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New-World Science Series. Human Physiology. By Ritchie. (English Edition.)

To many of us in educational work on the mission field, has often come the desire for a textbook in physiology which would not make too elaborate a use of technical terms, and yet at the same time give in an effective way the principles of anatomy and of hygiene. "The chief object of teaching physiology in our schools is to train the pupils to keep their bodies in health."

In this work, the ideal has been better attained than in any other work I have seen. In the first chapter it treats of the human body as a colony of cells, and the method of discussion is most interesting and informing. The anatomy of the work, the illustrations, and the colored plates are unusually good, and also easy to be understood. The chapters on disease germs, the diseases caused by protozoa, by bacteria, and the preventing of spread of disease germs, are not only thorough for a book of this grade, but eminently practical. "First aid to the injured" is also taken up. In fact, in this work of three hundred and fifty pages which, though not beyond the comprehension of a student in the higher grades of academical work, is full of interest and suggestion to those of us who are supposed to have "graduated," we have a most valuable and helpful compilation of material on the subject of physiology, either for schools in the home lands or for schools in China.


Hymns of Reviving. Collected, compiled or translated by Dora Yü. Price 50 cts. Presbyterian Mission Press. Shanghai.

We are glad to welcome this Hittle volume, for though there

is no lack in the number of hymn books already existing we believe, as Miss Yü states in her preface, that there is a need for these hymns of reviving. She says that as she has visited among the mission schools and churches, conducting meetings, she has become conscious of a need of a different collection of hymns in which to voice more perfectly the prayer and praise, the aspiration and worship of God's people and adds: “I believe God is going to do greater things among us, and that He would have our faith soar higher and our trust grow bolder as we worship Him in song. Let us hope and be

lieve that this little book is in part a preparation for the times of reviving that are soon to be more generally felt in the church in China. An index in both Chinese and English shows us treasures new and old in hymnology which it contains; a number of new hymns having been specially translated for this volume. There are one hundred and ten hymns, and while they are largely for use in revival meetings the need of the ordinary church services can be easily met with the hymns here collected. The book is very attractively gotten up, with bright red soft cover; the whole edition having music as well as words.

Miss Yü tells us that after much prayer and waiting upon God, He laid it upon her heart to prepare this little book. We feel sure His blessing will attend its use wherever it may go.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Macmillan & Co., London.


English Literature for Secondary Schools. Gulliver's Travels. By Jonathan Swift. Cloth. Price Is. Selections from White's Natural History of Selbourne. Cloth. Price Is.

Missionary News.

The Conference of the Anglican Communion.


The first Conference of the Anglican Communion, in which the Chinese were represented by their own elected delegates, was held at St. John's College, Shanghai, from March 27 to April 6. The eight Dioceses of North China (Peking), Shantung, Western China (Szechuen), Hankow, Shanghai, Chekiang, Fukien, and Victoria (Hongkong) were represented by 8 Bishops, 15 foreign and

13 Chinese clergy, and 15 Chinese laymen-a total of 51 out of a possible 56.

The devotional life of the Conference found its expression in the daily communions at 7.45, missionary intercessions at noon, and evening prayer at 5.30. On Sunday, March 28, the Conference attended the morning service in Holy Trinity Cathedral in a body, and listened to a sermon by Bishop Moloney. And the following Sunday morning a similar service was held at St. John's, when the sermon was preached by the Rev. Hu Landing, of Wuchang, who had been elected to that office by the Chinese delegates.

Two missionary meetings were held. One at the Martyrs' Memorial Hall, which was addressed by Bishop Roots, of Hankow, the Revs. F. L. Norris, of Peking, and S. T. Mok, of Canton, and by Dr. M. T. Liu, of Hangchow. Bishop Moloney, of Chekiang, presided, and Bishop Cassels, of Western China, gave the benediction. The

other meeting was at Holy Trinity Cathedral on Sunday evening, April 4, and was addressed by Bishop Cassels, Bishop Roots, and Bishop Price.

