own mind. She recollected that she should have it in her power to display such a wardrobe as had never before blazed on the astonished inhabitants of Caernarvonshire: that Powerscourt was now converted into a perfect paradise, and she should reign the unrivalled Armida of the enchanting region, every part of which would announce her directing taste. Prudence stepped in also to the aid of Patience, and whispered that though she had been defeated in a conflict for fuperiority, yet, if she carefully kept her own fecret, fir William would never betray her, and she had only to say that she was tired of London, which was in reality nearer the truth than she imagined. Perhaps a degree of remaining pique might suggest the resolution that, as she now perfectly understood her husband's temper, it was only studying the art of tormenting instead of of the art of cajoling on any future occafion; and then, though she might not be able to triumph, she would at least make good her retreat. These placable ideas so happily prevailed, that when they stopped at St. Albans for refreshment, her ladyship on alighting offered her hand to the baronet with the best grace in the world, and anticipated his inquiries how the had borne her journey, by declaring that he was quite right in fuppofing the country air would do her good, for that she already found herself much better. Sir William was equally delighted with the change, and puzzled to guess at the means by which it had been effected. Somebody or fomething was very much to blame; but for his life he could hardly tell where the fault lay, whether in the contagious atmosphere of London, in his lady's caprice, or his own fufpicions. However, he now found himself invested with plenitude of power; and, like a prudent monarch, he began to consider in what way he should exert it; but his generous heart had been fo foftened by his lady's concessions, that he positively refolved upon no further exercife of his prerogative, than that lady Powerscourt should pay her formal visits by herself in future, and that he would never more wear his white and filver. Peace and unanimity prevailed during the remainder of the journey. It was night when they entered the old manfion, and the examination of its beauties was deferred till the next morning; but the tranquillity of the good baronet was then put to a severe trial. The faloon was certainly fitted up in the most elegant manner; but the housekeeper re--moved every idea of comfort by her information that the chimney smoked fo violently,, violently, that it was absolutely impoffible to have a fire; and, consequently, that it must be useless nine months in the year. The aspect of the dining apartment was equally dreary; the prospect indeed was enchanting, but the sashes started about an inch from the frames; and the warped doors were unfavourable either to a graceful exit or entrance, as it was only by means of kicking and pushing that any one could either advance or retreat; and as the chimney, the windows, and the doors, were all constructed uniformly, any alteration was dangerous, perhaps impracticable. The ready invention of lady Powerscourt discovered, that, as these could only be proper for fummer apartments, fome, little foug parlour could be fitted up for general refidence; and they proceeded to the library.. This was lofty and extensive; but Mr. Outline's tafte taste for decoration seemed to have annihilated its primary intention, for the multitude of busts, models, and statues, left no space for books. Sir William continued his moralising tour through the rest of the state apartments, which might be truly said "to keep the promise to the eye, and break it to the fenfe," and concluded his journey in the great hall, where, as he fought in vain for the long oaken tables and formswhich used to administer to the regalement of his tenants at Christmas and other seasons of periodical festivity, her ladyship reminded him, how charmingly it was now appropriated to the purpose of a ball-room or a theatre. She directed his attention to a light gallery at the upper end, designed for an orchestra,. and beautifully decorated; but this elegant embellishment was not in a state to bear inspection, it having broken down |