Puslapio vaizdai

Now that we have our buildings, and are fairly started, we hope to be able to introduce new departments.

For years we had few textbooks. Now there are a number

of fine new ones which are eagerly greeted by the students. They are constantly demanding

more, more.

I have translated gynecology, diseases of children, nursing in abdominal surgery, roller bandaging, and have begun another. Nothing at this time seems more important for a doctor to do than translate and instruct.

I am fully persuaded that, through these medical centres, we must, for many years, supply China with her physicians. English has its future. Now the demand for women physicians to go out to distant regions amongst their suffering sisters is greater than we can meet.

The same is true of our training school for nurses. The thinking Chinese are deeply grateful for the opening up to their daughters the two noble professions of medicine and nursing the sick. Hitherto they were sold in marriage, or otherwise.

To find a woman not only self-supporting but taking care of her parents, brothers and sisters, makes a whole clan as proud as though she were a "ku-yan."

I used to think only foreigners ought to instruct in medicine. I have, after over twenty years' experience, about concluded no foreigners should teach.

Of course all depends upon how you have taught your teachers to teach. Some of mine could give points to normal department teachers at home.

In short, I have learned it is wisest to allow the Chinese to do all the work just as fast as they can be fitted for each phase of it, and that they will do it better and at half the expenditure of energy that a foreigner would expend.

It is our aim to send out doctors who are earnest Christians, honest practitioners; who will bring Christ to these dark hearts and homes; who will actually relieve suffering and save life; who will promulgate principles of sanitation and bring about such knowledge of hygiene and right living that the sons and daughters of the land of Sinim shall rejoice and be glad because some of her choice young women chose to follow in the footsteps of Him who went about teaching and healing.

Mr. P. L. Corbin sends the following report of a federation meeting in Shansi.

The first meeting looking toward federation in Shansi province was held in Taiyuanfu, November 23rd and 24th, 1908. Twelve members of the Tentative Committee, or substitutes, were present, representing the six Missions now having established work in the province. As an introduction to their meeting the committee listened to a forceful paper on "Christian Unity," by the Rev. Arthur Sowerby, of the English Baptist Mission. The Committee had a most harmonious session and is referring various recommendations, including a proposed constitution, to the several Missions for their sanction. One or two members of the committee spent half a month in travel from their stations to reach Taiyuanfu for the committee meeting.

Mandarin New Testament (Union that necessary corrections should be made, and the text, as far as possible, be put into its final


In view of the need of making shape without loss loss of time.

our final corrections in the text of the above New Testament at an early date, we should be greatly obliged if all those who have criticisms to offer would send them to the undersigned.. We understand from the Bible Societies that there is a large and growing demand for this version,

Suggestions and criticisms will be gladly welcomed, but they should reach the translators by the end of June to be of any service.

For the translators,


and it is therefore imperative PEKING, January 26th, 1909.


The Month.

The Viceroy of Szechuen has obtained permission to organize a company with a capital of Tls. 4,000,000 with the purpose of developing the natural resources of that province.— The plan has been approved at Peking of establishing colleges of shipbuilding in Hupeh, Chekiang, Kiangsu and Fokien provinces.-H. E. Tuan Fang and Lu Hai-huan cut the first sod for the Tientsin-Pukou railway, southern section. The promoters of the electric lighting and waterworks at Hankow have been awarded special honors by the Peking government because of the important service the establishment of these institutions will be to the city and nation.-The Chinese government, adhering to its original purpose, has completed the purchase of the Peking-Hankow railway from the Belgian syndicate.-Silver, lead and coal mines have been located in the neighbourhood of Chinkiang and a movement is on foot to open mines.


The event of the month that has attracted most attention has been the summary dismissal of H. E. Yuan Shi-kai, President of the Waiwupu, Junior Guardian of the Heir Apparent. The foreign ministers in Peking are said to view the situation with alarm.

