.

New Hampshire has taken no steps in so-called cost-of-service legislation providing for the continuance of service in sparsely populated sections. State or municipal ownership has not proved highly successful and the business is too hazardous to warrant the adoption of laws by our legislature under which assessments would be levied on those communities wherein assistance is necessary to make railway operations successful. In cases where public authorities do not consider the continuation of a transportation company as longer being necessary for the accommodation of the public then that should be abandoned. The next few years may witness such a



The total operating revenue of 180 companies in 1921, representing more than 50% of the total industry in the United States, amounted

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fording an increased purchasing power to railways, and results should be apparent in an improvement in railway credit. All industries were not hard hit at the same time and they will doubtless revive in like manner. Many lines of business are showing an improvement, our own already displaying that tendency. We should not allow ourselves to be pessimistic today and optimistic to-morrow,— we should have our steady nerve with us all the time, and that if we have a reaction we should know that it is only temporary.


By John Rollin Stuart.

"Lover tarry, here is moonlight-
Tarry Courser, here is spring;
In the land of life discover
Where the brooks forever sing.

"Know tonight the moon's affection And tomorrow love the sun.

For your breathing must not falter Over beauty Earth has spun.

"Sorrow craven, you are banished,
In my garden Laughter wins;
Furl the sail and loose the rudder,
Here no heartsore road begins."

Thus we hear a midnight whisper.
Thus our lamps are fuel-filled;
Yet, behold, each day another
Barkentine the storm has killed!

"Yon hill's red crown

By Mary Blake Benson.

Of old the Indian trod,
And through the sunset air looked down
Upon the Smile of God.

He saw these mountains in the light
Which now across them shines;
This lake, in summer sunset bright
Walled round with sombering pines."

The region of Winnipesaukee was a favorite one with the Indians, as was indeed, the whole valley of its outlet all the way to the sea. It was, naturally, the center of trails from all directions. Along its shores they held their tribal feasts and their councils of war. From the tops of the surrounding mountains flashed their signal fires and beside the shining waters of the lake, many questions of importance were raised and


From the south came the Penacooks, the Nashuas and remote tribes from the Massachusetts Bay territory. From the west and north-west through the valley of the Connecticut and along Bakers River and the Pemigewasset the Iroquois, the St. Francis and others. From the valley of the Ossipee the Saco and the Androscoggin came the Pewauketts and Ossipees, while from the east came up the


Cochecos and other tribes of Maine.

The Penacooks were the most powerful tribe and occupied the region around Concord, New Hampshire. Passaconaway was their chief. His name as written by himself was PA-PIS-SE-CON-E-WA, meaning "The Child of the Bear.' It was claimed that he was a magician and even the best authorities seem to agree that he had much skill in jugglery.

"Burned for him the drifted snow
Bade through ice fresh lillies blow
And the leaves of summer grow
Over winter's wood."

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He was both wise and cunning

and possessed a superior mental ability and an uncommon nobleness of soul. The very ability which led him to the chieftainship of the confederated tribes evidently led him to see that eventually his race must bow to that of the white men; for he sought the friendship of the English and tried to secure friendly relations between them and his people. At a great feast and dance of his tribe held in 1660, he made the following speech as he resigned his position to his son, Wonolanset.

"Hearken to the last words

of your father and friend. The white men are sons of the morning. The Great Spirit is their father. His sun shines bright above them. Never make war with them, for so sure as you light the fires, the breath of Heaven will turn the flames upon you and destroy you. Listen to my advice. It is the last I shall be al

lowed to give you. Remember it

and live."

This fine old Indian was always a friend to the white man, as was also his son who succeeded him; and although the latter was so unjustly treated by some of the grasping whites, that he withdrew from the river and lake valley and made. his home in Canada, yet he restrained his followers from acts of retaliation as long as it lay within his power.

Most of the seashore Indians went inland to the head waters of the Merrimac as the season for shad and salmon approached.

The first great assembly place was at Namaskeag Falls or Manchester, and later at the outlet of Lake Winnipesaukee. At the lower falls the fish arrived about corn planting time, but at Namaskeag nearly two weeks later, and at the lake still later when the planting

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