Puslapio vaizdai


P. 605.-504.-470.

O, you are well tun'd now!

But I'll set down the pegs that make this musick,

As honest as I am.

I would read let down, with Mr. Pope and the modern editors.

P. 610-508.-476.

Iago. If this poor trash of Venice, whom I trash
For his quick hunting, stand the putting on,
I'll have our Michael Cassio on the hip.

I doubt what is the true reading and explanation of this line. I incline to think that there is a corruption.



P. 623.-520.-492.

What, in a town of war,
Yet wild, the people's hearts brimfull of fear,
To manage private and domestick quarrel,
In night, and on the court and guard of safety!
"Tis monstrous.

approve of Mr. Malone's transposition, and would read with him, on the court of guard and safety. It is observable that Theobald has made the same transposition, and given his reason for it in a note.


P. 624.-521-494.

Thus it is, general,

Montano, and myself, being in speech,

There's come a fellow, crying out for help;

And Cassio following him, with determin'd sword,
To execute upon him.

I think Malone is right.

P. 625.-522.-195.

Oth. Sir, for your hurts,

Myself will be your surgeon: lead him off.

[To Montano, who is led off.

I incline to think that Malone is right.


P. 638.-534.-512.

Oth. Excellent wretch! Perdition catch my soul,
But I do love thee! and when I love thee not,
Chaos is come again.

I think Mr. Malone is clearly right.


P. 641-537.516.

Men should be what they seem ;

Or, those that be not, 'would they might seem nonę.

I think Dr. Johnson has explained this rightly.

P. 644.-540.-520.

Iago. O, beware, my lord, of jealousy ;

It is the green-ey'd monster, which doth mock
The meat it feeds on.

I would adopt Sir Thomas Hanmer's emendation, make, which, I think, is very ably supported by Malone.


P. 647.-544.-526.

'Tis not to make me jealous,
To say-my wife is fair, feeds well, loves company,
Is free of speech, sings, plays, and dances well;
Where virtue is, these are more virtuous.

This, I confess, notwithstanding the explanations, I do not understand: more virtuous than what? I therefore wish to read with the ignorant editor of the second folio, and the modern editors, most virtuous.


P. 650.-546.-529.

Should you do

so, my lord,

My speech should fall into such vile success,
As my thoughts aim not at.

Mr. Steevens is right.

P. 653.-550.-534.

Oth. "Tis destiny unshunnable, like death;
Even then this forked plague is fated to us,
When we do quicken.

I agree with Mr. Malone, that Dr. Percy's explanation of forked plague, is the true one.

P. 663.-559.-545.

Oth. I'll have some proof: her name, that was as fresh
As Dian's visage, is now begrim'd and black

As mine own face.

I agree with Mr. Steevens.


P. 664.-561.-549.

Nay, this was but his dream.

Oth. But this denoted a foregone conclusion;
'Tis a shrewd doubt; tho' it be but a dream.

[blocks in formation]

P. 668.-564.-553.

Iago. Witness, that here Iago doth give up
The execution of his wit, hands, heart,

To wrong'd Othello's service; let him command
And to obey shall be in me remorse,

What bloody work soever.

Notwithstanding all that is said against it, I incline to adopt Theobald's reading, nor.


P. 673.-569.-558.

You may, indeed, say so ;

For 'twas that hand that gave away my heart.
Oth. A liberal hand: the hearts, of old, gave hands;
But our new heraldry is-hands, not hearts.

I am not quite convinced that no satirical allusion to the order of baronets was intended in this place.

P. 677.574.565.

Emil. 'Tis not a year or two shows us a man :
They are all but stomachs, and we all but food;
They eat us hungerly, and when they are full,
They belch us.

Mr. Steevens is clearly right.

P. 680.-577-569.

Des. Men's natures wrangle with inferior things,
Though great ones are their object.

For let our finger ach, and it indues

'Tis even so;

Our other healthful members ev'n to that sense
Of pain.

Some correction appears to me necessary. We should either read subdues with Dr. Johnson, or adopt Theobald's reading

and it indues

Our other healthful members with a sense
Of pain.

I incline to prefer Dr. Johnson's emendation.

P. 683.-580.-572.

Cas. 'Tis but a little way, that I can bring you,
For I attend here; but I'll see you soon.

Bian, 'Tis very good; I must be circumstanc'd.

I incline to Mr. M. Mason's explanation of I must be circumstanc'd.

P. 685.582.-575.


As knaves be such abroad,

Who having by their own importunate suit,
Or voluntary dotage of some mistress,
Convinced or supplied them, cannot choose
But they must blab.

I believe supplied is right.

B b


P. 686-582.-576.

What hath he said?

Iago. 'Faith, that he did,-I know not what he did.

I do not think this line should be pointed as Mr. M. Mason recommends: I think the common pointing is right.


P. 687.-382.-577.

Nature would not invest herself

in such shadowing passion, without some instruction.

I am not sure that I yet understand this passage, though we have the notes of no fewer than five commentators upon it.

P. 688.-584-578.

Oth. It is not words, that shake me thus:-
Pish!-Noses, ears, and lips :-Is it possible?

Mr. Steevens's first explanation of these words is clearly the true one.



P. 698.-593.-591.

and she can weep, sir, weep;

And she's obedient, as you say,-obedient,-
Very obedient;-Proceed you in your tears.—

agree with Mr. Malone.


Oth. Concerning this, sir,-O well-painted passion!
I am commanded home :-Get you away;

[blocks in formation]

I can by no means agree with Mr. Steevens. I think an abrupt sentence was intended.

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