CONTENTS. CHAP I. PAGE SEC I. Of the Origin of the Methodist SEC 1.. SEC III. Articles of Religion Of the General and Yearly Con ference's SEC IV. Of the Election and Consecration of Bishops, and of their duty SEC V. Of the Presiding Elders, and of their Duty SEC VI. Of the Election and Ordination SEC VII. Of the Election and Ordination SEC IX. Of the Duties of those who have SEC X. Of the Trial of those who think they are moved by the Holy Ghost to preach SEC XI. Of the Matter and Manner of SEC XII. Of the Duty of Preachers to 49 50 52 SEC XIII. Rules by which we should con any place Sac xiv. Of visiting from house to house; 56 57 SEC IV. Of the instruction of Children 66 SEC XVII. Of the Necessity of Union EC XVIII. Of the Method by which im- SEC XIX. How to provide for the circuits SEC XX. SEC XXII. Of the Lord's Supper SEC XXIII. Of Public Worship SEC XXIV. Of the Spirit and Truth of Singing 67 699 70 CHAP. II. The Nature, design, and general SEC I. SEC TI SEC III. Of Class Meetings Of the Band Societies SEC IV. Of the Privileges granted to seri- ety 97 99999959 Guilty, and reproving, suspending, or excluding disorderly Persons CHAP. III. Sacramental Services. SEC 1. The Order for the Administration The Ministration of Baptism of In- CHAP. IV. The form and manner of making and ordain- PART SECOND. SEC II. Of Building Churches, and the 130 Order to be observed therein SEC III. Of the qualification, appointment, and duty of the Stewards of circuits 190 SEC IV. isters and Preachers, and to their SEC v. Ofraising annual Supplies for the Propagation of the Gospel, for the The following BOOKS are published under the patronage, and for the use of the Methodist Episeopal Church, in the United States of Amer ica, and to be had of DANIEL HITT and THOMAS WARE, No. 192 corner of Church and White-streets, New-York, Superintendents of the Book Business for the said Methodist Church, and of the Methodist Ministers and Preachers in their several Circuits. THE Methodist Hymns, two books bound together, 87 cents Methodist Discipline, 374 cents. Coke's Commentaries, 6 vols. $48. Notes on the New-Testament, by the Rev. John Wesley, $3 Wood's Dictionary of the Bible, now in the press. The Saint's Everlasting Rest, 87 cents Life of the Rev. John Fletcher, by Mr. Ben. son. A new and improved edition, never before published in America, $1 Experience of several eminent Methodist Preachers, a new and enlarged edition, $1 The experience and ministerial labours of several eminent Methodist Preachers, never before published in America, $1 Experience of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers, with her Letters, 75 cents Law's Serious Call to a Holy Life, 70 cents Appeal to Matter of Fact and Common Sense, by the Rev. John Fletcher, 70 cents Experience and Gospel Labours of Benjamin Abbott, 75 cents. Alleine's Allarm and Baxter's Call, 50 eents |