Abbott, Lyman, on the wages sys- | Assumptions of capitalism, op-
Adams, Henry Carter, 92. Adaptation, want of, by laborers, 311.
Adulteration, waste from, 295; of food, ibid.; of drugs, 296. Advantages of the socialistic state, 244-319; of profit shar- ing, 183.
Advertising, waste from, 289–290. Esop's wolf, 388. Agur, prayer of, 474. Allodialism, 454. "Alton Locke," 326. Ambrose, St., on riches, 83. American federation of labor, 217. Anabaptists of Münster, 147. Anarchism, 3; opposed by Social- ism, 325; distinguished from So- cialism and communism, 326, 327.
Andover Theological Seminary, 450.
Apprenticeship, 228.
Arbitration, 197-201; in France, 197; nature of, 197; inadequacy of, 199, 200; advantage of, 199. Aristotle, 180; 245; 447, Arkwright, Richard, 389. Armory, United States at Spring- field, Mass., 288.
Arnold, Thomas, on political econ- omy as the parent of crime, 272.
Association of capital, 426-429; of labor, 429-432. "Associated Ownership," 155.
posed to the New Testament, 467; of political economy, 238. Attic culture, 375.
Atkinson, Edward, on the capacity of machinery, 30. Atheism among German laborers, 162; not a feature of Socialism, 320; caused by capitalism, 322, 323; French Socialists and Christ, 323.
Australia and an eight-hour day, 216.
Austria, 216; land monopoly in, 81.
Authority of the State, 251.
Babœuf, 139; 147; 335. Babylon, 373. Bacon, 268.
Banking and banks, waste from, 314; reserve funds in, ibid.; number and expense of national banks, ibid. Bankruptcy, 458.
Bare subsistence, the wages of la- bor, 119-138; meaning of, 121. Basil, St., on riches, 82. Bass, J. D., 276. Bastiat and laissez-faire, 57. Batt, W. J., 273. Bebel, Herr, 327.
Begging and the rich, 461. Behrends, A. J. F., on labor as the source of all value, 65; his fatal admission as to the rights of the land-owner, 71; his attempted
Bradford, Amory H., on pauper- ism, 308.
Bradshaw, H. H., 449.
refutation of Henry George, 72; | Bowen, D. V., 450. unscriptural position of, 73; on property as a part of its posses- sor, 77; 84; 105, 106; on liberty, 176; on industry and thrift, 230, 231, 238; his criticism of Grön- lund on the family, 350; his in- consistency, 351, 352; on despot- ism under Socialism, 377; on class rule by laborers, 382; at variance with the teachings of Christ, 472.
Bradstreet's record of failures, 459. Brassey, Thomas, 194. Brentano, 438, Brewster & Co., 187. Bright, John, on inequality, 65, Brook Farm, 149. Brotherhood of man, 446. Brown, H. H., 449.
Bellamy, Edward, 244, 290, 441, Brussels, 328. 443. Bryant, 146.
Bemis, Edward W., on profit-shar- ing, 186, 187; on co-operation in United States, 191; on luxury, 303.
Berlin, 321, 324. Bernhardi, 438. Bethel, George P., 449.
Bible, solves the social problem,
Buckley, J. M., on land tenure, 80. Buddhist monks, 147. Bureaus of Labor Statistics, 424. Burke, Edmund, laborers the sole supporters of society, 50; on the nature of the State, 175, 465. Burns, Robert, 261. Byrnes, Thomas, 275.
1; 78; on common property in land, 83; and private property, 86; and Socialism, 162; and the Cabet, Étienne, a French reformer, State, 172; 448; on riches, 461. Bibliotheca Sacra, on capital and labor, 55.
Caird, on housing of laborers, 102. Cairnes, J. E., 92, 122; on the in- justice of capitalism, 143, 227. Callan, M. J., 449.
Bishop, Governor, on arbitration, 200. Bismarck, on land monopoly, 85; Cameron, A. S. & Co., 187. 157.
"Bitter cry of outcast London," Campbell, Helen, 451.
Blanc, Louis, on the right to labor, 35; and State Socialism, 151, 370.
Blackstone, 173, 211. Blair, Senator, 217. Bliss, W. D. P., 217, 450. Bluntschli, 167, 171. Book-keeping, under Socialism, 248.
Boot and Shoe manufactures of Worcester, 459. Bossuet, on riches, 82. Bourgeoise, 141, 156.
Cannon, George, 449. Capeland, W. E., 449.
Capital, its concentration a cause of Socialism, 14, 15; its nature, 54; not a source of value, 55; used in producing value, 55, 56; produced by labor, 56; private, a social crime, 66, 79, 165; op- posed to the New Testament, 467; in land, 213; 203; aboli- tion of, not proposed by Social- ists, 332; increased under So- cialism, 333; association of, 426- 429; and labor, 444.
