In spite of the present large editions of the Atlantic, ranging toward 100,000 copies, we exercise the greatest care not to overprint. If you wish to make certain of your copy, Please subscribe now or leave a standing order with your dealer. The Atlantic Announces FOR FEBRUARY that the editors expect to resume the remarkable series of articles by ANDRÉ CHÉRADAME announced for January, but delayed through the immense care spent in preparation. We regard the publication of these papers as a matter of national importance. ADVENTURES IN INDIGENCY, I. By Laura Spencer Portor A paper, humorous, just, delightful, and wise, in appreciation of the haughty poor, who, in Mrs. Portor's experience, not seldom conduct themselves like Bourbons. THE SEARCH By William Townsend Porter Dr. Porter's search for the cause and cure of "Shock at the Front" is described in a paper fuli of most interesting glimpses of the war, of the changes which war has brought, and of human nature generally. NEIGHBOR HANS By Wilfred A. Joubert The experiences of an American planter with his university and armybred German neighbors, which, in the light of present-day events, read like an amusing parable. FROM SEA TO MOUNTAIN TOP IN MALAYSIA By William Beebe A paper full of the enthusiasm of the naturalist, and charming as a picture of exotic life. A MAYOR OF ALSACE. By Daniel Blumenthal This paper, written by the former Mayor of Colmar, a true Frenchman at heart, describes the extraordinary adventures which befell him when war was declared. Use attached coupon for your order. A.M. 1-18 The Atlantic Monthly Company 3 Park St., Boston. 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Peace to-day means almost endless wars ahead, or else the universal destruction of democracy and freedom as we know them. Read Chéradame's Pan-Germany. Ponder it. Pass it along to thinking people. By so doing, you will render a patriotic service. To patriotic societies and other agencies which wish to distribute this book in large quantities, we can offer the following prices : ESSAYS AND ESSAY WRITING FROM ATLANTIC MONTHLY MODELS Edited with Introduction and Notes BY W. M. TANNER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS This book, published in response to the great success of Atlantic Classics, is intended to meet other needs of the modern teaching of English. More of the textbook than the Classics, it provides student and teacher with a great variety of stimulating suggestions, and is edited specifically to encourage attainment in literary composition, as well as in appreciation of good literature. 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