plains the meaning of blind oracles. The monotheistic Jews took this word and exalted it and ennobled it. Sien-chi expresses one important phase of the prophet's work, the one which especially impresses the popular mind, but it is one which holds a subordinate place in the New Testament. But, as the Chinese study the Bible, perhaps t will come to have that broader higher meaning for them which prophet has for the thoughtful student of the English Bible. As a matter of fact, vast numbers of Anglo-Saxon Christians connect the words prophet and prophesy only with the thought of foretelling. Sincerely yours, SHAOWUFU. THE MINISTERING LEAGUE. To the Editor of "THE CHINESE RECORDER.” DEAR SIR: Will you kindly allow me to inform your readers that during the course of my recent stay in Japan I drew the attention of missionaries to the very attractive card used by the members of the Ministering League. This society is not as well known as perhaps it deserves to be, as it has accomplished a remarkable amount of charitable work in lands separated from each other by the whole breadth of the earth. Several of those persons to whom I showed our card of membership, on which is printed the simple rule of kindness adopted by this association and the short prayer used by those who belong to it, held that it could be of great use in teaching practical Christianity to those likely to become con verts to our faith. This view was especially held by a lady attached to the American Episcopal Mission in Tokyo. She told me that when she showed the card to a young Japanese lady of noble birth, who had not at that time openly embraced, Christianity, she immediately expressed an eager desire to possess this paper, saying that if she had it she would use the prayer herself and teach it to her younger sisters. The card is now to be printed in Japanese, and it was most encouraging for me to learn that it was expected to be of great service. A dear young Japanese lady told me, as we parted, that the seed which I had been sowing in her country was not likely to die. If the League may be of service in Japan why not in China? Practical Christianity is the aspect of our religion likely to make the strongest appeal to those whose knowledge of our faith is very limited. Hearts can be touched by kindness when any amount of dogmatic teaching may fail. It seems therefore as if it would be well for earnest workers in the China mission fields to consider if the Ministering League might not be of service in the land where they are laboring. This association is one of the simplest ever organised. Its sole aim is the promotion of Christian love and kindness. It doubtless owes much of its success to the fact that owing to its very simplicity it is not adaptable, and it has been approved and made use of by many whose religious views widely differ. By emphasizing the law of love, which ought to be the key-note of all true Christianity, the society has been. enabled to accomplish an amount of charitable work little dreamt A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION. To the Editor of "THE CHINESE RECORDER." DEAR SIR: In connection with the arrangements for the World's Missionary Conference in Edinburgh next year, I have accepted the responsibility for collecting information concerning Mohammedans in the Chinese empire for submitting to the Committee. of Unoccupied Fields, which is part of Commission I, engaged in arranging material for the Conference mentioned. May I, through your columns, make two requests of your readers. First. That brief statements may be sent to me, care of the China Inland Mission, Newington Green, London, N., from every mission station in China stating, as far as information will allow, the number of mosques in cities known to the missionary and the approximate number of Mohammedans estimated to be in the province and district. It is fully understood that correct figures are at present impossible, but even an approximation may be better than nothing. Will those who Secondly. have given Mohammedanism in China any special study kindly send me information, as fully as time and work will allow, as to the religious and social condition of Mohammedans in their district and their accessibility and any other information concerning work undertaken on their behalf. Reference to other sources of information will also be much valued and appreciated. As the findings of the eight Commissions for presentation to the Edinburgh Conference have to be in proof not later than December 31, 1909, I shall be glad of replies at as early a date as possible. Further, since it will not be possible to get as full information as is desirable upon this important subject in time for presentation to the Conference, I may state that should the material supplied be sufficient to make a special publication desirable, I am prepared to publish, in a separate handbook, the substance of what may be sent me, giving, as far as possible, full acknowledgment to all who have kindly assisted. The form such a publication will take, must of course be dependent upon what is supplied from China. Will any friends therefore who cannot send full details in time for the Edinburgh Conference kindly bear this other thought in mind? It may perhaps be stated that this attempt to collect reliable information upon this littleknown subject is the result of The object of these Reviews is to give real information about books. Authors will help reviewers by sending with their books, price, original if any, or any other facts of interest. The custom of prefixing an English preface to Chinese books is excellent. Things Korean : A Collection of Sketches and Anecdotes, Missionary and Diplomatic. By Horace N. Allen, M.D., late Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States in Korea. F. H. Revell Co. Pp 256. Illustrated. The main title of this volume would suggest that it belongs to the "Things" series on the Far East, on the plan of Prof. Chamberlain's compendious survey of Japan, or Mr. J. Dyer Ball's imitation of it for China. As the subtitle announces, this is a wholly different enterprise, and makes no pretence of being a