Fort Sumter Memorial: The Fall of Fort Sumter, a Contemporary Sketch from Heroes and MartyrsFrank Moore E. C. Hill, 1915 - 49 psl. |
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18 psl.
... Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Captain , which he subsequently relinquished on being promoted to a captaincy in his own regiment , the Third Artillery . In March , 1847 , he was with his Regiment in the Army of General ...
... Assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Captain , which he subsequently relinquished on being promoted to a captaincy in his own regiment , the Third Artillery . In March , 1847 , he was with his Regiment in the Army of General ...
36 psl.
... Assistant Adjutant - General . In the midst of the preparations for this celebration came the news of the capture of Richmond and Petersburg , the surrender of Lee and the death of the Rebellion . Mighty was the enthusiasm created by ...
... Assistant Adjutant - General . In the midst of the preparations for this celebration came the news of the capture of Richmond and Petersburg , the surrender of Lee and the death of the Rebellion . Mighty was the enthusiasm created by ...
37 psl.
... Assistant Adjutant - General , United States Army . Then came the supreme event of the day , the " raising and planting upon the ruins of Fort Sumter of the same United States flag which floated over the battlements of that fort during ...
... Assistant Adjutant - General , United States Army . Then came the supreme event of the day , the " raising and planting upon the ruins of Fort Sumter of the same United States flag which floated over the battlements of that fort during ...
50 psl.
... Assistant Adjutant General with the brevet of Captain on General Scott's Staff from 1838-41 , while removing General Wool's Indians to the West ; in the border difficulties was Assistant Adjutant General of the Eastern Department ...
... Assistant Adjutant General with the brevet of Captain on General Scott's Staff from 1838-41 , while removing General Wool's Indians to the West ; in the border difficulties was Assistant Adjutant General of the Eastern Department ...
60 psl.
... assist in mobilizing the Virginia Militia as Adjutant General with the nominal rank of Colonel . He remained for a short time with Governor Nelson after the surrender of Cornwallis , was promoted to be Lieutenant Colonel of the Third ...
... assist in mobilizing the Virginia Militia as Adjutant General with the nominal rank of Colonel . He remained for a short time with Governor Nelson after the surrender of Cornwallis , was promoted to be Lieutenant Colonel of the Third ...
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Pagrindiniai terminai ir frazės
Abraham Lincoln Applause April Assistant Adjutant banner Battle of Molino battlements Beauregard Black Hawk Black Hawk War blessings brave Brevet brevetted Major Captain Charleston Harbor December defense derson DUNCAN LAMONT CLINCH duty E. D. Townsend Eighth Virginia embrasure father fire FLAG UPON SUMTER flag which floated fleet Fort Moultrie forts four garrison glorious Governor Pickens guns halyards Henry Ward Beecher honor hour humbled Indians Kentucky Lieutenant Third Artillery Major Robert Anderson mand March Military Academy Molino del Rey morning Moultrie and Morris October 27 officers old flag ordain peace plause prayer prisoner promoted R. S. Storrs raise and plant rebel assault Rebellion REPLACING THE FLAG RICHARD CLOUGH ANDERSON Robert Anderson Sarah Marshall Secretary seventy shapeless fortress shell shot smoke soldiers South Carolina starry stars Sullivan's Island SUMTER MEMORIAL terms of evacuation treason Trenton troops United States Army United States flag Washington Wigfall York
Populiarios ištraukos
46 psl. - With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive to finish the work we are in...
42 psl. - We offer to the President of these United States our solemn congratulations that God has sustained his life and health under the unparalleled burdens and sufferings of four bloody years, and permitted him to behold this auspicious consummation of that national unity for which he has waited with so much patience and fortitude, and for which he has labored with such disinterested wisdom.
42 psl. - Hail to the flag of our fathers, and our flag! Glory to the banner that has gone through four years black with tempests of war, to pilot the nation back to peace without dismemberment ! And glory be to God, who, above all hosts and banners, hath ordained victory, and shall ordain peace.
36 psl. - States flag which floated over the battlements of that fort during the rebel assault, and which was lowered and saluted by him and the small force of his command when the works were evacuated on the 14th day of April, 1801. Second. That the flag, when raised, be saluted by one hundred guns from Fort Sumter. and by a national salute from every fort and rebel battery that fired upon Fort Sumter.
26 psl. - The terms of evacuation were that the garrison should take all its individual and company property ; that they should march out with their side and other arms with all the honors, in their own way, and at their own time ; that they should salute their flag and take it with them.
51 psl. - In the verbal instructions communicated to you by Major Buell, you are directed to hold possession of the forts in the harbor of Charleston and, if attacked, to defend yourself to the last extremity. Under these instructions you might infer that you are required to make a vain and useless sacrifice of your own life and the lives of the men under your command upon a mere point of honor. This is far from the President's intentions. You are to exercise a sound military discretion on this subject.
41 psl. - The heavens over you are the same; the same shores; morning comes, and evening, as they did. All else, how changed ! What grim batteries crowd the burdened shores ! What scenes have filled this air and disturbed these waters ! These shattered heaps of shapeless stone are all that is left of Fort Sumter. Desolation broods in yonder sad city solemn retribution hath avenged our dishonored banner ! You have come back with honor, who departed hence, four years ago, leaving the air sultry with fanaticism....
34 psl. - humbled the flag of the United States ; and as long as I have the honor to preside as your chief magistrate, so help me God! there is no power on this earth shall ever lower from the fortress those flags, unless they be lowered and trailed in a sea of blood.
51 psl. - It is neither expected nor desired that you should expose your own life or that of your men in a hopeless conflict in defense of these forts. If they are invested or attacked by a force so superior that resistance would, in your judgment, be a useless waste of life, it will be your duty to yield to necessity and make the best terms in your power.
35 psl. - Anderson will raise and plant upon the ruins of Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbor, the same United States flag which floated over the battlements of that fort during the rebel assault, and which was lowered and saluted by him, and the small force of his command, when the works were evacuated on the 14th of April, 1861.