the only book. It will, as a matter of course, be secured for use by all medical missionaries and others who are engaged in translation work, and it is sincerely to be hoped that the Educational Board of the Chinese government will have the wisdom to adopt this terminology for their own purposes. The volume is well printed, although it appears that greater comfort in its use might have been secured by giving a wider spacing as well as more room to the Chinese portion of the page. B. Educational Problems. Published by the International Institute. Price 15 cents. This is the text, more or less complete, of thirteen lectures delivered at the International Institute during 1906 by Dr. Gilbert Reid. These lectures were all voluntarily delivered on Dr. Reid's invitation; each lecturer making his own selection of subject. Of the thirteen lectures, four were delivered by Chinese, one each by H. E. Lu Hai-huan and Taotal Shen Tun ful pamphlet to put into the hands of progressive teachers in our educational institutions and of those specially dealing with problems connected with the new education in China. It would also be suggestive to those educators and others who may desire to inaugurate lecture courses in connection with their work. G. A. S. Harvests In Many Lands, or Fruitage of Canadian Presbyterianism. Toronto William Briggs. This is the third of a series of missionary text-books prepared for the young people of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. It presents some of the results of missionary effort in the home land as well as in other countries. Its twentyfour chapters are contributed by as many men in the various fields. Formosa gets three chapters, Honan two, while the work of the Canadian Church in the Christian Literature Society is described in one chapter. It is to such study. books as this that we must largely ascribe the modern awakening at home on the sub ho, and two by Dr. Yao Ping- ject of missions. Dr. Smith's Up ren. It is a noticeable fact that these Chinese lecturers dwelt strongly on the moral side of the educational problem; their topics being respectively, "Preserving the Old Learning in the New," "The Need of Moral Training in Modern Education,' The Cultivation of Character,' and "Erroneous Sayings in the New Learning of China." The lectures delivered by foreigners deal largely with educational problems already solved in Western lands and the application of this solution to Chinese conditions. This will be an exceedingly use lift of China has had a wide vogue in England and America among all denominations, and recently it has been put into Danish. Deaf Mute Primers, by Mrs. Mills, Chefoo. 6 vols. We have much pleasure in calling attention to a series of six books prepared by Mrs. Mills, of the Chefoo Deaf and Dumb School, for teaching her pupils. Each page has a picture, a Chinese character, and the finger signs, while an English preface explains how to use them. There may be some missionaries The following books are in course of preparation. Friends engaged in translation or compilation of books are invited to notify Rev. D. MacGillivray, 44 Boone Road, Shanghai, of the work they are engaged on, so that this column may be kept up to date, and overlapping prevented. N. B. Some whose names have been on this list a long time are asked to write and say if they have given up the work, or what progress, if any, they are making. Perhaps they are keeping others from doing the work. C. L. S. List:-(See below.) Booker T. Washington's "Up from Slavery." By Mr. Kao Lun-ching. New Life of Christ. By D. MacGillivray. (Out.) Wide Wide World. By Mrs. MacGillivray. Life of Rev. William Muirhead. (Out.) Training of the Twelve. By A. P. Bruce. Gulick's Growth of the Kingdom. Robert Speer's Principles of Jesus. J. H. Jowett's The Passion for Souls. Both in mandarin. Inspiration of a Christian. Fulness of Power. Metaphors of St. Paul. Dean Howson. By J. Vale. Mrs. Nevius' Mandarin Hymn Book. Dr. and Mrs. Nevius' Manual for Christians, with answers to the questions. Practical Chemistry in three parts: III. Organic. Higher Algebra, by the same and Liu Kuang-chao. The Roman Theology and the Word of God, by Alphonso Argento. Constructive Studies in Life of Christ. H. W. Luce. New Primer of Standard Romaniza tion on the Accumulative Method. By Frank Garrett. The Christian Home in China, compiled by Mrs. A. H. Mateer. Vol. I. The Daughter in the Home. Vol. II. The Wife and Mother in the Home. Vol. III. Simple Remedies and Household Hygiene. (In press.) , an adaptation of " David, a little soldier of Jesus Christ," by Rev. F. W. Baller. (In press.) A missionary has under consideration the question of translating into Chinese Dr. Campbell Morgan's three introductory volumes to "The Analysed Bible." If any other worker has entered upon this task an early communication to Mr. MacGillivray would be welcome. (Abandoned.) Prof. J. Percy Bruce is preparing the following: Elementary Outlines of Logic. Expository Lectures on the Historical Parts of the Pentateuch. Expository Lectures on Old Testament History (Solomon to Captivity). Biblical Altas and Gazetteer. R. T. S., London. R. A. Haden is preparing Murray's Humility and Holy in Christ. The Example of Christ. D. MacGillivray. (In press.) Matheson's Aids to Engineering. C. L. S. (Out.) Mrs. Mead's Catechism on Peace. C. L. S. Muirhead's Scripture Treasury Revised. C. L. S. S. D. Gordon's Quiet Talks on Service. C. L. S. (In press.) C. L. S.: The Programme of Christ. (In press.) C. L. S. Railways of China. (In press.) Y. M. C. A.: Outline Studies in Biblical Facts and History, by I. N. DePuy and J. B. Travis. Y. M. C. A.: Sallman. Y. M. C. A. Chronicles, by Y. M. C. A.: Y. M. C. A.: Drummond. Y. M. C. A.: Mott. Y. M. C. A. A. Johnston. Studies in the Life of Christ, by Harmony of Samuel, Kings and Crockett. Yours, by F. B. Hoagland. The Changed Life, by Henry Alone with God, by John R. Scientific Faith, by Dr. Howard James Hutson: Meyer's Burdens and How to Bear Them. James Hutson: Willison's Mothers' Catechism. Mrs. R. M. Mateer: The Browns at Mount Hermon. Samuel Couling: Jewish History from Cyrus to Titus. F. C. H. Dreyer: Bible Reading Outlines for the Blackboard. W. T. Hobart: Johnston's Scientific Faith. Lectures on modern Missions, by Leighton Stuart. Laboratory Manual in Chemistry (Mandarin), by J. McGregor Gibb. Mrs. Mills. Books for the Deaf Mutes. N.B. - Two shocking cases of overlapping work have recently come to light, due to lack of announcement in this column. Verb. sap. Missionary News. The Sunday School Com- intervening months Rev. D. Mac mittee. The Sunday School Committee appointed by the Centenary Conference has two very important announcements for all interested in the development of Sunday School work throughout China. The Rev. F. B. Meyer, chairman of the World's Sunday School Association, has arranged to visit China to help us in this great work. He expects to leave London March 17th, holding a mission in Constantinople en route and reaching Hongkong about June 14th. His proposed itinerary is as follows: June 14-24, Hongkong. July 4-11, Kuliang and Foochow. 