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Benefits for the Family of John Palmer, at Liverpool and
in London - The Stranger Acted by Kemble Safely
Throughout - The Melancholy Leave Which Palmer, in
the Summer, Took of the Author-" Cambro-Britons "
Jackson of Exeter-The Author's Second Ghost an
Absolute Apotheosis-Powell from Norwich
་་ Сар-
tive of Spilsberg"- Mrs. Siddons Absent, from Family
Calamity-"Aurelio and Miranda" - Fine Acting of
- An Antiquary - His
Annoyances Displayed - The "Secret," by Morris
Rosa Acted by Mrs. Jordan - Admirable Epilogue
Spoken Twice by Mrs. Jordan -
"Banquet Gallery "
Begs the Author's
Opinion of the "East Indian" - An Interview upon
the Subject-Her Son, the Present Colonel George
Fitzclarence-His "Travels from India" Commended
- The "Birthday"- Kotzebue and Sterne
The Summer Theatre Antiquary Assails the "Red Cross
Knights"-Falls Foul of Poor O'Keefe's "Peeping
Tom"- His Anachronisms - Colman Not to Be Moved
by the Twaddler-The Winter Season of Drury Could
Not Begin with “Pizarro”— Kotzebue's Monopoly of
"Seduction" Gluts the Market-A Fable of This Kind
Dished Up by Mrs. Inchbald, and Called the "Wise
Man of the East" - Fable of the "East Indian," by
Lewis- Miss Biggs Assumes Mrs. Jordan's Character,
Zorayda - Mrs. Jordan's Confinement in December, at
Bushy-How Managers Suffer by These Natural Im-
pediments - Kemble without Heroines, Resorts to Mono-
drames - The Antiquary Admires His Richard, but Has
a Long List of Errors in the Getting Up of the Play-
France and Banting - King Henry Not Uncovered —
The Missal to Throw after the Mayor and Aldermen
-No Armour in the Play, but in the Mouths of the
Actors My Friend Elliston, the Real Patron of True
Armour His Three Splendid Suits - The Civic Festi-
-Gog and Magog - Kean -A Basso-relievo of
Richard Dying Pointed Out to Him-Mrs. Jordan's
Return to Drury
. 28
Season of 1800-01 Kemble Opened with His Hamlet -
Probable Result of His Purchasing — The "Indian
Doctor Houlton's Prologue-Innocent Operas — Vaux-
hall Hooke-The Plowdens —"Virginia," An Opera-
Kemble Ready to Withdraw It-"Bold Stroke for a
Wife," the Stop-gap- "Antonio," Another Sacrifice
The Procession of Tragedies - Mrs. Siddons - Shake-
speare Revivals - Hopes of the Renters - Want of
Colours and Canvas in the Painting-room- Aversion
to Modern Plays - Even Colman Not Engaged to
Write Comedy Apparent Jealousy Mrs. Jordan,
Even Cumberland Short of Her Powers-The Modern
Writers Ignorant of Female Character-Cumberland
and Burgoyne-The Latter Would Have Written for
Jordan - Jealousy of Kemble-Cooke invited to Co-
vent Garden-Sketch of That Strange Being - Made
a Rival to Kemble in Richard-Permitted a Year's
Kemble and Cooke as Macbeth-Cooke's
True Power-His Dislike of Kemble-The Country
Girl Returns to the Stage in March.