Particularly urgent have been the representations made by the British and American governments. His Excellency has retired to his ancestral home in Honan. It is not known whether other prominent officials identified with him will meet a similar fate. H. E. Liang Tun-yen, a returned American student, has been appointed President of the Waiwupu.— Na Tung has been appointed on the Grand Council.-It is reported that H. E. Tang Hyao-yi traveled to America with the purpose of promoting an alliance between China and America, but that his efforts have proven futile.-It is said that 700 incompetent officials have been dismissed in Tientsin.-Amnesty has been granted by the Regent to all political prisoners the first day of Chinese New Year. The Imperial government has granted Tls. 50,000 to the earthquake sufferers in Italy. -The central government has wired to the provincial authorities permission to appoint foreign advisors.-It is announced that the Emperor's education will begin with a study of the Chinese classics.-Through the offer of a wealthy philanthropist money is being raised to establish a university in Hongkong.-The Prince Regent intends to permit the common people to memorialize the throne on governmental matters.-Prof. E. de Witt Bur

ton and Prof. Thos. Chamberlin, commissioners of the Oriental Educational Investigation Commission, arrive in Shanghai and will remain in China five months.-The Maritime Customs' revenue during 1908 amounted to four and a third million pounds sterling, which is less than any year since 1904. In view of this the Chinese government is proposing to the Powers to increase the rate of duty, offering as a quid pro quo that lekin duties be absolutely abolished.


Viceroy Tuan Fang will open the International Opium Conference on February 1st. The Chinese commissioners will give a banquet to other members of the Commission on the evening of the opening day.-Mon

golia will be reformed within the first four years along the following lines: (1) establishment of primary schools; (2) development of natural industries; (3) organization of army; (4) reform of official system.-The Prince Regent has decided upon drastic reforms within the Imperial household.-An edict was issued on January 18th declaring that steps should be taken at once to inaugurate self-government in cities, towns and villages.-Primary schools for the education of the children of princes are to be established in Peking.-The President of the Board of Finance has issued instructions that all native banks should refrain from issuing bank notes unless by permission of the Board.—The Prince Regent expects to put the reform of the currency foremost among the reforms to be undertaken.

Missionary Journal.


AT Wanhsien, 7th December, T. DARLINGTON and Miss A. EVANS, both C. I. M.

AT Chefoo, 16th December, E. TOMALIN and Mrs. A. WRIGHT, both C. I. M.

AT Hankow, December 30th, R. H. MATHEWS and Miss A. E. SMITH, both C. I. M.

AT Kashing, 12th January, by Rev. H. V. S. Myers, D.D., Rev. CHARLES MORRIS MYERS, A. P. M. Press, and Miss MARY ANNA MACPHAIL.


AT Chuchow, December 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. O. SCHMIDT, C. I. M., a daughter (Helene Esther).

AT Shasi, 22nd December, to Rev. and Mrs. ANDERS P. TJELLSTRÖM, S. M. S., a daughter (Marta Otilia Frideborg).

AT Shanghai, 30th December, to Rev. and Mrs. JOHN W. NICHOLS, A. C. M., a daughter.

AT Hiangcheng, 3rd January, to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. JOYCE, C. I. M., a son (Raymond John).

Ar Bournville, England, 3rd January, to ISAAC and ESTHER L. MASON, Friends' Mission, Szchuan, a daughter (Katherine).

AT Chentu, 3rd January, to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. HAMILTON, C. M. S., a daughter (Irene Theodora).

AT Hweichow, 9th January, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. GIBB, C. I. M., a son (Edward Douglas).

AT Tsoyun, 10th January, to Mr. and
Mrs. C. J. ANDERZEN, C. I. M.,
a daughter (Svea Viola).
AT Ningpo, 13th January, to Rev. and
Mrs. G. W. SHEPPARD, E. U. M.
F. C., a son (Thomas Vincent).

AT Changsha, 19th January, to Mr. and Mrs. BROWNELL GAGE, Vale M., a daughter (Emily Thornton). AT Shanghai, 22nd January, to Mr. and Mrs. C. THOMSON, C. I. M., a daughter (Agnes Mary).


