If you have a house, or are going to have a house; if you own a garden or are going to plant a garden, you can save money by consulting House Garden What Vogue has done for women of taste and discernment in It is crammed with beautiful things, with lovely rooms, exquisite gardens, the finest work of skilled artists and craftsmen in furniture, fabrics, papers, china, fountains with everything that goes to make up the gracious and charming home. It shows you just what to do, how to do it, and-best of all, perhaps-just how it looks in other charming homes where it has been done. House & Garden is a practical help to the home maker, the final authority on thousand and one problems of house building, furnishing, gardening, sanitation and e like, which at one time or another puzzle the owner of every house. $1 Invested in House & Garden A tiny fraction of your loss on a single ill-chosen chair Will Save You $100 House mistakes are often very costly. You need the advice of experts in every important house expenditure. Hundreds of dollars-often thousands-may depend on a single decision and expert advice will be invaluable. May we, therefore, suggest that you take advantage of our special offer and plan your home expenditure this year with the help of House & Garden. Special Offer-Five Issues for $1 (Six if you respond promptly) If you care to make your own house smart, distinguished and representative of your personal, tastes, you will want to take advantage of our special offer of five issues of House & Garden for $1-six, if you mail the coupon now. Send no money now unless you wish to just mail the coupon today. January issue. It is understood that if Send me five numbers of House & Garde der promptly, you will send an additi in all. I enclose $1 herewith, (OR receipt of bill. (Fore Safeguarding the OUR thousand workers are employed and three hundred and eighty-three yards maintained by the Pullman Company throughout the country, for the cleaning of the cars, and stocking them with fresh supplies. At the end of every trip all seats and cushions are unlimbered, and every cranny is vacuum cleaned. Mattresses, blankets and pillows are hung in the open air and sunlight. All used linen is removed and fresh linen neatly stocked; water coolers are sterilized with steam; the washrooms are cleansed with disinfectant solution. Atfrequent intervals carpets areremovéd and renovated and the mono lithic floor thoroughly scrubbed; the walls and ceilings are washed with soap and water. The polished steel interior of a Pullman is easily kept clean, and cannot shelter germs. Thorough fumigation is given every car regularly. The laundering of bed linen and blankets is done according to the most exacting standards; the smallest permanent stain or scorching causes them to be discarded. Mattresses, pillows and all upholstery are frequently emptied and their contents renovated. There is probably no other public place where health and cleanliness are more vigilantly guarded than in the Pullman car. THE PULLMAN COMPANY Owing to the nation-wide insistence upon Cypress, "The Wood Eternal," for all uses that invite decay, (as well as for artistic uses in interiors), it became necessary to devise safeguards for lumber-consumers who i have had no reason to become skilled in identifying different woods or in judging their gradations or adaptabilities. The one way for you to be sure that the Cypress you get was grown in a region near enough to the coast to possess the MAXIMUM of decay-resisting quality is to refuse all but genuine "TIDE-WATER" CYPRESS-and the only way to know that you're getting Tide-water Cypress is to insist (and keep on insisting) upon SEEING WITH YOUR OWN EYES the REGISTERED TRADEMARK of the Southern Cypress Mfrs. Assn., stamped ineradicably in one both ends of EVERY CYPRESS BOARD OR TIMBER, and on EVERY BUNDLE of "small sticks," such as flooring, siding, moulding and shingles. This is the mark to BUY BY-now that every piece of thoroughly reliable "TIDE-WATER" CYPRESS MANUFACTURED BY ASSOCIATION MILLS No. of Only mills which are qualified by the superior physical character of their product AND the ethical character of their business practice can belong to the Southern Cypress Mfrs. Assa -and only member-mills can ever apply this legally registered trade-mark to ANY Cypress Let our AI L-ROUND HELPS DEPARTMENT help YOU MORE. Our entire resources are at your service with Reliable Ca SOUTHERN CYPRESS MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION 1253 HIBERNIA BANK BLDG., NEW ORLEANS, LA., or 1253 HEARD NAT'L BANK BLDG., JACKSONVILLE, FLA INSIST ON TRADE-MARKED CYPRESS AT YOUR LOCAL LUMBER DEALER'S. IF HE HASN'T IT, LET US KNO Signed Sumber is Safe Sumber |