FURTHER Correspondence respecting the Affairs of Crete. TURKEY. No. 35 (1878). Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Com mand of Her Majesty. 1878. LONDON: PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS. TREATIES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE NAVIGATION OF THE DANUBE: 1856-1875. (TRANSLATIONS.) Presented to the House of Lords by Command of Her Majesty. LONDON: PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS. 15 20 .. 20 22 Protocol (No. 3) 1 Mar. 1859* Additional to Act of 7 November, 1857.* 6 Sept. 1859 Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey. Riverain 2 Νον. 1865 European Commission. Navigation of Sanc Mouths of the Danube. 28 Mar 1866 Great Britain, Austria, France, Italy, Prussia, Russia, and Turkey. 24 Apr. 1866 Extension of duration of European Commission till 24 April, 1871. 2 May 1866 Great Britain, Austria, France, Italy, Prussia, Russia, and Turkey. Proposed extension of authority of European Commission to Ibraïla. * Not sanctioned by Paris Conference. |