What kind of man he is. 2 Gent. I honour him Even out of your report. But, 'pray you, tell me, Is she sole child to the king? 1 Gent. His only child. He had two sons, (if this be worth your hearing, Mark it,) the eldest of them at three years old, I' the swathing clothes the other, from their nursery Were stolen; and to this hour, no guess in know ledge Which way they went. : 2 Gent. How long is this ago? 1 Gent. Some twenty years. 2 Gent. That a king's children should be so con vey'd! So slackly guarded! And the search so slow, That could not trace them! 1 Gent. Howsoe'er 'tis strange, Or that the negligence may well be laugh'd at, Yet is it true, sir. 2 Gent. I do well believe you. 1 Gent. We must forbear: Here comes the queen, and princess. [Exeunt. SCENE II. The same. Enter the Queen, Posthumus, and IMOGEN. Queen. No, be assur'd, you shall not find me, daughter, After the slander of most step-mothers, Evil-ey'd unto you: you are my prisoner, but Your gaoler shall deliver you the keys That lock up your restraint. For you, Posthumus, So soon as I can win the offended king, I will be known your advocate: marry, yet Your wisdom may inform you. Post. I will from hence to-day. Please your highness, You know the peril: I'll fetch a turn about the garden, pitying Hath charg'd you should not speak together. Imo. [Exit Queen. 0 Dissembling courtesy! How fine this tyrant That I may see again. Post. My queen! my mistress! O, lady, weep no more; lest I give cause Than doth become a man! I will remain The loyal'st husband that did e'er plight troth. Known but by letter: thither write, my queen, Though ink be made of gall. Queen. Re-enter Queen. Be brief, I pray you: (Always reserv'd my holy duty,)] I say I do not fear my fa. ther, so far as I may say it without breach of duty. If the king come, I shall incur I know not To walk this way: I never do him wrong, Pays dear for my offences. [Aside. [Exit. Should we be taking leave As long a term as yet we have to live, The loathness to depart would grow: Adieu! Imo. Nay, stay a little: Were you but riding forth to air yourself, Such parting were too petty. Look here, love; But keep it till you woo another wife, When Imogen is dead... Post. How! how! another? You gentle gods, give me but this I have, 8 With bonds of death!-Remain thou here [Putting on the Ring. While sense can keep it on? And sweetest, fairest, As I my poor self did exchange for you, To your so infinite loss; so, in our trifles I still win of you: For my sake, wear this; It is a manacle of love; I'll place it Upon this fairest prisoner. Imo. [Putting a Bracelet on her Arm. When shall we see again? • And sear up-] i. e. close up. O, the gods! : • While sense can keep it on!] i. e. while sense can maintain its operations; while sense continues to have its usual power. To keep on signifies to continue in a state of action. 1 a manacle-] A manacle properly means what we now call a hand-cuff. Post. Alack, the king! Enter CYMBELINE and Lords. Cym. Thou basest thing, avoid! hence, from my sight! If, after this command, thou fraught the court With thy unworthiness, thou diest: Away! Thou art poison to my blood. Post. The gods protect you! And bless the good remainders of the court! I am gone. [Exit. There cannot be a pinch in death More sharp than this is. Cym. O disloyal thing, That should'st repair my youth; thou heapest A year's age on me! I beseech you, sir, Subdues all pangs, all fears.2 Сут. Past grace? obedience? Imo. Past hope, and in despair; that way, past grace. Cym. That might'st have had the sole son of my queen! Imo. O bless'd, that I might not! I chose an eagle, And did avoid a puttock.3 Cym. Thou took'st a beggar; would'st have made my throne A seat for baseness. A lustre to it. No; I rather added Subdues all pangs, all fears.] i. e. a more exquisite feeling; a superior sensation. 3 - a puttock.] A puttock is a mean degenerate species of hawk, too worthless to deserve training. Сут. Imo. O thou vile one! Sir, It is your fault that I have lov'd Posthumus: A man, worth any woman; overbuys me Almost the sum he pays.* Сут. What!-art thou mad! Imo. Almost, sir: Heaven restore me! -'Would I were A neat-herd's daughter! and my Leonatus Our neighbour shepherd's son! Re-enter Queen. Сут. Thou foolish thing! They were again together: you have done [To the Queen. Not after our command. Away with her, And pen her up. 'Beseech your patience:-Peace, Dear lady daughter, peace; -Sweet sovereign, Leave us to ourselves; and make yourself some comfort Out of your best advice.5 Сут. Nay, let her languish A drop of blood a day; and, being aged, Die of this folly! Queen. Enter PISANIO. [Exit. Fye!-you must give way: Here is your servant.-How now, sir? What news? Almost the sum he pays.] So small is my value, and so great is his, that in the purchase he has made (for which he paid himself,) for much the greater part, and nearly the whole, of what he has given, he has nothing in return. The most minute portion of his worth would be too high a price for the wife he has acquired. your best advice.] i. e, consideration, reflection. |