Puslapio vaizdai

subject to say with certainty that calculation will never enter much into the science of weather prevision.'

There are very few who are more capable than Mr. Abercromby of forming an opinion on this point, and we do not know that those few would differ from him. It is certain that, at the present time, no possible method of calculating weather in advance has appeared. But, considering what we have learned during the past thirty years, we find it difficult to pledge ourselves to a belief that results still more important are not waiting for the arrival of the man and the hour. Never' is a word which, on second thoughts, Mr. Abercromby may probably wish to modify.

No. CCCLXXIII. will be published in July.




Abercromby, Hon. R., his books on the weather reviewed, 514.
Armada, Defeat of the, review of State papers concerning, 59-not
defeated by bad weather, 62-origin of quarrel political, not reli-
gious, 64-estimates for, 65-Drake's attack upon, 65-battles off
the Lizard, Portland, and Isle of Wight, 66-Spaniards attacked by
Howard off Calais, 66-fight off Gravelines, 67-flight of Medina-
Sidonia, 68-Spaniards massacred in Ireland, 68-condition of
English navy, 70-Elizabeth's alleged parsimony, 72-sickness on
British ships, 75-strategy of English admirals, 78-valiant gentle-
men on board the Armada, 80.


Batten, J., his book on Somerset reviewed, 346.

Barrett, C. R. B., his book on Somerset reviewed, 346.

Bishop, Mrs. M. C., her Memoir of Mrs. Craven reviewed, 315.
Bourinot, J. G., his book on Canada reviewed, 253.
Brooke, S. A., his book on Tennyson reviewed, 485.


Cabinet, History of the, review of Mr. Torrens's book upon, 116-
Walpole and Pitt, 118-cabinet council of Charles I., 121-Cabal
of Charles II., 123-William III.'s Whig ministry, 123-prime
ministers, 124-first lord of the treasury, 127-the primate in the
cabinet, 129-chief justice of England in the cabinet, 130-former
exclusion of members of House of Commons from cabinets, 131—
Duke of Newcastle as prime minister, 134-impeachment of ministers,
136-party government, 137.

Canada, Progress of, review of books concerning, 253-early English
and French colonies, 255-capture of French possessions by the
English, 256-French and English provinces kept distinct, 257-
agitation for representative government, 258-attempt at rebellion,
259-condition at time of accession of Queen Victoria, 260-
seignorial tenure of land, 261-public works and education, 262-
antagonism, 263-sentiment in favour of British connexion,
264-union of the Canadas, 265-confederation of provinces, 266
-Riel's rebellion, 267-population of the Dominion, 268-intellec-


tual activity, 270-local self-government, 272-constitution, 274—
French Canadian sentiment with regard to the Union, 279-
Imperial federation, 282.

Casaubon, M., his 'True Relation of Dr. Dee's Actions with Spirits
reviewed, 82.

Church, S. H., his book on Oliver Cromwell reviewed, 140.

Commonwealth and Protectorate, review of books concerning, 140—
influence of Cromwell, 141-attack on House of Lords, 143-council
of State, 143-attitude of Fairfax, 144-opposition to military rule,
146-trial of Lilburne, 147-gagging the press, 148-financial
difficulties, 149-Cromwell's capture of Drogheda, 150-treaty of
Heligoland between Charles and the Scotch, 152-Cromwell's victory
at Dunbar, 153-Charles defeated at Worcester, 154-Blake's ope-
rations against Rupert and Portugal, 156-dissolution of Parliament
refused, 158-Ludlow's memoirs, 159-Cromwell's drive in Hyde
Park, 161-Ludlow's campaigns in Ireland, 163-Cromwell's alleged
ambition, 165-Ludlow's scheme for a republic, 168-Ludlow in
exile, 170.
Counterfeit Revolution, review of political speeches, 227-new con-
stitution promised, 228-Lord Rosebery's attack on House of Lords,
229-attitude of the Peers towards public opinion, 230-encroach-
ment of the Government upon liberties of the Commons, 231-Lord
Rosebery on a second chamber, 233-Mr. Asquith on a single-
chamber Parliament, 235--constitution to be revised by resolution
of the Commons, 237-division of power in parliamentary govern-
ment, 239-the Long Parliament, 241-the Commons to be ruled
by the Leeds Conference, 243-functions of a second chamber,
244-Mr. Chamberlain's programme, 250-Lord Rosebery's draw-
backs, 251.

Craven, Mrs. Augustus, review of Mrs. Bishop's memoir of, 315-ber
father, Comte de la Ferronays, 317-St. Petersburg and Paris, 318-
her brother Albert's love story, 319-' Récit d'une Sœur,' 322, 334
-marriage, 322-family sorrows, 324-social success, 325-life at
Naples, 325-disappointed ambition, 327-Madame Swetchine's
consolation, 328-Mr. Craven's candidateship for Parliament, 329-
a Lent retraite des hommes' in Paris, 330-opinion on relations
of English Protestants and Catholics, 332-Thiers on French and
English soldiers, 332-Lord Palmerston, 333-Montalembert, 335
-reverse of fortune, 337-opinion on Italian unity and on Irish
Home Rule, 341-old age, 345.


Dante, Classical Studies of, review of books upon, 284-principal
authors quoted by, 286-preference for particular authors, 287-
indebtedness to principal classical writers, 289-use of Florilegia,
290-allusive references, 293-'echo' of quotations, 295-mis-
quotations, 296-imitations, 297-apposition of Scripture and
secular authors, 300-Horace, 301-Statius, 303-Cicero, 308-
Latin versions of Aristotle, 312.