AT Saratsi, 10th December, EMIL NATHANIEL, youngest child of O. E. and Mrs. Oberg, C. I. M. AT Montreal, Canada, in January, ALEXANDER GARTSHORE, second son of Dr. and Mrs. Percy C. Leslie, C. P. M., aged 4 years, from diphtheria.

AT Taichowfu, 15th January, Miss A. R. RUDLAND, C. I. M., from malaria.

18th January, Mr. T. A. P. CLINTON, C. I. M., from consumption. (Cable received from Melbourne.)



28th December, Rev. and Mrs. GEORGE CAMPBELL and three children, A. B. M. U.


9th November, Rev. and Mrs. J. E. DENHAM and Miss E. CASSWELL, all C. M. S.

29th November, Miss E. F. TURNER, C. M. S.

10th December, Mrs. O. M. JACKSON and two children, Mr. W. L. L. KNIPE, Miss C. CARLETON, Mr. W. R. CANNELL, Dr. J. H. LECHLER, Miss J. MORRIS, all C. M. S.

26th December, Dr. J. E. WALKER and Miss J. WALKER, both A. B. C. F. M. and both returned; Miss M. A. JAQUET, M. E. M.; Miss N. D. GAGE, Yale M.

30th December, Miss LATTIMORE, A. P. M. (returned).

3rd January, Mr. and Mrs. J. BENDER, C. I. M., from Germany; Miss H. M. WATT, E. Bapt. M.

4th January, Miss A. GRAHAM, Rev. and Mrs. L. BYRDE and three children (ret.), all C. M. S.; Rev. G. P. STEVENS, S. P. M.

7th January, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. TURNER and family, C. M. S.

10th January, Mr A. W. Large, C. I. M., from England.

15th January, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. DAVIDSON, Friends' M. (returned). 19th January, Miss MURRAY, S. P. M.

[blocks in formation]

6th January, Miss HENDerson, A. C. M., for U. S. A.

8th January, Mr. M. E. RITZMANN, Un. Evang. C. M., for U. S. A. via England.

9th January, Mr. and Mrs. E. TOMALIN, Messrs. P. C. PLUMBE and W. E. HAMPSON, to England; Mr. and Mrs. W. HAGQVIST and four children, to North America; all C. I. M.

12th January, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. SEYMOUR and daughter, A. P. M., for U. S. A.

22nd January, Rev. and Mrs. J. N. ANDERSON and three children, and Dr. A. C. SELMON, all S. D. A. M., for U. S. A.

23rd January, Rev. and Mrs. W. B. HAMILTON and daughter, A. P. M., for U. S. A.; Rev. and Mrs. JAS. WEBSTER, U.F.C. of S., for Scotland; Rev. and Mrs. K. S. STOKKE, A. Luth. M., for U. S. A. via Suez.


Published Monthly by the American Presbyterian Mission Press, 18 Peking Road, Shanghai, China

Editorial Board.

Editor-in-chief: Rev. G. F. FITCH, D.D.

Associate Editors:
Rev. E. W. BURT, M.A.
Rt. Rev. Bishop CASSELS.
Rev. J. C. GARRITT, D.D.


The Children of the Cburcb.

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IN presenting the subject of Work Among Young People and Children as the special topic for this month, we hope it will be felt that the RECORDER is calling attention to one of the vital needs of presentday missionary enterprise. The Christian church has now reached a position where by a natural increase, by retaining the fellowship and service of the children of church members, it should extend in numbers regularly and considerably. It is one of the very first duties of church life and work to feed the lambs of the flock, and these will be fed only at the cost of special care and labour. While it is found very necessary in the home lands to make every effort to retain the services of the young people for the church and to claim them for Jesus Christ in places, that is, even where they are brought up under Christian influences, it becomes doubly necessary that in China, living in a heathen atmosphere and surrounded by temptations of a very special kind, exceptional efforts should be made to guide the faith of these little ones aright. That we have not yet learned the secret of success along this line of work the leakage of children of Christian parentage into ways of carelessness and vice, though very rarely be it noted into the habit of idolatry, bears sad enough witness. There is no antidote to the poisoning influence of the evil which is in the world like that of due instruction in the things of God. Early apprehension of the fact of divine

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