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The month has made it evident that there will be no serious uprising in the provinces and no serious break in governmental affairs as the result of the death of the late Emperor and Empress-Dowager. The Prince Regent has evidently assumed a strong position in the direction of the affairs of state. This has been accompanied with tolerance and consideration for others high in authority and with a friendliness toward reform. The Regent has given orders that extravagance should be avoided in the erection of the new palace. It is being proposed, in view of the establishment of à constitution, to give the Emperor a fixed annual allowance. The Peking government is to direct its attention to three important matters :-(1.) The regulation of finances. (2.) The establishment of parliament. (3.) The reorganization of the army and navy. The Prince Regent proposes to have outlines of the national policies made known to the people through the Viceroys and Governors.-Hereafter civil metropolitan officials of the third rank and higher will stand in audiences before the Prince Regent unless they have been accorded permission to be seated.-The fourth day of the second month of the Chinese year is fixed upon as the date of the interment of their Majesties, the Emperor and Empress-Dowager. The 13th day of the first moon is designated as the day on which the new Emperor's

birthday is to be celebrated.-The observance of mourning has been general and in accordance with established customs. In some places the strictness placed upon the people caused slight disturbances, but in general, contrary to the anticipations and predictions of many, there has been unusual quiet in all parts of China. -In response to a request from the foreign business interests of China, rules have been promulgated by the Ministry of Finance for regulation of banks, providing for their regulation and restricting the issuance of paper



The Shanghai Taotai reports that during the 14 months prior to November, 1908, there were 13,400 cases of native opium imported into Shanghai as against 16,114 during the preceding 14 months.-Mr. Cecil Clemente, of the Hongkong Civil Service, has been appointed to assist the British delegates at the forthcoming International Opium Conference.-Plans are being forwarded for the Opium Conference, which will convene in Shanghai. The Chinese representatives have arrived in Shanghai and have in charge the preparations. The Shanghai Taotai and the Provincial Treasurer of Kiangsu have been added to the Commission to co-operate with the three other appointees.-The Prince Regent has consulted with the Grand Council in regard to the

feasibility of issuing instructions to the Viceroys and Governors of the provinces prohibiting the consumption of opium within two years. It is thought that an edict will be issued next year prohibiting the consumption of opium by the close of 1911.-The Educational Commissioner and the Captain Superintendent of Police of Chihli province have issued a proclamation forbidding all students in the middle and lower schools to smoke, whether inside or outside of schools.


The proposal to dredge the Tung Ting lake has been given up owing to the large expense involved. The Governor of Chekiang has received a favorable reply to his memorial asking that an entrance be made in the Hangchow city wall for the railway to pass.-A loan of Tls. 60 000 has been arranged with the Russo-Japanese bank, the proceeds of which is to be used in the development of trade in Manchuria.-This month saw the inauguration of a monthly steamer service between Shanghai and Australia.


Several Chinese business men and the editor of two of the vernacular papers have been deported from Hongkong by the government in its effort

to put a stop to the boycott against Japanese goods. The order has created considerable excitement in business circles. The matter has been appealed to the courts of the colony for decision.-A telegram from Berlin conveys the news that the German government expects to establish a high-school for Chinese at Kiaochow, at a cost of £30,000 and a yearly expenditure of £7,500.-The Japanese troops in North China will be withdrawn before January 3. Only thirty guards will remain in Peking.-The United States government is considering raising the rank of its representative to Peking from that of a Minister to an Ambassador.-The State Department of the U. S. government and the Japanese government have exchanged letters declaring that it is the wish of the two governments to encourage the peaceful development of their commerce on the Pacific, to endeavor to maintain the status quo, to respect each other's territory, to support the independence and integrity of China.-A telegram of the 12th instant announced the death in London of Sir Ewen Cameron, K.C.M G., FR.G.S., who was forty years connected with the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, a large part of which time was spent in the Far East.-It has been decided to establish general post office in Lhassa and have offices in all the Thibetan cities.

Missionary Journal.


AT Taimingfu, Chihli, 5th November, Mr. JOHN J MOE and Miss MARTHA ELIZABETH LAUGHLIN, both S. C. M.

AT Shanghai, 28th November, Mr. A LANDER and Miss A. LINDERSTROM, both Sw Bapt. M.

AT Shanghai, 3rd December, Rev. JOHN PETERSON and Miss E. ANDERSON, both Sw. Am. Cov. M.

AT Bhamo, 23rd November, Mr. W. J. EMBERY and Miss E. A. POTTER, both C I. M.

AT Shanghai, 2nd December, Mr. H. J. ALTY and Miss A. M. RUSSELL, both C. I. M.

AT Shanghai, 11th December, Mr. A. MOORE and Miss E. ANDREW, both C. I. M.



AT Oldham, England, 28th October, to Rev. and Mrs. H. S. REDFERN, E. U. M. F. C., Ningpo, a daughter.

AT Tushan, 3rd November, to Mr. and Mrs. D F. PIKE, C. I. M., a son (Douglas Henry).

AT Yochow City, Hunan, 12th November, to Rev. and Mrs. PAUL E. KELLER, Ref. Ch. U. S. A., a daughter (Margaret Esther).

AT Peking, 15th November, to Rev. and Mrs. CH. W. KASTLER, Basel M., a son (Charles Wendelin).

