The Hart Schaffner & Marx Being a Compilation and Codification of the Agreements By J. E. Williams Chairman of Board of Arbitration Sidney Hillman President Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, Earl Dean Howard Director of Labor for Hart Schaffner & Marx CHICAGO ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION OF THE HART SCHAFFNER & MARX BOARD OF ARBITRATION J. E. WILLIAMS, Chairman TRADE BOARD JAMES MULLENBACH, Chairman FOR THE AMALGAMATED CLOTHING WORKERS OF AMERICA CONTENTS II. Preamble to the Agreement by Mr. J. E. Williams, Page 1 VIII. Statement of Mr. Sidney Hillman, April 26, 1916. Page 42 The Hart Schaffner & Marx Labor Agreement Preamble By MR. J. E. WILLIAMS, The parties whose names are signed hereto purpose entering into an agreement for collective bargaining with the intention of agreeing on wage and working conditions and to provide a method for adjusting any differences that may arise during the term of this contract. In order that those who have to interpret this instrument may have some guide as to the intentions and expectations of the parties when entering into this compact, they herewith make record of their spirit and purpose, their hope and expectations, so far as they are now able to forecast or state them. On the part of the employer it is the intention and expectation that this compact of peace will result in the establishment and maintenance of a high order of discipline and efficiency by the willing co-operation of union and workers rather than by the old method of surveillance and coercion; that by the exercise of this discipline all stoppages and interruptions of work, and all wilful violations of rules will cease; that good standards of workmanship and conduct will be maintained and a proper quantity, quality and cost of production will be assured; and that out of its operation will issue such co-operation and good will between employers, foremen, union and workers as will prevent misunderstanding and friction and make for good team work, good business, mutual advantage and mutual respect. On the part of the union it is the intention and expectation that this compact will, with the co-operation of the employer, operate in such a way as to maintain, strengthen, and solidify its organization, so that it may be made strong enough, and efficient enough, to |