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Fenn's Concordance of the New Testament is in type, and will soon be issued. Johnston's Scientific Faith is withdrawn for a time. Y. M. C. A.

Stories for Young People, by H. L. Zia, is now ready. Also Harmony of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, by W. D. Crockett. V.M.C.A. Expository Commentary on John's Gospel. George Hudson.

Gulick's Growth of the Kingdom of God. C. L. S.

Railways of China. C. L. S.

Imago Christi, Stalker's. C. L. S.

My Belief, Dr. Horton. C. L. S. Drummond's Programme of Christianity (out). C. L. S.

Guizot's Civilization in Europe. C. L. S. British Constitution. C. L. S. Commercial Education. C. L. S.

The General Committee Y. M. C. A. has in preparation the following in Chinese in addition to those already announced:Temptations of Students, by John R. Mott. Power of Jesus Christ in the Life of Students. John R. Mott.

A Changed Life. Henry Drummond.
Achievement-O. S. Marden (abridgment.)
A Handbook on Y. M. C. A. Work, with

Report of Y. M. C. A. Work during 1908.
Constructive Studies in the Gospel of Mark

Missionary News.

Dr. J. C. Garritt, of Nanking, has sent us the following interesting account of the recent special meetings held there. Our readers will rejoice to learn of the great blessing granted on that occasion. We would ask prayer that the revival may sweep through the two provinces of Anhwei and Kiangsu :

When the Spirit came to


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This city has just witnessed a mighty outpouring of God's Spirit upon the churches, with the same wonderful manifestations which have characterized His work in Wales, in Corea, in Manchuria, and in other parts of China. For months the missionaries and Christians of Nanking and the surrounding region have been in prayer that when Mr. Goforth came here he might be the agent of the Spirit of God in quickening the church and leading it into the fulness of blessing. The prayer has been answered, and for many days there has been a volume of confession, prayer, and renewal of VOWS such as this great heathen city has never witnessed.

A great tent was built, with a seating capacity of over 1,200, and this was filled for ten days, twice a day, from February 27th to March 7th. The Lord answer

ed prayer in giving exceptional weather, else the pavilion could not have been used at all. For four days, beyond an evident deep interest and prayerfulness, nothing remarkable was visible in the meetings. Mr. Goforth spoke simply, but powerfully, of the absolute sovereignty of God as displayed in other places where He had cleansed and purified His church. Then a break came, and men, women, boys, girls, with weeping and deep contrition confessed their sins. Some confessed to the grosser sins; others to coldness, hypocrisy, lying, covetousness. During the last days, beside many who rose or knelt at their seats to confess, fully five hundred came forward to the platform to acknowledge their sins and ask the prayers of the multitude.

The evidences of the actual presence and work of the Holy Spirit were too numerous to be gainsaid. Sins unrepented of, of years gone by, often forgotten sins, were brought to light. Some who came to the meetings, resolved that "Mr. Goforth should never drag a confession from them," were compelled to acknowledge it all and to tell out the story of defection and

sin. It was felt by very many that these were days of judgment such as Joel foretold, and that to hide their sins now would be the cause of being eternally ruined in the last day. The ter

rors of Sinai were not preached by Mr. Goforth, but they were brought home to the people by the Spirit Himself. Some of the most remarkable facts were these:

1. The terrible burden of sin, made clear by the Holy Spirit's convicting power. Hatred, anger, impatience of authority, contention, lying, selfish ease in the church without care for the unsaved, etc., etc., were confessed with bitter anguish.

2. The reality of the cross of Jesus. The love of the Savior, who died for us, was vividly realized by many as never before.

3. The sadness and coldness, friendlessness and hopelessness, of life, of any life, away from Christ.

4. The tremendous value of human souls and the fearful guilt of being a stumbling block in the way of others, and even of not praying and working for them.

