Quest. 3. By whom are the presiding elders to be stationed and changed? Answ. By the bishops. Quest. 4. How long may the bishops allow an elder to preside in the same district? Answ. For any term not exceeding four years successively. Quest. 5. Shall the présiding elder have power to employ a preacher who has been rejected at the previous annual conference? Answ. He shall not, unless the conference should give him liberty under certain conditions. Quest. 6. How shall the presiding elders be supported? Answ. If there be a surplus of the public money in one or more circuits in his district, he shall receive such surplus; provided, he do not receive more than his annual allowance. In case of a deficiency in his allowance, after, such surplus is paid him, or if there be no surplus, he shall share with the preachers of his district in proportion with what they have respectively received, so that he receive no more than the amount of his allowance upon the whole he 'shall be accountable to the annual conference for what he receives as his allowance.. : SECTION VI. Of the Election and Ordination of Travelling Elders, and of their Duty. Quest. 1. How is an Elder constituted? Answ. By the election of a majority of the yearly conference, and by the laying on of the hands of a bishop, and some of the elders that are present. Quest. 2. What is the duty of a travelling elder? Answ. 1. To administer baptismi and the Lord's Supper, and to perform the office of matrimony, and all parts of divine worship. 2. To do all the duties of a trav elling preacher. No elder that ceases to travel, without the consent of the yearly conference, certified under the hand of the president of the conference, he the except in case of sickness, debility, or other unavoidable circumstance, to shall, on any account, exercise the he peculiar functions of his office, or even be allowed to preach among us ; nevertheless, the final determination in all such cases is with the yearly conference. SECTION VII. Of the Election and Ordination of Quest. 1. How is a travelling dea at con constituted ? Answ. By the election of the majority of the yearly conference, and the laying on of the hands of a bishop. Quest. 2. What is the duty of a travelling deacon ? Answ. 1. To baptize, and perform the office of matrimony, in the absence of the elder. 2. To assist the elder in administering the Lord's Supper. 3. To do all the duties of a travelling preacher. Quest. 3. What shall be the time of probation of a travelling deacon for the office of an elder? Answ. Every travelling deacon shall exercise that office for two. years, before he be eligible to the office of an elder; except in the case of missions, when the yearly conferences shall have authority to elect for the elder's office sooner, if they judge it expedient. No deacon who ceases to travel without the consent of the yearly conference, certified under the hand of the president of the conference, except in case of sickness, debility, or other unavoidable circumstances, shall, on any account, exercise the peculiar functions of his office, or even be allowed to preach among us ; nevertheless, the final determination in all such cases is with the yearly conference. SECTION VIII. Of the Method of Receiving Travelling Preachers, and of their Duty. Quest. 1. How is a preacher to be received? Answ. 1. By the yearly confer eacorence. 2. In the interval of the conferaco enee, by a bishop, or the presiding twelder of the district, until the sitting. ed of the conference. case 3. When his name is not printed fer in the minutes, he must receive a -lec written license from a bishop or pre, hey siding elder. Quest. 2. What is the duty of a vel preacher? nd Answ. 1. To preach. 2. To meet the societies, classes, ce and general bands. 3. To visit the sick. S 4. To préach in the morning, ewhere he can get hearers.We recommend morning preaching at five o'clock in the summer, and six in the winter wherever it is practicable. Quest. 3. What are the directions given to a preacher? Answ. 1 Be diligent. Never be unemployed; never be triflingly employed. Never trifle away time; neither spend any more time at any place than is strictly necessary. 2. Be serious. Let your motto be |