Puslapio vaizdai


P. 237.-51.-74.

O, God's will! much better,

She ne'er had known pomp: though it be temporal,

Yet, if that quarrel, fortune, do divorce

It from the bearer, 'tis a sufferance, panging

As soul and body's severing.

I am satisfied that this is rightly explained by Mr. Steevens; but I am not sure that it is necessary to change do to to.

P. 238.-52.-75.

Old L.

Alas, poor lady!

She's a stranger now again.

Dr. Johnson is right.

P. 239.-54.-77.

Old L. What think you of a duchess ? have you limbs-
To bear that load of title?

[blocks in formation]

Old L. Then you are weakly made: pluck off a little ;
I would not be a young count in your way,

For more than blushing comes to: if your back

Cannot vouchsafe this burden, 'tis too weak

[blocks in formation]

Notwithstanding Mr. Tollet's remark (which I think is sufficiently answered by Mr. M. Mason) I believe Dr. Johnson's is the true explanation. The prurient sagacity of Mr. Ritson has, I think, found out a meaning never meant.


P. 247.-61.-88.

You have here, lady,

(And of your choice,) these reverend fathers; men
Of singular integrity and learning,

Yea, the elect of the land, who are assembled

To plead your cause it shall be therefore bootless,
That longer you desire the court.

I feel some inclination to admit the reading of the fourth folio, defer, with the modern


P. 249.-63.-91.

Q. Kath. You have, by fortune, and his highness' favours,
Gone slightly o'er low steps; and now are mounted,
Where powers are your retainers: and your words,
Domesticks to you, serve your will, as't please
Yourself pronounce their office.

Mr. Steevens is right.

K. Hen.

P. 251.-65.-94.

You are excus'd:

But will you be more justified? you ever

Have wish'd the sleeping of this business; never
Desir'd it to be stirr'd; but oft have hinder'd: oft
The passages made toward it:

I can by no means approve the punctuation and explanation proposed by Mr. Steevens.

P. 253.-66.-96.

Thus hulling in

The wild sea of my conscience, I did steer
Toward this remedy, whereupon we are
Now present here together.

I do not think Mr. Steevens has rightly explained the word hulling; at least it seems to be used in another sense in Richard the Third, Act IV.

And there they hull, expecting but the aid
Of Buckingham to welcome them on shore.

Q. Kath.

P. 257.-70.-101.

If your business

Seek me out, and that way I am wife in,

Out with it boldly.

I incline to think with Mr. M. Mason, that we should adopt the reading of the modern editors, and that way I am wise in.


P. 258.-71.-103.

Noble lady,

I am sorry, my integrity should breed,
(And service to his majesty and you,)

So deep suspicion, where all faith was meant.

I think the conjecture of Mr. Malone and Mr. Edwards not improbable.

[blocks in formation]

When returns Cranmer ?

Suf. He is return'd, in his opinions; which
Have satisfy'd the king for his divorce,
Together with all famous colleges

Almost in Christendom.

I cannot help thinking that the passage is greatly improved by Mr. Rowe's emendation, which I am not convinced is unnecessary.

P. 271.-83.-118.

Wol. My sovereign, I confess, your royal graces,
Shower'd on me daily, have been more, than could
My studied purposes requite; which went
Beyond all man's endeavours:—my endeavours
Have ever come too short of my desires,
Yet, fil'd with my abilities.

I incline to think Mr. Malone is right.

P. 275.-86.-124.

Sur. Thou art a proud traitor, priest.


Proud, lord, thou liest;

Within these forty hours Surrey durst better

Have burnt that tongue, than said so.

I do not suspect that Shakespeare wrote, within

these four hours.

[blocks in formation]

I am sure, have shown at full their royal minds;

As, let them have their rights, they are ever forward
In celebration of this day with shows,

Pageants and sights of honour.

I feel some inclination to receive Mr. Pope's reading, loyal.

P. 291.-100.-146.

Kath. Pr'ythee, good Griffith, tell me how he died:
If well, he stepp'd before me, happily,

For my example.

That happily is sometimes used for peradventure, haply, cannot be doubted, but I do not think it is in this place.

[blocks in formation]

Though from an humble stock, undoubtedly
Was fashion'd to much honour. From his cradle,
He was a scholar, and a ripe, and good one.

I incline to Theobald's punctuation.

P. 310.-119.-172.

K. Hen.
Say, ay; and of a boy.


[blocks in formation]

Ay, ay, my liege;

And of a lovely boy: the God of heaven

Both now and ever bless her !—'tis a girl,
Promises boys hereafter.

I think Mr. Malone is right.

[blocks in formation]

A man, that more detests, more stirs against,
Both in his private conscience, and his place,
Defacers of a publick peace, than I do.

I think (with Mr. M. Mason) that we should read the publick peace. This reading is adopted by Theobald.

P. 317.-125.-182.

Chanc. Then thus for you, my lord,—It stands agreed,
I take it, by all voices, that forthwith

You be convey'd to the Tower a prisoner.

Mr. Malone has done rightly.

P. 319.-127.-184.

K. Hen. Good man, [To Cranmer,] sit down. Now let
me see the proudest

He, that dares most, but wag his finger at thee:

By all that's holy, he had better starve,

Than but once think his place becomes thee not.

I think Mr. Rowe's reading this place is the right one.

P. 320.-128.-185.

My lord of Canterbury,

I have a suit which you must not deny me;

That is, a fair young maid that yet wants baptism,
You must be godfather, and answer for her.

I think we should read there is, with Mr. Rowe, and the subsequent editors.

P. 320.-129.—186.

Come, come, my lord, you'd spare your spoons; you shall have Two noble partners with you; the old duchess of Norfolk, And lady marquiss Dorset.

Apostle spoons are mentioned by Congreve in Love for Love, Act II. where Angelica says, "Nay, I'll declare how you prophesy'd Popery "was coming, only because the butler has mis"laid some of the Apostle spoons, and thought they were lost."


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