AT Weihsien, Sh., 15th November, to Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Roys, A. P. M., a daughter (Carolyn).

Ar Tientsin, 18th November, to Mr. and Mrs. CHAS. W. HARVEY, Y. M. C. A., a daughter (Martha Bunting).

AT Tientsin. 30th November, to Mr. and Mrs. BURTON ST. JOHN, M. E. M., a son (Lucian Bela). AT Runingfu, Honan, 1st December, to Rev. and Mrs T. EKELAND, Am. Luth. M., a daughter (Agnes Marie). AT Amoy, 2nd December, to Dr and Mrs. C. E. BLAIR, L. M. S., a son. Ar Sinyang, Honan, 15th December, to Rev. and Mrs. INGVALD DAEHLEN, Am. Luth. M., a daughter (Vivian Vilgard Irene).

AT Ningpo, 30th December, to Rev. and Mrs. A. R. KEPLER, A P. M., a daughter (Dorothy Griswold).


Ar Kulangsu, Amoy, 24th November,
Mrs. F. P. JOSELAND, L. M. S.
AT Hsuchowfu, 30th November, PAUL
DONALD, only son of Rev. and Mrs.
M. B. GRIER, A. P. M. S., aged 5
years, of diphtheria.

Ar Changteh, Hunan, 11th December,
Mrs. W. L. BERST, A. P. M.



25th September, Mr. ISIDORE DEUTSCH, S. C. M.

8th November, Rev. and Mrs. W. REMFRY HUNT and two children (ret.) F. C. M. S.

23rd November, Miss ALWINE SCHUR, C. I. M., from Germany; Rev. and Mrs. G. FISK, Rev. E. J. ELLISON, Rev. J. S. HARRIS, Rev. H. R. WILLIAMSON, Rev. E. B GREENING, Rev. E. R. FOWLES, all Eng. Bapt. M.; Rev. G. P. LITTLEWOOD, U. Meth. M.; Mr. J. P. RODWELL, F. F. M. A.

26th November, Dr. ANDREW GRAHAM, Ch. of Scot. (ret.); Mr. H. J. ALTY, C. I. M. (ret.) from England.

29th November, Rev. O. E. JOHNSON and Miss E ANDERSON, both Sw. Am. M. Cov.; Mr. and Mrs. C. T. FISHE (ret.), from England via America, Misses H. E. K. REIKIE, C. E. VARCOE, S. C. PEET and B. J. L. REVNOLDS from North America, all C. I. M.

30th November, Miss ARMFIELD, C. M. S.

4th December, Rev. and Mrs. C. B. RAPE, Rev. and Mrs. G. B. NEWMAN, Rev. and Mrs. JOSEPH BEECH and two children (ret), Rev. and Mrs. F. R. SIBLEY and child, Rev. and Mrs. F. C GALE and child, Miss F. SOMERS, all M E. M; Rev. C. N. CALDWELL, S. P M. (ret.); Rev. and Mrs. J. T. MCCUTCHAN, Rev and Mrs. O. V. ARMSTRONG, Rev and Mrs. H. W. MCCUTCHAN, Miss E. CORRIHER, all A. P. M. S.

7th December, Mr. and Mrs. G PARKER and Miss F. A. M. YOUNG (ret.) from England, Mr. and Mrs. C. BLOM (ret. from Sweden, Miss H. W. S. ENGSTROM, Messrs. D. E. LANDIN and M RINGBERG from Sweden, Mr. S BJERTNOES from Norway, all C. I. M.; Mr. and Mrs. LESLIE, C. L. S.

8th December, Miss M. THOMAS, Miss C. CARLETON, Dr. J H. LECHLER, Rev W. R. CANNELL, Mrs. E. JACKSON and child, Rev. W. L KNIPE (ret.), all C. M. S; Miss M. L. B. VAUGHAN, A. P. M. (ret); Rev. and Mrs. V. P. EASTMAN, A. B. C. F. M; Rev. and Mrs J. M. D. GUDAI, and child, Am Luth. M.

12th December, Miss FRAZEY and Miss FONDA; Mrs. H. W. and Miss F. Bo E, A. C. M.

15th December, Miss E. A. SHEPPERD, C. I. M. (re.) from England via Siberia.

21st December, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. ADAMS and two children, Reformed Ch. U. S. A; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. DOHERTY and two children (ret.) from America, and Miss E. F. BURN (ret.) from England, all C. I. M.


21st November, Miss JESSIE BEGG, C. I. M., for England via Siberia. 27th November, Miss A. O. MILLER, L. M. S., for England.

28th November, Miss B. Fox and Dr. J. R. Cox, both Can. M. M., for Canada, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. GILMER, Mrs. A. MENZIES, Misses L. RICHARDSON, G. DRING and E. K. ANDERSON for England, Mr. E. J. COOPER for England via Siberia, all C. I. M.

1st December, Dr. and Mrs AMENT, A. B. C. F. M., and Mr. L. C. PORTER, all for U. S. A.

12th December, Rev. and Mrs. W. J. WALLACE and two children, C. M. S., for England.



1. Theodore Cuyler Church. 2. Hackett Lecture Hall. 3. Medical College Dormitory. 4. McWilliams Building of David Gregg!Hospital, 5. Maternity Ward.

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