The Conference found its greatest difficulty in conducting its business in such a way as would allow all the Chinese delegates to keep informed of what was going on. After several expedients had been tried, it was found that all the Chinese, except those from Fukien and Hongkong, could understand Mr. Ts'en, of Wuchang, speaking in Hankow Mandarin. Thereafter all speeches in English and all resolutions were translated by him into Mandarin; when a Chinese spoke, his speech was translated into Eng. lish by one of the foreign delegates; if the Chinese was from either Fukien or Hongkong, the English was also rendered into Mandarin for the benefit of the other Chinese. The minutes of the day were translated every night by two Chinese secretaries and posted on the wall of the room, where all Chinese delegates were living together. In these ways it was found possible to overcome a language difficulty that is, perhaps, as great as any that the world affords. Once the plan was worked out-as it was on the second day of the sessions all went with perfect smoothness.

The Conference organized with Bishop Scott as President, Bishop Cassels as Vice-President, the Revs. F. L. Norris and W. S. Moule as foreign Secretaries, and the Rev. P. N. Tsu and Mr. T. L. Ts'en as Chinese Secretaries.

The main business before the Conference was the organization of a Synod that should represent all the Anglican missions in China. A committee that had been at work for two years brought in a report that ultimately was adopted substantially as presented. It calls for a representation from each diocese, consisting of its Bishop, four clergy, and four laymen; each diocese deciding upon its own method of choosing its clerical and lay delegates.

Ten other committees appointed in 1907 reported, and their reports were acted upon. The Conference appointed no less than twenty-one committees to carry on the necessary work and report at the Conference, to be held, D. V., in April,


The Chinese delegates presented an agreeable surprize one day in the form of a letter of thanks to the two mother churches for what they have done in the past for the church in China and of appeal for more missionaries to meet the present opportunities.

The Conference, at the request of the Archbishop of Canterbury, endorsed the proposal to erect a new diocese to consist of the province of Honan, and welcomed the Rev. W. C. White, who is to be its first Bishop. It is interesting to note that in the person of Bishop White China will have the first foreign missionary Bishop ever sent out by an English Colony; the diocese of Honan being cared for by the church in Canada.

Perhaps the most gratifying thing in the Conference was the way in which the Chinese delegates, who of course can have had no such training in the work of deliberative assemblies

as their foreign colleagues, took their share in all discussions and showed themselves ready and prepared to bear the burdens of their church. It seems most probable that when the preamble, constitution, and canons, which have now been referred to the several diocesan synods, shall have been finally adopted by the Conference of 1912, the Conference will resolve itself into the first formal synod of the church. It is a long step in advance over the first informal meeting of five Bishops -including Corea, which has now found it best to withdraw from this Conference—that was held in 1897, and is a sign of the rapidity with which the Christian religion is advancing in the empire.

New from Kiangsi

The following account from Mr. Robert Porteous, of the C. I. M., stationed at Yuanchow, Kiangsi, will be of interest, and all will be thankful to know that the spiritual movement which has been going on in the other provinces, has now spread to that part of the country. We also hear of similar blessing in connection with special meetings held in the province of Shensi by Mr. A. Lutley and a Chinese brother, Mr. Wang.

I want to tell you of the Lord's mercy in visiting Yüanchowfu for this last week end. The first indications of blessing were when Mr. Liu, our native helper, returned with Mr. Chu, the converted potter, from the Kweiki Conference. On the Sunday morning Mr. Liu told us of the Kweiki gatherings, and a deep impression was made by his confession and testimony. His words were simple, pointed, and sincere. God had met with him, and he felt much ashamed

of his sinful condition in God's sight and the way in which he had been serving Christ. We were expecting a visit from our superintendent, Mr. Orr-Ewing, who had been much blessed and used in the Kweiki Conference, so our hearts were lifted up to God that He would visit needy Yüanchow. On Monday the country folks commenced to come in, and we had about forty guests, consisting of the Christians and enquirers from the country district. The first thing out of the usual was a prayer meeting at 6 a.m., Thursday morning, which originated. originated amongst the Chinese themselves, with Mr. Liu as leader. I knew nothing of the meeting until it was in progress, and the first sound I heard was the verses of a well-known hymn sung in Chinese style, and then followed a time of prayer, during which I heard some one sobbing.

