PENNSYLVANIA EDISON COMPANY 8 PER CENT CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK This Company serves the cities of Easton, Stroudsburg, and Nazareth, Pennsylvania, and some fourteen other communities with electricity, gas and steam heating. Estimated population served in excess of 100,000. Net earnings in excess of three times dividend requirements. NORTON & COMPANY BANKERS AND BROKERS 18 Hanover St. Tel. 4300. Manchester, N. H. Private wire Service to New York, Boston and all other exchanges Life and Accident Insurance United in One Policy HIS substantial New Hampshire institution, officered and directed T by New Hampshire men, operating under the direct supervision of the New Hampshire Insurance Department, subject to the rigid requirements of the New Hampshire insurance law, furnishes a combination of life and accident insurance in one policy which cannot be duplicated by any other company doing business in this state. Why should New Hampshire people look elsewhere? What we do for one premium and in one policy: $5,000.00, death from any cause. $10,000.00, death from any accident. $15,000.00, death from certain specified accidents. $50.00 per week for total disability resulting from accident. Every dollar of the policyholder's interest as represented by the reserves calculated by the Insurance Department, on deposit with the State of New Hampshire. A Splendid Opportunity for Successful Agents UNITED LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSUANCE COMPANY VOL. LIV. JULY, 1922 THE DANIEL WEBSTER HIGHWAY In the city of Nashua, on the boundary line between New Hampshire and Massachusetts, there were dedicated with appropriate ceremonies, on Tuesday, May 16, 1922, two granite monuments, bearing bronze tablets which tell the world that there begins the Daniel Webster Highway. Notable addresses were delivered by Judge Charles R. Corning of Concord, the orator of the day, Governor Albert O. Brown, representing the State of New Hampshire, and State Highway Commissioner John N. Cole of Massachusetts, representing that state in the regretted absence of Governor Channing H. Cox, New Hampshire native. Former State Senator William F. Sullivan of Nashua acted as master of ceremonies for the occasion, plans for which were made by Hon. George L. Sadler of the Executive Council, with the assistance of the Nashua Rotary Club. Mayor Henri A. Burque gave an address of welcome and Nashua people generally manifested their interest in the event by participating in an imposing automobile parade. The address of Governor Brown was as follows: "Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: As with appropriate exercises we dedicate the monuments the state has set up to mark the beginning, mark the beginning, within New Hampshire, of the great highway to which, by legislative enactment, she has assigned the name of her foremost son, it may be well briefly to recall the events which have led up to this celebration. "The New Hampshire Bar association at its annual meeting in 1920 passed a resolution presented by the No. 7. Honorable Edgar Aldrich which requested its president to appoint a committee of 15 to make known the fact that it was the sense of the association that as a tribute to a son of New Hampshire-and to the most famous expounder of the Federal Constitution-one of the main boulevards from the Massachusetts line to the northern boundary of the state, or as far northerly as might be deemed. most appropriate, should be statutorially designated and properly marked as the Daniel Webster Highway. "In pursuance of this resolution a committee was created, with Judge Aldrich at its head. A letter from the committee to the governor was transmitted to the Legislature for consideration. Thereupon a statute was enacted which provides that the great New Hampshire highway beginning at the Massachusetts boundary and running northerly through many cities and towns to Colebrook be given the name of Daniel Webster Highway. |