Early Christian Monuments, review of books concerning, 206-their
paucity, 206-simplicity of early Christian life, 207-Ebionites,
209-osteophagi on Mount of Olives, 210-Egypt and Carthage,
211-Roman Church, 212-constitution of Churches, 213-Christian
confounded with 'chrēstos,' 214-the cross and other emblems, 215
-churches, 216-liturgies, 218-Gnostics, 220-Gnostic gems, 221
--pagan parallelism to Christian rites, 224.

Erasmus, review of Professor Froude's life of, 173-early years, 186
enters an Augustinian monastery, 187-students' lodging-house in
Paris, 188-visits to England, 189-'Adagia,' 190-Encomium
Moria,' 193-' Colloquies,' 194-doctrinal position, 194-attacked
by Ulrich von Hutten, 195-attitude to Luther, 196-' Paraphrase
of New Testament,' 198-numerous correspondents, 199-his creed,
202-his Latinity, 203-intellectual qualities, 204.


Firth, C. H., his memoirs of Edward Ludlow reviewed, 140.
Forrest, G. W., his book on Marquis of Lansdowne's Indian Vice-
royalty reviewed, 1.

Fraser, Sir W., his book on Sutherland reviewed, 404.

Frederick the Great, review of books concerning, 373-checks the in-
trigues of the Bishop of Liège, 375-repudiates claims of Maria
Theresa, 376-grounds of quarrel with Austria, 377-political
correspondence, 379-intrigues with France and Hanover, 380-
England's double policy, 382-invasion of Silesia and battle of
Mollwitz, 385-duplicity of his diplomacy, 386-battle of Chotusitz,
394-treaty of Breslau, 397-royal pamphleteer, 401.

Froude, J. A., his life of Erasmus reviewed, 173-early years, 174 —
influence of Newman, 175-academic career, 176- Nemesis of
Faith,' 177 History of England from Wolsey to the Armada,'
177---his ideal of Henry VIII., 179-Essays on Book of Job, and
on Counter-Reformation at Oxford, 181-editor of 'Fraser's Maga-
zine,' 181-lectures in United States, 182-commissioned to inquire
into Kaffir insurrection, 182- English in Ireland,' 183-Life of
Carlyle,' 183 Cæsar,' 183-professor of history at Oxford, 181-
'Life of Erasmus,' 185.


Ganneau, C. Clermont, his book on Hebrew and Greek inscriptions
reviewed, 206.

Gardiner, S. R., his history of the Commonwealth reviewed, 140.


Indian Government, Twelve Years of, reviewed, 1-geographical
features of borderlands, 3-interior protected States, 4-sphere of
influence over neighbouring States, 4-Afghan frontier, 6-Balu-
chistan, 7-Burmah and Siam, 8-negotiations with France, 9-

Indo-Chinese frontier, 11-relations with Russia, 13-Indian army,
14-nance, 16-commerce and reforms, 17-anti-cow-killing
agitation, 18-tree-smearing, 20-National Congress, 22-simul-
tanecus examinations in India and England for civil service, 23-
trial by jury, 23-constitutional reforms, 24-social reforms, 30-
religious neutrality, 31.


Kingsford, W., his history of Canada reviewed, 253.
Koser, R., his book on Frederick the Great reviewed, 373.


Lang. A., his · Cock Lane and Common Sense' reviewed, 82.
Lansdowne, Marquis of, his Viceroyalty of India reviewed, 1.
Laughton, J. K., his edition of State Papers on Spanish Armada re-
viewed, 59.

Lethaby, W. R., and Swainson, H., their book on Sancta Sophia,
Constantinople, reviewed, 460.

Ley, W. C., his 'Cloudland' reviewed, 514.


MacCallum, M. W., his book on Tennyson reviewed, 485.
Magic, Modern, review of books concerning, 82-witch-trials, 82-Sir
Walter Scott on demonology and witchcraft, 83-Mesmer's 'animal
magnetism,' 86-Benjamin Franklin's committee of inquiry into
animal magnetism, 86-table-turning, 87-Society for Psychical
Research, 88-crystal-gazing, 88-Dr. Dee's angelicall stone,' 89-
trance, 90-automatism, 92-telepathy, 96-illusions and hallu-
cinations, 97-census of hallucinations, 98-phantasms of the dead,
100-ghosts of history, 108-apparitions of animals, 110-operation
of mental power upon inanimate matter, 111-Madame Blavatsky,
112-Mr. Home, 113-hypnotism and clairvoyance, 113.
Mazzuchelli, P., his book on authors cited by Dante reviewed, 284.
Meredith, G., his novels reviewed, 33- Diana of the Crossways,' 34—
Shaving of Shagpat,' 36- Farina,' 37-'Ordeal of Richard
Feverel, 39-Evan Harrington,' 44-earlier and later styles, 45—
The Egoist,' 49-Emilia in England,' 50- Vittoria,' 52- Beau-
champ's Career,' 54- Lord Ormont and his Aminta,' 56.

Podmore, F., his book on apparitions reviewed, 82.


Ramsay, W. M., his book on the Church in the Roman Empire re-
viewed, 206.

Rosebery, Earl of, review of speeches, 227.


Schück, Dr., his book on 'Dante's Classical Studies' reviewed, 284.
Scott, R. H., his report on cloud nomenclature reviewed, 514.

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