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N heroic poem, truly fuch,' (fays a writer celebrated for his excellence in criticism, as for his fuperiority in numbers) is the greatest work the art of man can perform.' The Epic Muse comprehends every other species of poetry; fhe roams through the universe for matter, and lays open every paffion in colors the most expreffive for amusement and morality, These pictures are arrayed in a dress the beft adapted to the feveral representations. The whole contains an excellent affemblage:


the sadness of Elegiac tenderness leads us to the regions of pity and defpair: Paftoraj mildnefs, drawn from the fountain of na ture, fteals us into the vale of virtud fimplicity the Didactic Mufe winds up an epifode with leffons of inftruction its 9C4GA! ain to and wis camsb

That the Sublime and Terrific are fe quired in other parts, may be concluded from the title of the work. A diftinguiffed character is the poet's object. Pomp Pomp of numbers, and majefty of description, are the conftituents of the piece, though inferior aids are almoft equally effential to its reputation.

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*An epic poem is variety; and, as the most enchanting to a reader, is the most difficult to an author. Smaller exertions are fufficient to a fingle fubject: the whole genius is employed on epic. It is not enough, that one branch be exalted to perfection; where this terminates, another is introduced, totally diftinct from the former,


He who poffeffes a turn for elegy may exp not be equal to fublimity he has not, therefore, talents for the talk of epic. Led into a track foreign from his difpofition, he a neceffarily fteps with that fcrupulous hefitation, which enervates the ftrength, and damps the fire, of his performance; or, if he trod boldly, (for incapacity is too generally prefumption) his ftrength would be intemperate rage, and his fire nothing but bombaft.


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Had HOMER, the fountain of fublimity, been deficient in fofter fentiments, he had not received the applauses which tafte has fo liberally beftowed. The horrors of a tempeft, or the tumult of arms, might for their feafon have riveted our attention; but this attention muft as indifpenfibly have been maintained in lefs animated defcriptions.

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We obferve with admiration the frenzy of anguifh in ACHILLES on the lofs of BRISEIS; and are more particularly ftruck with the tender reflections of ANDROMACHE


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taking leave of her HECTOR, who was never to return. The magic of thefe ftrains overpowers the cenfure of a Zor


Had VIRGIL'S genius been only suited to paftoral sweetness, or the didactic philofophy of numbers, (the products of his earlier years) he had never been immortalifed by his Æneid. The affecting epifode exhibited in the fourth book, and the defcriptive Relaxation of the Games in the fifth, had charmed as separate compofitions; but, as portions of an epic poem, had fhone with a 'fainter lustre, if the poet had halted in the manly episode of MEZENTIUS,

The motto adapted to the daring fpirits, who would tread these exalted paths, is Trace the beauties of your predeceffors. Our MILTON was an excellent copyift, and a formidable rival.

It is propofed, in the enfuing effays, to confider VIRGIL in his pathetic character, by a view of his fictitious Hiftory of DIDO


and his descriptive talents in the Reprefentation of the Games. Remarks will be occafionally intermixed, as a facrifice to his excellence in the more active and majestic


From the days, when the Roman was clothed in the weeds of Burlesque, by the buffoonery of COTTON, it has been efteemed La crime to treat the epifode of DIDO with ferious criticifm. We must not however confign the favorite of AUGUSTUS to the venom of Malevolence, or the firen of Ridicule. The circumstances of the piece may be fafely looked upon as fictions; but they are the fictions of a writer, who merits admiration. The gratitude, or ingratitude of the hero, may (as far as relates to his own character) be paffed unnoticed; but the confiftency of the poet, as it has been queftioned by his opponents, fhould be juftified by his venerators.

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of On this account the whole epifode is difcuffed; and the contrast between the conduct of the Trojan and the queen exhibited


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