Otherwife I renounce all Confidence. Pucel. I am prepar'd; here is my keen-edg'd Sword, Deck'd with fine Flower-de-Luces on each fide, The which at Tourain in St. Katherine's Church-yard, Out of a great deal of old Iron, 1 chofe forth. Dau. Then come a God's Name, I fear no Woman. Pucel. And while I live, I'll ne'er fly no Man. Here they Fight, and Joan de Pucelle overcomes. Dau. Stay, ftay thy Hands, thou art an Amazon, And fighteft with the Sword of Debora. Pucel. Chrift's Mother helps me, elfel were too weak. Dau. Who e'er helps thee, 'tis thou that must help me: Impatiently I burn with thy defire, My Heart and Hands thou haft at once fubdu'd, Let me thy Servant, and not Sovereign be, For Dau. Mean time look gracious on thy proftrate Thrall. Alen. Doubtless he fhrives this Woman to her Smock, Elfe ne'er could he fo long protract his Speech. Reig. Shall we disturb him, since he keeps no mean? Alen. He may mean more than we poor Men do know: Thefe Women are fhrewd tempters with their Tongues. Reig. My Lord, where are you? what devise you on? Shall we give over Orleans, or no? Pucel. Why no, I say; diftruftful Recreants. This Night the Siege affuredly I'll raife: With Henry's death, the English Circle ends," Dau. Prefently we'll try: Come, let's a way about it, No Prophet will I truft, if she falfe. proves [Exeunt. Enter Gloucefter, with his Serving-Men. I Ward. Who's there, that knocks so imperiously? 2 Ward. Who e'er he be, you may not be let in. 1 Man. Villains, answer you fo the Lord Protector? 1 Ward. The Lord protect him, fo we answer him, We do no otherwise than we are will'd. Glo. Who willed you? or whofe Will ftands but mine? There's none Protector of the Realm, but I. Break up the Gates, I'll be your warrantize; Shall I be flouted thus by dunghill Grooms? Gloucefter's Men rush at the Tower Gates, and Woodvile the Lieutenant fpeaks within. Wood. What noife is this? What Traitors have we here? Glo. Lieutenant, is it you whofe Voice I hear? Open the Gates, here's Glo'fter that would enter. Wood. Have patience, Noble Duke, I may not open, The Cardinal of Winchester forbids; From him I have exprefs Commandment, Glo. Glo. Faint-hearted Woodvile, prizeft him 'fore me? Whom Henry our late Sovereign ne'er could brook? Serv. Open the Gates to the Lord Protector, Win. How now ambitious Umpire, what means this? Glo. Piel'd Prieft, doft thou command me to be fhut Out? Wm. I do, thou moft ufurping Proditor, Glo. Stand back, thou manifeft Confpirator, Wm. Nay, ftand thou back, I will not budge a foot: This be Damfacus, be thou curfed Cain, To flay thy Brother Abel, if thou wilt. Glo. I will not flay thee, but I'll drive thee back: Win. Do what thou dar'ft, I beard thee to thy Face. Glo. What? am I dar'd, and bearded to my Face? Draw Men, for all this privileged Place, Blue Coats to Tawny Coats. Prieft, beware thy Beard, VOL. IV. Here Here Gloucefter's Men beat out the Cardinal's, and enter in the burly-burly the Mayor of London, and his Officers. Mayor. Fie, Lords, that you being fupream Magiftratės, Thus contumeliously should break the Peace. I' Glo. Peace, Mayor, for thou know' little of my Wrongs: Win. Here's Glofter too, a Fae to Citizens, .. جو And would have Armour here out of the Tower, To Crown himself King, and fupprefs the Prince. › Glo. I will not answer thee with Words but Blows. [Here they skirmish again. Mayer. Nought refts for me in this tumultuous Strife, But to make open Proclamation. nd van Come, Officer, as loud as e'er thou can't cry; All manner of Men affembled here in Arms this Day, against God's Peace and the King's, me Charge and Command you, in his Highness Name, to repair to your feveral dwelling Places, and not to wear, handle, or use any Sword, Weapon or Dagger henceforward upon pain of Death Ꮧ Glo. Cardinal, I'll be no Breaker of the Law: But we fhall meet, and break our Minds at large. Win. Glofter, we'll meet to thy dear Coft be fure; Thy Heart-blood I will have for this day's Work. Mayor I'll call for Clubs, if you will not away; This Cardinal is more haughty than the Devil, Glo. Mayor, farewel: Thou doft but what thou may'ft. Wm. Abominable Glofter, guard thy Head, For I intend to have it ere be long. [Exeunt. Mayor. See the Coaft clear'd, and then we will depart. Good God that Nobles fhould fuch Stomachs bear, my felf fight not once in forty year. [Exeunt Enter the Master-Gunner of Orleans, and his Boy. M. Gun. Sirra, thou know't how Orleans is befieg'd, And how the English have the Suburbs won. Boy. Father, I know, and oft have shot at them, low c'er unfortunate I miss'd my Aim. T -M. Gun. M. Gun. But now thou shalt not. Be thou ruled by me: The Prince's efpials have informed me, A piece of Ordnance 'gain it I have plac'd, If thou fpy'ft any, run and bring me word, Boy. Father, I warrant you, take you no care, I'll never trouble you, if I may fpy them. [Exit. Enter Salisbury and Talbot, on the Turrets, with others. How wert thou handled, being Prisoner? Tal. The Earl of Bedford had a Prisoner, In fine, redeem'd I was, as I defir'd. But O, the treacherous Falstaff wounds my Heart, If I now had him brought into my Power. Sal. Yet tell'ft thou not how thou wert entertain'd. Tal. With Scoffs, and Scorns, and contumelicus, Taunts In open Market place produc'd they me, To be a publick Spectacle to all: Here, faid they, is the Terror of the French, 1 2 The |