Decided Hostilities of 1801-02- Kemble Now Challenges
Comparison No Coals from Newcastle Lewis's
Apology-The Faculty Bulletins-Cooke's Marriage
Annulled-Next Month He Really Arrives, and Tri-
umphs- Prevalence of Drunkenness - Mrs. Billington
Sings for Both Houses - Siddons, Henry, and His "In-
tegrity"- As an Actor- Marries Miss Murray — Isa-
bella's Own Son-Mrs. Billington's Accident - Quick,
the Cunning Isaac, at Drury-Difficult Music - Nasó-
lini - Kemble's Zanga, and Fifth Henry-Reynolds at
the Other House - Nothing Written for Mrs. Jordan
-Poaching at Strawberry Hill - The "Fashionable
Friends " Seduction and Sentiment - Lady Selina,
Miss Decamp - Sketch of That Character-Cobbett
would Not Illuminate on the Peace-Applies for a
Guard-Answer of the Minister- M. Otto's House
and Mr. Bull's Mistake - Concord Declared an Insult
by Acclamation- M. Otto Found the Schoolmaster Not
Abroad Amity versus Concord, Adopted - Mrs. Jor-
dan in Lady Teazle- Mrs. Jordan at Richmond and
Margate Season 1802-03 - Mrs. Jordan's Painter,
ity Never Pleasing - Midas and the Immortals Really
Ascending-Foote's Hamlet- Pope-Sir Richard Ford
Issues His Warrant for Colonel Despard - C. Kemble's
Foil-Mr. Turner - Angelo's Opinion of Him as a
Fencer - Holcroft's "Hear both Sides" Heard, but
Not Liked-A Preface; Every One Will Not Sell for
a Guinea — “ John Bull,” Written by Colman for Covent
Garden - Curious Challenge of the Little Manager-
The "Marriage Promise," by Allingham - Mrs. Jordan's
Emma Harvey-The Author Curtails "Falstaff's Wed-
ding," for R. Palmer - Hamlet the Dane, His Excesses
- Death of James Aickin, Misses Kemble in the Field
-And the Author Colman Opens on the 15th of
May - Charles Mathews at Home- Old Wiggins —
Mrs. Litchfield Reëstablishes the Dane again - Joins
with Mrs. Jordan in a Kindness to Poor Lee Lewes
The Violante Nervous- - Mrs. Litchfield's Attention
to Her Astley's Theatre Burnt-Death of Tate Wil-
kinson - Death of Jos. Richardson, a Proprietor of
Drury-Richardson's Funeral-Mrs. Jordan Estab-
lishes Her First Family in Golden Square
. 107
The "Cara-
The Reservoirs of Some Use at Drury Lane -
van" and the Dog Carlo-Story of the Piece-Sheri-
dan and His Preserver" Cinderella" and her Slipper,
with Venus and the Graces - Cherry's "Soldier's Daugh-
Mrs. Jordan in the Widow Cheerly - Her
Epilogue, a Female Army-The "Sailor's Daughter,"
by Cumberland Mrs. Jordan's Benefit- The "Middle
Dish"- Bannister Returns to the Haymarket - Fawcett
Makes a Ballet from the Action of Shakespeare's "Tem-
pest "The "Gay Deceivers "-Elliston and His Ad-
dress- Master Betty at Edinburgh — Home and His
"Douglas"-A Really Great Genius of the North
Descending to Works below Him— Rewriting All Our
- Substitutes Standard Works to Be Care-
fully Reprinted - The Followers of Didot - His Appli-
cation at Seventy-three- Elliston at the Opera House
- Mrs. Jordan Herself Opens the Season of 1804-05
in Widow Cheerly Mathews and Elliston Now at
Drury - Miss Duncan's First Night - Phantom Lathom
and His "Dash"-A Fête Royal at Weymouth -
Elliston and Miss Decamp- The Royal Game, and the
Michaelmas Goose on a Birthday - Another Farce for
Mrs. Jordan, Called “ Matrimony”.
. 136
The Young Roscius Acts Norval to Great Houses - The
Nightly Average-The Receipts of His Twenty-eight
Nights at Drury-Talk of Erecting Statues - Opie and
Northcote Paint Whole-lengths-Duke of Clarence
Accepts the Dedication of Northcote's Picture — Medi-
cal Men Usually Wild about the Stage-The Profes-
sional Policy-One Physician Supremely Ridiculous—
Betty Taken to the “ Adelphi ”— A Westminster Dormi-
tory - Introduced to the Archbishop of York - Probable
Advice from Markham-Old Actors Affect to Admire
the Boy, Because They Hated Kemble-Mrs. Litchfield
Strikes a Blow for Her Own Benefit - How It Benefited
Others - Kemble Appears in "Othello"- The Town
Begins to Awake "Richard the Third" Acted by the
Little Duke of York-The Boy for the First Time
Hissed Siddons, after Long Absence, Returns-
Kemble Now Presumes to Act "Macbeth"- Miss Mudie
-The Fund Applies to Betty to Act a Night for His
Poor Brethren-Aid Refused-A Peep at Coventry in
Passion Week-Hough, the Prompter, versus Betty-