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MARTIN, EDWARD S. (1856)-Windfalls of Observa

tion. MAURICE, FREDERICK DENISON (1805-1872)-Theological Essays.

MILTON, JOHN (1608-1674)— Areopagitica.


NADAL, EHRMAN S. (1843)-Essays at Home and Elsewhere-Notes of a Professional Exile.

PATER, WALTER (1839-1894) -Marius the Epicurean-Plato and Platonism. PETRARCH,

FRANCESCO (1304-1374)-Of Contempt of the World-Of the Solitary Life.

REPPLIER, AGNES (1855- ) -Essays.

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BIRD, ISABELLA (MRS. BISHOP) (1832-1904) Unbeaten Tracks in Japan-Among the Tibetans-Korea and Her Neighbors.

BLASHFIELD, E. H. and E. W. (1848- )-Italian Cities. BORROW, GEORGE (1803-1881) -The Bible in Spain-Lavengro-Romany Rye. BROWNELL, WILLIAM C. (1851- )-French Traits. BURTON, SIR RICHARD F. (1821-1890)-A Pilgrimage to Al-Medinah and Mecca. CLEMENS, SAMUEL LANGHORN (Mark Twain) (18351910) The Innocents Abroad -Roughing It-Life on the Mississippi Following the

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(1818-1882)-Two Years
fore the Mast.


DARWIN, CHARLES (18091882)-A Naturalist's Voyage. DELLENBAUGH, F. S. (1853

)-The Romance of the Colorado River.

DE STAEL, MADAME (17661817)-Corinne.

DODD, ANNA BOWMAN (185-Cathedral Days-Three Normandy Inns.

DU CHAILLU, PAUL (1835)-A Journey to Ashango Land-The Land of the Midnight Sun.

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KINGLAKE, ALEXANDER W. (1809-1891)-Eothen, or Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East.

LA FARGE, JOHN (1835-1910)
-An Artist's Letters from

SIR (1817-1894)-Nineveh and
Its Remains.

LIVINGSTONE, DAVID (18131873)-Missionary Travels in South Africa-Last Journals. LONGFELLOW, HENRY

WADSWORTH (1807-1882)Outre Mer.



MARCO POLO (1254-1324)Voyages and Discoveries. MONTAIGNE, MICHEL EYQUEM DE (1533-1592)Travels.

MUIR, JOHN (1836- )-My First Summer in the Sierras. NANSEN, FRIDTJOF (1861)-Farthest North.

NORMAN, HENRY (1858- > -The Real Japan.




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HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER VON (1769-1859)-Cosmos. HUXLEY, THOMAS H. (18251895)-Man's Place in Nature On the Origin of Species. INGERSOLL, ERNEST (1852

)-Friends Worth Knowing-Country Cousins-The Book of the Ocean-The Life of Animals. JEFFRIES, RICHARD (18481887)-The Gamekeeper at Home. KIPLING, RUDYARD (1865)-The Jungle Books. KNOX, GEORGE WILLIAM (1853- )-The Spirit of the Orient-Japanese Life in Town and Country.

KOTZEBUE, A. F. VON (17611819)-Misanthropy and Repentance-The Spaniards in

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NOTT, ELIPHALET (1773-1866) -Counsels to Young Men. PLINY, THE ELDER (23-70 A.D.)-Natural History. QUINTILIAN, MARCUS (35-95 A.D.)-Institutes of Oratory. RABELAIS, FRANÇOIS (14901553)-Gargantua-Pantagruel. RIIS, JACOB A. (1849- )How the Other Half Lives. SHALER, NATHANIEL S. (1841-1908)-Aspects of Earth. -Nature and Man.

SETON, ERNEST THOMPSON (1860)-Life-Histories of Northern Animals-Lives of the Hunted-Wild Animals I Have Known-The Trail of the Sandhill Stag.

SWIFT, JONATHAN (16671745)-Tale of a Tub-Battle of the Books.

TYNDALL, JOHN (1820-1893)— Heat as a Mode of MotionThe Forms of Water.

VAN DYKE, HENRY (1852)-Fisherman's Luck

Little Rivers, etc.

WALTON, IZAAK (1593-1683)Compleat Angler.

WHITE, GILBERT (1720-1793) -Selborne.

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