PATENT CONE FURNACES. PATENTED IN THE United States, England, and France. The extensive use of this superior Furnace in the United States has acquired for it a reputation too well and favorably known to need more at this time than to call the special attention of those in want of the best possible means of warming dwellings, public buildings, &c., with pure, fresh, healthful heat (free from that scorching, dry, red-hot iron heat, and coal gas, so common to hot-air furnaces), to an examination of this superior invention, which represents a cluster of cones, or tapering Radiators, over a broad, flaring, shallow fire-pot. These cones being large at the base and small at the top, secure the great and important object of retaining and holding the smoke and gases back in contact with the burning fuel,- thus thoroughly consuming the gases, while their heat is compressed up into the cones, and made to impinge against and radiate from the tapering surfaces, thereby securing twice the heat from a given amount of coal that can be obtained from any other plan known to man. This Furnace is very simple in its construction, and easily managed, and much less liable to need repairs than any other plan of Furnace in use. Also, five sizes of PORTABLE FURNACES on the sama nrinsiple that an aising in! Of all the innumerable plans of Stoves yet invented, this certainly surpasses them all; and every person desirous of seeing a perfect stove is invited to look at this one, whether wishing to purchase or not. Sizes adapted to parlors, chambers, offices, or stores. Its improvement consists in its great heating power, and unparalleled economy in fuel. This is secured by retaining the heat in the base radiator of the Stove (below the fire-grate), thus warming the floor and lower currents of air in the room for a great distance around the Stove, instead of the heat being let off at the top of the Stove, and the floor and lower currents of air in the room being cold, as is the case with the common stoves. This Stove has an excellent arrangement for VENTILATING the Room, and at the same time it cuts off the draft from the burning coal, so that a fire may be kept day and night from Fall till Spring by replenishing the fire once a day. It has a lever grate so arranged that the ashes may be shaken out, or the fire let down into the ash-pan, without making any dust in the room. This Stove is very beautiful in its appearance, the castings are very durable, and have a very fine, smooth finish, and, finally, it is altogether the most perfect Stove ever made. On hand, and now making, a large assortment of the different sizes, some of which are fitted with an Oven and Boiler, to serve as a PARLOR COOK STOVE, adapted to the Dining Room, &c. Also. MANTEL GRATES, REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, STOVES, &c., &c. Special attention given to putting up Furnaces and Ranges, and the Ventilation of Buildings, in any part of the country. FURNACE ESTABLISHMENT. The Subscriber offers for sale, at Wholesale or Retail, bis CELEBRATED PREMIUM HOT-AIR FURNACES. FOR COAL OR WOOD. HERMAN'S CELEBRATED PREMIUM HOT-AIR FURNACES, with recent improvements, continue to maintain their superiority over all others for their simplicity of construction and management, their durability, economy, and efficiency, and all those other qualities which go to make up a First Class Furnace, designed for heating in the best manner Private Dwellings, Stores, Churches, School Houses, Seminaries, and other buildings, either public or private. Their merits are so well known and appreciated that a long advertisement setting forth their claims, and calling the attention of the public to them, would be superfluous. Special attention is also invited to HARRISON'S IMPROVED EUROPEAN RANGE, For Private Families, Restaurants, and Hote's. They are simple in construction, and easily managed, the castings very heavy, and finished in the best possible manner. All the heat generated is saved and made available; the ovens are capacious, and roasting, baking, and broiling can be done to perfection. It will save fifty per cent. in fuel, and do more work than any other range before the public. The subscriber is sole agent for Boston and vicinity, and offers for sale all sizes, to cook for six persons or one thousand. Also for sale Portable Furnaces; English, Parlor, and Chamber Grates; Flat Heater Stoves; Chimney Tops; Room and Roof Ventilators; Parlor, Office, and Cooking Stoves; Rumford Ovens; and Heating and Cooking apparatus generally. New Marble Block, 336 & 338 Washington St., (Nearly opposite the Adams House,) BOSTON. THE MARLAND'S PATENT FIRE PROOF SAFE. The only positively reliable Safe, for all emergencies. Has been MARLAND'S PATENT! Remember, that, when the contents of a safe are burned, it is always by the heat being conducted through the door and door-way. On the Marland Patent the wood casing and contents of the Safe are entirely surrounded by the best non-conducting material-the door and door-way being as proof against fire as the walls are, which is all that can be obtained by any contrivance, and which is not the case on any other Safe built. The Marland's Patent are the most thorough built and best finished Safe in the country, and are the ONLY POSITIVELY FIRE PROOF SAFE IN THE WORLD. On all other Safes the inside wood-casing and contents are joined directly on to the outside by cast-iron plates and bolts, which, as they are constructed, form the best means for conducting heat to them, when exposed to fire, that could be devised. Safes built to order of any size, without extra cost. HOUSE AND SILVER SAFE, (BURGLAR AND FIRE PROOF), OF BEAUTIFUL DESIGN AND FINISH. M. B. BIGELOW & ANSON HARDY, Proprietors and Manufacturers, 32 SCHOOL STREET, OPPOSITE CITY HALL, BOSTON, MASS. Hardy & Rollins' Patent Circular Tin & Sheet Iron Shears. ANSON HARDY'S PATENT BOILER PLATE SHEARS. Bank Vaults, Vault Doors, Messenger Safes, Hand Stamps, Seal Presses, &c., &c. |