A DISCOURSE Concerning the Happiness of Good Men, AND THE Punishment of the Wicked, IN THE NEXT WORLD, &c. I. Concerning the true Rea-IV. II. Concerning the Natural and Moral Arguments of a III. What farther Evidence Concerning the Gospel VI. The Conclufion. A Com- parison between the Gain of By WILLIAM SHERLOCK, D. D. The FIFTH EDITION. LONDON: Printed for J.WALTHOE, J. J. and P. KNAPTON, A.BETTESWORTH MDCCXXXV. CONTENTS. THE Introduction, СНАР. I. Page 1. Concerning the True Reafon and Foundation of our Sect. 2. Of what Use Natural and Moral Arguments Ibid. Concerning the Natural and Moral Arguments of a Sect. 1. That there is no Appearance of Reafon against Sect. 2. The first Natural Argument for Immortality, A Digreffion concerning Connate Ideas, or Inbred Sect. 4. The Immortality of the Soul prov'd, from the Sect. 2. Concerning the Universal Confent in the Be- lief of a Future State, and the Natural Defires of Sect. 4. The Immortality of the Soul prov'd from God's Se&t. 1. The Gospel-Notion of Life and Immortality, Sect. 2. The Gospel-Promifes of Life and Immorta- Sect. 3. The Promifes of Immortal Life confirm'd by the Refurrection of Chrift from the Dead, p. 228. That Salvation which is wrought for us by Chrift, gives Sect. 1. That we must be faved by a Saviour; and what kind of Saviour Sinners want, Sect. 2. The Eternal Godhead of our Saviour is the only certain Foundation of all our Hopes of Salvati- on, and Immortal Life. Sect. 3. The Visible Reconciliation of human Nature in the Incarnation of the Son of God, p. 278. Sect. 4. The Death of Chrift a true Expiatory Sacri- fice to redeem Mankind from Death, A DISCOURSE OF THE Immortality of the SOUL, AND A FUTURE STATE. The INTRODUCTION. T HE Serious Confideration of Death and Judgment is abfolutely neceffary to the Wife and Religious Government of our Lives. That we muft die, difparages all prefent Enjoyments; and if we fuffer fuch Thoughts to fink into our Souls, they naturally moderate our Affections, and fet bounds to our ufe of them. That we fhall be judged, and rewarded and punished, B ac |