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As nearly as can be ascertained, there are not more than abut 300,000 of them left in the United States. These are mostly to be found west of the Mississippi river, and stretching thence to the shores of the Pacific. A few of them have remained among the whites, and become civilized; but most of them have kept aloof from civilization, perferring their wandering habits, and relying on hunting and fishing for a subsistence.

They do not admit themselves to be citizens of our government, neither do we claim them as such, nor do we exercise any jurisdiction or authority over them, except for the perpetration of crimes. We treat them as foreigners, not as citizens, and hence we make treaties with them as we do with foreign nations.

3. Our treaties with them have related principally to the purchase of lands and to stipulations of amity and frendship between us. But they are sometimes treacherous, and do not act toward us as they have agreed to do. This has led to a number of wars between us and them; the fault of which has not always been on the side of the Indians. The whites have often treated them badly; have often cheated them, and killed them; and this has led to some of the wars we have mentioned.

4. The preceding remarks might have been omitted in a work of this kind, had they not seemed to be appropriate as an introduction to the notice we ought to take of the numerous treaties with the Indians, the officers and agents of the government in making and carrying out those treaties, and of the numerous laws passed by Congress in relation to Indians and Indian affairs.


5. The Indians are unlearned, ignorant and barbarous. It has required a great deal of wisdom and good management on the part of the government, to keep on good terms with them, and to prevent them from murdering the whites, or from stealing their property, where they have settled near them. The United States have also restrained our own citizens from purchasing their lands, from trading with them, and especially from selling them intoxicating liquors, of which they are very fond. If these negotiations were allowed between them and the whites, the Indians would, in numerous instances, be over-reached and cheated by unscrupulous and dishonest white men. This would lead to murders and wars, for an Indian seems to have no idea of redress for a wrong done to him, other than that of killing the wrong-doer. The government, through its agents, buys their lands, and pays them in money or in goods, according to the terms of the treaty. Hence the necessity of government officers appointed to execute the laws relating to Indians and Indian affairs.

6. There is in the Interior Department a bureau for this express purpose, the head of which is called the


He is appointed by the President and Senate, and performs his duties under the direction of the Secreretary of War.

In addition to this officer, there are superintendents of Indian affairs, and Indian agents, over whom the superintendents exercise a directing power. These

superintendencies and agencies are not permanent establishments, but are continued as long as any considerable number of Indians remain near the agency. When they have sold their lands and removed farther west, the agency is discontinued, or removed to the place where the Indians have located themselves.

The President may discontinue any Indian agency whenever he thinks it expedient to do so.

7. As before stated, the Indians are not citizens of the United States. They have no Representatives in Congress, and in adjusting the number of Representatives to which any State is entitled from the number of its inhabitants, the Indians (excepting a few who are taxed), are not counted. The government has exercised parental care over them in endeavors to prevent them from warring upon each other, and to induce them to adopt the habits of civilized life; in the payments made for their lands, in the pains it has taken to furnish them with agricultural and mechanical implements; in the employment of mechanics and teachers to reside among them and to instruct them in science and the mechanical arts. It also employs interpreters, for but few of them can speak the English language.

8. The superintendents and agents, if so directed by the President, make treaties of amity and friendship with them, and for the purchase of their lands. The government does not allow citizens or foreigners to reside among them or to trade with them without a license; and for the purpose of keeping on friendly terms with them, it often makes valuable presents of such articles as they need.

9 Superintendents and agents are appointed for four years; give bonds for the faithful performance of their duties, and report and account to the Department of the Interior for the money and goods paid to and distributed among the Indians.


10. In order to prevent them from squandering their money for rum and useless trinkets, and to save them from being cheated by dishonest traders, the United States government has invested the money paid for their lands in sound and safe stocks, and annually pay them the interest, through its superintendents and agents. The disbursement of this interest, called Indian annuities, among the different tribes and individuals to whom it belongs, is an important part of the duties of these government agents.



1. PASSPORTS are one of the devices or means used by governments to protect their citizens when in foreign countries. They are written documents, issued and signed by an authorized agent of the government which gives them. The design of a passport is, First: to give authentic information to whom it may concern, to what nation the bearer of the passport belongs; and second, to protect him, and secure to him all the rights and privileges which the government has a right to claim for its citizens by virtue of any treaty of amity and friendship existing between it and the country whither its citizens may go.

The passport informs the world that the bearer of it is a citizen of the United States, and that he travels under its protection, and that it would demand and exact satisfaction of any one who wronged or injured him who bears such credentials.

2. In the United States, the Secretary of State is the officer authorized by law to issue passports. He has the authority also to cause them to be issued in foreign countries by our foreign ministers and consuls, under such restrictions and rules as may be designated by the President. This is allowed as a matter of convenience to our citizens who happen to be in foreign countries without them; who need their protection, and who would be subjected to much delay and expense by going or sending home to procure them.

Passports are not granted to any other than citizens of the United States, whether issued by the Secretary

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