14, Shanghai. 18-25, Mohkanshan. Aug. 1-6, Kuling. 12-18, Chefoo. 22-29, Peitaiho. It is hoped that local committees will make all arrangements necessary to ensure the success of these meetings. Correspondence on this subject should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary, Rev. W. N. Bitton, Shanghai. The Rev. John Darroch, so well known among the missionaries of China as one of our best Chinese scholars, has accepted the appointment as General Secretary for the Sunday School work in China. Mr. Darroch is now assisting the British Committee in England in raising a guarantee fund to ensure the stability of the work. A cablegram has been received announcing the date of his arrival to take up his work in Shanghai as April 23rd. During these Gillivray has kindly supervised the preparation of the literature issued by the committee. Beginning with January the issues have comprised: (1.) A monthly booklet containing notes specially intended for teachers and older scholars. (2.) Weekly leaflets containing the lesson, with golden text and a few questions and practical application. (3.) Weekly golden text cards. The leaflets and text cards are supplied with either foreign or Chinese artist illustrations. The booklets and leaflets can be supplied in either Wên-li or Mandarin. Missionaries should be careful to specify which is desired, also whether the foreign or native illustrations are preferred. Where possible cash should accompany the order. A tentative scale of prices for this year has been fixed as follows (prices include postage) : Booklet, monthly, price per year, 10 copies, $1.70; 50 copies, $7.60; 100 copies, $14.45. Illustrated leaflets, weekly, price per year, 10 sets, .85; 50 sets, $3.00; 100 sets, $5.75. Golden text picture cards, weekly, price per year, io sets, $1.60; 50 sets, $6.85; 100 sets, $11.40. A supply of the illustrated leaflets for January and February will be furnished free to any who will send stamps for payment of postage. These leaflets can be utilized as tracts at any time. For the present please address all orders to THE SECRETARY SUNDAY SCHOOL COMMITTEE, 10 Woosung Road, Shanghai. IN PEKING. The Month. Quiet has prevailed in the capital city during February. The Prince Regent seems to retain control of the situation, and so far no untoward circumstances have followed upon the dismissal of Yuan Shih-kai.-The Prince Regent is reported to strongly favor granting permission to the people to appeal to him directly without having to go through local and provincial officials. — Imperial Edict fixes May 1st as the date when the remains of the late Emperor will be removed to a temporary resting place at the Western Tombs. The permanent mausoleum now being constructed will cost five million taels.Cipher telegrams are again received for transmission by the Chinese Imperial Telegraphs. In the nervousness that followed the death of the Emperor and Empress-Dowager ciphers were not permitted.-An Imperial Edict recognizes the importance of the reorganization of the navy and appoints a commission to bring forward definite suggestions to this end. The Board of Finance in Peking is taking up the matter of the issue of notes by banks in China. The foreign Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai has made representations to the Board in regard to the matter. OPIUM ANd Reform, Interest centered during the month on the International Opium Conference which assembled in Shanghai February 1st. The Commission was opened by H. E. Tuan, and the second day was organized with Bishop C. H. Brent, of the American delegation, as chairman. The sittings were behind closed doors and the reports given to the press have been meagre. Each country represented on the Commission rendered a report on the state of the opium trade within its own national boundaries, and with these as a basis the whole Commission united in certain resolutions, all of which were passed by unanimous vote. These resolutions have not been published by the press, but assurance is given that the findings, especially from the moral standpoint, are a distinct advance on any yet passed by the various national commissions that have considered the question. In a report to Peking, Viceroy Tuan Fang states that officials and people, to the number of 3,000,000, have given up the opium habit since the issue of the anti-opium decrees, and that compared with three years ago the opium smokers are now 65 per cent. less. The cultivation of the poppy and the revenue from opium has been decreased by half.-Chen Pih, the president of the Board of Posts and Communications, has been cashiered because he has been found guilty of misappropriating government funds.-The Municipal Council in Shanghai has decided to accede to the protest of the Mixed Court Magistrate against allowing actresses to appear at the same time with actors in the theatres of the settlement. INDUSTRIAL. The French Chamber has adopted a bill for a loan of 53,000,0000 francs for the construction of the Yunnan railway-Arrangements have been completed for a foreign loan for £2,000,000 to build the Hunan and Hupeh sections of the Canton-Hankow railway.-Chambers of Commerce in Manchuria have succeeded in floating a bank with $15,000,000 capital. An association has been organized in Shansi for the purpose of encouraging people to put their money into railroad shares.-A corps of twelve lecturers has been engaged to travel throughout the province to exhort the people.-The director of railways in Anhui concludes an agreement for a loan of Tls. 3,000,000 upon the security of the revenue from lotteries and other duties. |