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Atl. 1-18

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Elizabeth Hasanovitz, a young Russian who came to this country some halfdozen years ago, describes in these first chapters of her autobiography her early experiences of sweating' and exploitation in the clothing trade, which began her evolution into a frank revolutionist, deeply embittered toward the country which had seemed to offer her the very fullness of life. Our readers will remember that Dr. and Mrs. Phillips had been residents of Berlin for more than a decade when they were forced to return to this country after our entrance into the war, as set forth in their previous article, ‘Auf Wiedersehn, Berlin,' in the October Atlantic. In their second paper. they deal more particularly with the extraordinary revulsion of feeling in the Prussian capital, and the moral decline of its people.

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Lieutenant Charles Péguy, whose heroic death very early in the war is described in a letter to M. Maurice Barrès by a devoted trooper in his company, was rapidly acquiring an assured position among French writers of force and originality. He was peasant-born, the descendant of a long line of humble vine-dressers of the Orléanais, and he realized 'the nobility of that peasant life, the grandeur and the sanctity of the French tradition inscribed upon our soil, and preserved by the families which live close to the soil. He speaks of his "ancestors" as an aristocrat might do. . . . Peasant he was, and chose to be. He remained a peasant in the midst of Paris, with all his strength and all his vigor. It was a matter of pride with him, as it is to other men to be Parisians.' Thus M. Doumic in an enthusiastic, albeit discriminating, article devoted to Péguy in the Revue des Deux Mondes soon after his death. He was not simply an author: he printed with his own hand and published his Cahiers de la Quinzaine, which appeared ten times a year for a decade or more. In this quasimagazine he not only introduced to the public Rolland's Jean Christophe, and some of the bestknown work of Anatole France, together with the productions of other writers less known to universal fame, but he used it as the vehicle for the publication of all his own work. It is not within the purview of this column to follow his career in letters or even to give a list of his books. It is worth noting, however, that he plunged headlong into the Dreyfus 'Affaire,' taking sides vehemently against the French Staff, the French army, officers and privates, against every one who wore the French uniform. How long did this last?' says M. Doumic; 'by what paths did he travel back into the great national highway?' From the day that France was threatened by a German invasion in 1905, he never ceased to be obsessed by the German peril. He thought of

nothing but the union of hearts, and arousing al the energies of the nation in view of the inev table conflict. When it came, Péguy was mar ried, and had three children. Born in 1873, be was past forty, so belonged in the territori force; but he asked to be enrolled in the reserve. that he might go at once, with younger e rades, to the scene of actual fighting. At the first call of his country he dropped everything. not without emotion, not without an upbears of his whole existence; but without hesitate without a backward glance, having thenceforth but a single thought the defense of the cursecrated soil. One of the younger writers said t me: "You can have no conception of what that man was to those of my generation. Verily we had in him our professor of heroism."

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Mrs. Gerould's name is sufficiently familiar, not to readers of the Atlants only. Robert Haven Schauffler, a frequent contributor of both prose and verse to these pages, has just passed through one of the National training camps. In 'A Woman of Resource' the Elderly Spinster makes further disclosure of the delightful and unfamiliar material which she gath ered during her residence in the Poly gamous City in Northern India. Mrs. Ruth Pierce accompanied her husband on a business trip which carried him through the Balkans. For a winter she settled among the Bulgars, keeping house, and making many interesting friends and acquaintances. When war broke out, the travels of Mr. and Mrs. Pierce took an exciting turn, and some of her experiences are here narrated.

Oswald Garrison Villard, son of the well-known builder of the Northern Paci fic Railroad, and grandson of the Libera tor, has been for many years past asso ciated with the Nation and Evening Post, and is well fitted both by taste and training to write of present-day Press Tendencies and Dangers.' He is the author of a notable biography of John Brown of Ossawatomie, a work which fell to his hand by heredity, as it were.- In this number, Professor Latimer draws near the end of his leisurely 'progress' toward recovery from his unfortunate, yet for our readers fortunate, breakdown. Beatrice Ravenel is a poet of Charleston, who con tributed to the Atlantic last summer the favorite lines' For a Sun-Dial.' 'Il "A

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Parable for Fathers" is affecting,' says its author, it is because it was written as a tribute to my own father, and to what he has meant in my life.' Miss Wood sends this, her first contribution, from the Middle West. In his remarks 'Freeupon dom of the College' President Meiklejohn of Amherst makes a healthful and useful contribution to the more or less hectic discussion now going on concerning the disciplining of professors by college governing boards, for alleged unpatriotic utterances or opinions.

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Professor Joseph S. Ames, who has been for many years at the head of the Department of Physics and Director of the Physical Laboratory at Johns Hopkins, was sent abroad last spring by the National Research Council, as Chairman of a commission of six, to investigate the application of science to war, as illustrated on the western front. Besides the Chairman, the commission consisted of two medical men, one chemist, one metallurgist, and one man interested in meteorology, topography, and the like. The results of his observation are presented in what seems to us an important and most interesting paper. Other papers by Professor Ames are in preparation.

In a very recent letter Professor Ames


I have just returned from a visit to the aircraft works in Buffalo, Detroit and Dayton. This was an official visit and so I have seen everything there is to be seen in regard to our aircraft programme. I can hardly express my feeling of depression. The Liberty motor is coming along splendidly, and it is going to be a great success. But we are not going to have any mechanics competent to repair it. It takes longer to train a mechanic than a pilot. Major Vincent, the man who designed the motor, told me that it would be over a year before we could hope to have mechanics even in small numbers. So far we have made one airplane suitable for use in Europe. The manufacturer assured me that his company could not be on a production programme until after the first of July.

We are having a large number of school planes made but there are no engines for these. The man who was entrusted with the work has fallen down completely. Even if we were to have the school planes ready we do not have one tenth the requisite number of teachers, and cannot hope to get them for six months.

It is very hard to place one's finger on the man or committee responsible for this condition. As far as I could see, the evil is a fundamental one.

This country and its officials are possessed with the idea that everything must be labeled 'made in America,' and the difficulties into which we are now running are those which any man might have foreseen. As a matter of fact, within three days after my return from Europe in June I made this whole matter the subject of my report to the Aircraft Production Committee. No one believed me, and although I had a good solution it was refused.

Mr. Freeman's power of vivid narration is displayed once more in this episode of the invasion of Serbia, taken down from the lips of the Serbian patriot, Radovitch, sometime half-owner of a dance-hall and baseball park in Aldridge, Montana.

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In the December Contributors' Column,' a member of our staff, who has since left us to enter the service of the government, in his characterization of the work in connection with Shock at the Front' of Dr. William T. Porter, allowed his enthusiasm to carry him beyond the facts to such a degree as to draw forth a remonstrance from Dr. Porter, who writes to the Editor: I can claim for my new remedy only that it has been of some advantage. Of how much advantage, only long observation can tell. It has not in any sense revolutionized" present practice. The " reason is not affected in traumatic shock.' In his second paper, Dr. Porter tells of his second visit to the front, in 1917, again under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute. Mr. Nordhoff was graduated at Harvard in 1909, and after graduation was in the sugar-cane business' in the State of Vera Cruz, Mexico, until 1911, when he was driven out by the revolution. He then became Secretary of the California China Products Co., which office he held when he went to France. Christian L. Lange is SecretaryGeneral of the Interparliamentary Union, with headquarters at Christiania. His eminent qualifications for the task led to his selection to make report to the Carnegie Foundation of conditions in Northern Europe as affected by the war.

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