5. The power of prayer.

These are realities in Nanking to-day. The reproach of Christ has been rolled away; men know now that this is not a "foreign" church, but that the very power of God is in our midst. The visitors from the surrounding regions have gone to their homes with great zeal for souls; some of them, when they came, were burdened with guilt and far from Christ. The five communions established in Nanking are afire. One of our

workers, in prayer in the daily meetings still going on, has been oppressed even to physical pain, almost beyond endurance, for those who had wandered away from the church during the past ten years. The officers of the church are alive to the needs of the Christians as never before, and are earnestly devising means for reclaiming wanderers, winning the lost, and building up the weak. All hearts are full Lord with full consecration and of joy and seeking to serve the acceptableness. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me; bless His holy name !

We append the following account of the formation of the Hupeh Provincial Council, representing further important progress in the cause of Federation:

At two meetings of representatives of missions working in Hupeh, one held at Kuling last summer and the other in Hankow on January 28th, the necessary steps have been taken for the formation of a Provincial Council of the Christian Federation for Hupeh Province. At the meeting when the final decision was taken, there were present representatives of the London, Wesleyan, Alliance, Protestant Episcopal, American Baptist, China Inland, Church of Scotland, and Swedish Missions and of the B. & F. B. S. and C. C. R. T. S. Two other missions, whose delegates could not come to Hankow so early in the Chinese year, sent written expressions of assent. The following Constitution has been adopted by the foreign missionaries, and there is little doubt that it will be adopted formally at the first full meeting of the Provincial Council :

Preamble.-In view of the large number of missions represented in this meeting, and of the written expressions of agreement received from other missions, the Hupeh Provincial Council of the Christian Federation in China is hereby formed under the following Constitution :

1. Object.-This Council shall have as its end the realisation within the limits of this province of the objects for which it is proposed to organise the Christian Federation of China. (See Centenary Conference Resolutions on Federation II and XII.)

2. Representation.-a. Each mission having established Christian work in this province, including the Y. M. C. A. and the Bible and Tract Societies, may join this Provincial Council by accepting its Constitution and electing two representatives, one Chinese and one foreign, to be members of this Provincial Council. b. Each such mission may elect an additional foreigner for every 25 foreign workers or major fraction thereof; wives of missionaries to be reckoned. c. Each such mission may elect one additional Chinese for every five hundred adults in full membership or for a major fraction thereof. d. At any session of the Council it shall require that a representation from a majority of the missions which have joined this Provincial Council be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. e. Any question arising as to the validity of a claim to representation on the Provincial Council shall be decided by the Council.

3. Duties of the Council. - This Provincial Council shall exercise no authority over missions or churches represented in its deliberations. Its discussions and conclusions will only have such weight as their wisdom entitles them to receive, but since the Provincial Council is composed of delegates from the various missions, it is hoped that the discussions will meet with the general approval of the missions and that they will unite in effort to carry out the recommendations of the Council and to realize results that are for the common good.

4. Officers of the Council. - The permanent officers of the Provincial Council shall be two presidents, two secretaries and two treasurers; in each case one Chinese and one foreign. These officers shall be elected by ballot at the close of each regular

session of the Council and shall continue in office until their successors have been elected.

5. Executive Committee. - There shall be an Executive Committee, of which the two presidents, the secretaries and two treasurers shall be exofficio members, and to which three Chinese and three foreign members shall be added by ballot. The Executive Committee shall fill its own vacancies. Five members of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but five votes must be cast for a given object to be carried in the committee. This Executive Committee shall have power to carry out the will of the Council in all matters not committed to individuals or special committees. It shall have control of all monies contributed for the use of the Council. It shall be responsible for arranging a programme for the regular meetings of the Council, electing topics for discussion, appointing leading speakers and writers of essays. The Executive Committee shall make careful provision to give opportunity for the introduction into the discussions of topics not appearing on the programme, but such topics must be introduced with the permission of the Executive Committee. An appeal from the decision of that committee may be carried to the Council by a motion supported by seven members.

6. Committees. - The Provincial Council shall appoint individuals or committees to undertake specific lines of work in harmony with the object of the union in Christian fellowship and service.

7. Convening of Council.-A regular meeting of this Provincial Council shall be held not less than triennially and not more frequently than annually at the call of the Executive Committee. A special meeting of the Provincial Council may be called by the Executive Committee at the request of one-third of the members of the Provincial Council.

8. Delegates to National Council.The Provincial Council shall appoint delegates to the National Council in accordance with the regulations determined by that body.

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