complete view of anything unless it be of the author's connection with Korea, which was so peculiar as to be inherently romantic. He tells (and not infrequently retells) the incidents of this singular experience with frankness and without egotism. In these days of vain efforts to get permission to exploit the east it reads like one of Mr. H. G. Wells' novels to be told that while Dr. Allen was merely a Secretary of Legation, having become a familiar figure at the Korean palace, he was one evening discussing how to open up Korea. He thought the introduction of foreign capital (American, for instance) would be the best way, which brought on a long discussion and resulted in his leaving with a concession for a gold mining enterprise in his pocket. "Not knowing of any one who was especially anxious to have, or able to handle such a property, I made out the concession in the name of an American business man in Japan, whom I knew to be interested in Korea and whom I respected highly. He was very much surprised at finding such an important document lying on his morning's mail, as he had no premonition of the fact that he was to be made the partner of a king in a gold mine. He soon disposed of his concession to have other Americans, who made out of it one of the most noted commercial successes in Asia." Dr. Allen makes no secret of his sympathy with the Korean as against the Japanese, and has many sharp things to say of the process by which the present status has come about, but his book is, in no sense, political. Taken for what it is, it is a unique contribution to current history, depicting conditions not likely ever to be reproduced to be reproduced upon this (and perhaps any other) planet. A. H. S. Stories for Young People. By H. L. Books in Preparation. (Quarterly Statement.) (Correspondence invited.) The following books are in course of preparation. Friends engaged in translation or compilation of books are invited to notify Rev. D. MacGillivray, 44 Boone Road, Shanghai, of the work they are engaged on, so that this column may be kept up to date, and overlapping prevented. N. B. Some whose names have been on this list a long time are asked to write and say if they have given up the work, or what progress, if any, they are making. Perhaps they are keeping others from doing the work. Expository Com. on Numbers. By G. A. Clayton. Expos. Com. on Hebrews, by G. L. Pullan. Little Meg's Children. By Mrs. Crossette. Prof. Chwolson's Hegel, Häckel, Kossuth. and the 12th Commandment. By F. Ohlinger. Sermons on Acts. Genähr. Outlines of Universal History. H. L. W. Bevan, Medhurst College. Essentials of Christianity (Methodist Theology). Dr. A. P. Parker. Torrey's What the Bible Teaches. By J. Speicher. Tholuck's Sermon on the Mount. By J. Speicher. By H. G. Whitcher and Bae Yüchang. Practical Physics, by the same and Liu Kuang-chao. Higher Algebra, by the same and Liu Kuang-chao. The Roman Theology and the Word of God, by Alphonso Argento. Constructive Studies in Life of Christ. H. W. Luce. New Primer of Standard Romanization on the Accumulative Method. By Frank Garrett. I. Pandita Ramabai. J. Hutson. 2. Secret of Victory Over Sin. J. Hutson. Meyer's. 3. Young Men, Don't Drift. Hutson. Meyer's. J. 4. Our Bible Reading. J. Hutson, Meyer's. 5. Peace, Perfect Peace. J. Hutson, Meyer's, 6. Training of the Twig. Drawbridge. J. Hutson. The first five are ready in Mandarin. The Christian Home in China, compiled by Mrs. A. H. Mateer. Vol. I. The Daughter in the Home. Vol. II. The Wife and Mother in the Home. Vol. III. Simple Remedies and Household Hygiene. (In press.) . an adaptation of "David, a little soldier of Jesus Christ," by Rev. F. W. Baller. (In press) Prof. J. Percy Bruce is preparing the following: Elementary Outlines of Logic. Expository Lectures on the Historical Parts of the Pentateuch. Expository Lectures on Old Testament History (Solomon to Captivity). Biblical Altas and Gazetteer. R. T. S., London. R. A. Haden is preparing Murray's Humility and Holy in Christ. Y. M. C. A.: Outline Studies in Biblical Facts and History, by I. N. DePuy and J. B. Travis. Y. M. C. A.: Studies in the Life of Christ, by Sallman. Y. M. C. A.: Harmony of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles, by Crockett. Y. M. C. A.: The Changed Life, by Henry Drummond. Y. M. C. A.: Alone with God, by John R. Mott. James Hutson: Meyer's Burdens and How to Bear Them. James Hutson: Willison's Mothers' Catechism. Mrs. R. M. Mateer: The Browns at Mount Hermon. Samuel Couling: Jewish History from Cyrus to Titus. F. C. H. Dreyer: Bible Reading Outlines for the Blackboard. W. T. Hobart: Johnston's Scientific Faith. Lectures on Modern Missions, by Leighton Stuart. Laboratory Manual in Chemistry (Mandarin), by J. McGregor Gibb. Mrs. Mills. Books for the Deaf Mutes. New Announcements. Bismarck: His Life and Work (Wên-li), by Rev. F. W. Leuschner. Westcott's Commentary on St. John's Gospel, by Rev. G. Miles, Wesleyan Mission. Onward, Christian Soldiers. Talks on Practical Religion (S. P. C. K.), by Rev. Wm P. Chalfant, Ichowfu. Children's Hymn Book, by F. W. Baller (in press). P. F. Price's Easy Catechism (Mandarin) (out.) C. T. S. Woodrow Wilson's The State, by Dr. D. Z. Sheffield. Fenn's Concordance of the New Testament is in type, and will soon be issued. Expository Commentary on John's Gospel. George Hudson. By C. L. S. Sterling's Noble Deeds of Women. Speer's Principles of Jesus, by Joshua Vale. Livingstone's Travels. Gulick's Growth of the Kingdom of God. My Belief, Dr. Horton. Drummond's Programme of Christianity (out). Guizot's Civilization in Europe. Commercial Education. By Y. M. C. A. Johnston's Scientific Faith is withdrawn for a time. Stories for Young People, by H. L. Zia, is now ready. Also Harmony of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, by W. D. Crockett. Temptations of Students, by John R. Mott. Power of Jesus Christ in the Life of Students. John R. Mott. A Changed Life. Henry Drummond. Achievement-O. S. Marden (abridgment.) A Handbook on Y. M. C. A. Work, with illustrations. Report of Y. M. C. A. Work during 1908. Constructive Studies in the Gospel of Mark. Burton. |