Emerson College of Oratory DEAN ACADEMY, Franklin, Mass. Largest School of Oratory, Belles-lettres and Ped- MISS MCCLINTOCK'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 4 Arlington Street, Boston, Mass. THE BROWNE & NICHOLS SCHOOL 36th year opens Sept. 23rd, 1918 GEORGE H. BROWNE, A. M., REV. WILLARD REED, A. M. THOMAS WHITNEY SURETTE Announces the Fourth Year of his In Concord, Massachusetts, June 24th to July 12th inclusive The Basis and Principles of Music Teaching Circular on application to MR. SURETTE 21 Lexington Road, fihode Island MOSES BROWN SCHOOL Upper School - I'nique record for college entrance preparation and for success of graduates in college. Studio, manual training, athletics, gymnasium. swimming pool Lower School Special home care and training of younger boys. Graded classes. Outdoor sports. Catalog. SETH K. GIFFORD, Ph.D., Principal, Providence, R.I. THE MARY C. WHEELER SCHOOL College fitting, secretarial and business courses. Domestic Science. Sports with Field Day. Week-ends for practical war service at the Farm School. Booklet on application. PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND. Tennessee COLUMBIA MILITARY ACADEMY "Built by the U.S. Government' The school that develops leadership. Over 100 graduates holding U. S. A. commissions. National patronage. $500,000 plant donated by the Government. 67 acre campus. Largest drill hall in the South. Splendid equipment. Athletic fields, Gymnasium, Swimming Pool. Best Climate. Altitude 700 feet. New $200,000 Middle Tennessee Junior School for smaller boys. On Southern portion of campus. Special teachers. For handsomely illustrated catalogue, address, The Columbia Military Academy Box 211, Columbia, Tenn. A Teachers' Agencies LBANY TEACHERS' AGENCY, 81 Chapel St., Albany, N. Y. Provides schools of all grades with competent teachers. Assists teachers in ob taining positions. Send for circulars. Mention Atlantic Monthly The Pratt Teachers' Agency New York. Recommends teachers to colleges, public and private schools Advises parents about schools. Wm. O. Pratt, Mgr. School Information FREE Catalogs of all Boarding Schools (or camps) in U. S. Expert advice from. Want for girls or boys? Maintained by American Schools' Association Write 1012 Times Building, New York, or 1515 Masonic Temple, Chicago |