Mr. Lawson, who had slipped into the meeting, told me that an old man had broken down with the thought of having having nothing to repay the Saviour's love. Mr. Orr-Ewing arrived in the afternoon, having walked through rain and mud for three and a half days. His first words to us were: "I am sure that the Lord is going to bless here." In the evening we had a heartsearching meeting, led by Mr. Orr-Ewing, who spoke from Revelation 3, describing the condition of the church at Laodicea, very applicable to the church at Yüanchow. There was 110 opportunity given for prayer or confession, but the Holy Spirit was at work, and the next morning, shortly after dawn, we gathered for a prayer meeting, such a meeting as I have never been in before. Numbers were soon down on their faces, and

prayer gave way to sobs; such heart-breaking sobs too. One felt that God had indeed come amongst us. Amongst those who broke down was our young helper, who confessed to having had a quarrel in his home, and then burst out in sobs asking God to have mercy on him. This brought an answering sob from his wife, who had also come to the meeting, and she broke down, prayed for mercy and confessed her sins. Our Ping-siang helper also broke completely down and sobbed aloud for his sins. "Lord have

mercy," he cried in agony, "How can I help enlighten others when I've not sought to enlighten my own family?" This man was deeply moved, and being a very reserved man there could be no doubt that the Holy Spirit had done a mighty work in him.

Amongst others who confessed was the carpenter, one of the worst characters in the city. He ridiculed the meetings at first, but was brought low before the Lord and confessed his sins. It was cheering to hear. this vile-mouthed fellow singing at his work about the blood of Jesus. "Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow. No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus."

Sunday was the crowning day, being the last day of the gatherings. We were much in prayer that those whom we felt were holding back and unwilling to confess, might be brought low by the power of God. early morning prayer meeting was a good preparation for the day, and God wonderfully answered prayer. The chapel,


which seats one hundred or so, had been well filled during the

week. On Sunday we were packed; about 140 attending. Just after the morning service two of the church members, who had been at enmity for more than a year, confessed their sins to God and to each other, after which Mr. Orr-Ewing, who was conducting the service, led in prayer. He only got as far as "Calvary," when he himself broke completely down, and with the exception of one or two outsiders, there was not a dry eye in the chapel. It was some time before he could proceed and direct our hearts to Him who, though once crowned with thorns, is now enthroned in the glory on high, there for us at the right hand with all power in heaven and on earth.

The evening meeting was the best of all; about forty testifying to blessing received. Amongst them the carpenter; as he stood up with his face beaming, he said: "Thank God, as soon as I confessed I had very much

peace," and one could see from his radiant looks that what he said was true. Another man,

a B. A., confessed to sin and prayed in the meeting, a thing he had never been known to do before. After the testimonies an opportunity was given for any who had not yet confessed their sins to do so. We knew of some who hadn't, the milkman and blacksmith being amongst the number, and you can imagine our joy when these two, one after the other, broke down and confessed their sins, crying for mercy.

Many were the answers to prayer we had. One man came in from the country to the Saturday evening meeting, and he was the first to pray and confess his sin-gambling, etc. We had all been praying very much for this man. The Monday morning prayer meeting started at 4.30 a.m., and it was a wonderful meeting. At the close the two brethren who had been reconciled, stood up and prayed for each other, asking God to have mercy and pardon their sins. Then we had the doxology, for our hearts were full of praise to God.


The Month.

Mr. H. C. Kinder, the British engineer-in-chief of the Peking-Fengtien railway, is retained as consulting engineer to the Board of Posts and Communications. It is decided to grant the franchise for the CantonMacao railway to Chinese merchants rather than to a foreign syndicate.An endeavor is to be made to secure the retrocession to Chinese of the Kaiping mines.-It is said that a rich gold strike has been made in Ch'aoyangkou, Mukden.


The Chinese government announces that Christians, as such, are not to be deprived of the franchise, but graduates of foreign schools are not granted the right to vote because of such graduation.-Instructions are issued by Prince Su, Minister of the Interior, for the taking of a census.Three men were decapitated on the 16th instant because of their connection with the Anking mutiny.-Two years is fixed as the limit of time when modern law courts must be es

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