Capitalism, nature of, 2; hostile | Christ, mission of, 164, 323; the
to the family, 8; essential fea- tures of, 90; oppresses labor, 118; and low wages, 122; mer- ciless, 142; 226; cannot be Christianized, 236-243, 468; hos- tile to education, 266; the cause of pauperism, 307, 308; denies choice of work, 311; inconsist- encies of, 313; relation of, to waste, 319; the cause of athe- ism and materialism, 323; in- vades the home, 341, 350, 351, 352; hinders marriage, 343; prin- ciples of, 467; its anti-Christian assumptions, 467. Capitalistic system, identical with individualism, 2; injustice of, 104; 176.
Capitalists, their method of ex- ploiting the laborer, 67; should favor Socialism, 456-462; un- justly blamed, 97.
Carlyle, on enforced idleness, 34; on the injustice of capitalism, 77; 85; 132; 143; 277; 433. Caste, 258; in the United States, 422.
first Socialist, 448; and the prin- ciples of Socialism, 469; his teaching as to poverty, 472. Christian communists of Jeru- salem, 147.
Christian law of wages, 138. Christian Socialism, 158-164; 473. Christian Socialist Society, 406. Christianity, agreement of, with Socialism, 6, 452; and private property, 82; demands State ownership, 145, 146; perversion of, 147; socialistic, 162; 237, 240; and the masses, 452; and the social question, 466. Christianization of capitalism, not possible, 236--243.
Christian Union, newspaper, 451. Chrysostom, St., on the crime of riches, 48, 83.
Church, its relation to the social
question, 10; regarded by work- ing men as mocking them, 46; censured by its friends, 47; ex- clusiveness of, 93; handicapped, 158; 162; its two standards of justice, 258; and poverty, 269; alliance with wealth, ibid., 324; should espouse Socialism, 466- 473; mission of, 469; 473; de- cline of, in New York, 470; bourgeoise clubs, ibid.; and the masses, 470; victim of capital- ism, ibid.; must now take sides, 471; relation to riches, ibid.; to poverty, 472; the hope of civili- zation, 473.
Churchill, Lord Randolph, 257. Cicero, 272.
Cities, wealth and poverty in, 94, 97.
Citizens, American, 422. "City of the Sun," 347. Civilization, false idea of, 465. Civil Service Reform, 264. Civil Service, under Socialism,386.
Clark, J. B., on business deprav- ity, 25; 437.
Classes, separation of industrial, a cause of Socialism, 17–20; dan- ger from, 19; the evil increasing, 92; social, 141; the oppressed, 437.
Class legislation, a cause of Social- ism, 36-39; against labor, ibid.; unhappy effects of, 37, 38; in America, 38.
fects of, 14; of wealth in the United States, 91; in Great Britain, ibid. Conciliation and arbitration, 197, 201; courts of, in France, 197; inadequacy of, 199–200. Condition of labor, relative, 233.
Confiscation, its vicious character, 214; not a doctrine of Socialism, 334, 336.
Class rule, impossible under So- Conflict between labor and capi-
Clement, St., on private property, Conger, 276.
Commonwealth, opposed to in- Contract, freedom of, a principle
dividual wealth, 456. Communism, distinguished from Socialism, 3; 151; 326; 394; points of agreement with So- cialism, 146; distinguished from anarchism, 326; and equality, 331.
Communists, 151.
Community, of wives, 339, 347; the Oneida, 150; of Nauvoo, ibid.
Compensation, for land, 346; ex- tremes of, 362.
of capitalism, 165; 428, 437. Cook, Joseph, on division of labor, 15; on private capital in land, 79, 80; on wages, 133; on Looking Backward," 250; 260; 261; 263; on the equal division of property, 332; on confiscation, 334; on State help, 371; on co-operation, ibid.; on political corruption, 384, 385; on self-help, 420. Co-operation, its ethical character, 7; 188, 197; defined, 188, 189; in production, 190; in Great Britain, 190; in the United States, 191; partial and inte- gral, 192; insufficiency of, 192, 193; integral, 237; 369; 371. Co-operative societies, 159. Co-operative commonwealth, 181; 398.
Competition, a cause of Socialism, 20-26; nature of, 20; its unethi- cal character, 22; its false as- sumptions, ibid. ; its evil effects, 24; restriction of, 26; 123; among laborers, 125, 128; es- sentially barbarous, 130; 165; 186; 229; anti-christian, 242, Corn, value of, 208, 209. 267; 273; 349; 394; 455. Corners of the market, 240. Concentration of capital, social ef- Corporations, 179.
many, 40; in England, ibid. ; in the United States, ibid.; 88. Democratic federation, 336, 337. Dependence of laborers, 94. Depravity, 283.
Details of socialistic state not es- sential, 165; 395.
De Tocqueville, on democracy in industry, 39; democracy and re- ligion, 48.
Depew, Chauncey M., 227; on rail- roads, 427.
Deuster, P. V., 255. Devil, 346.
Dexterity in work, 234. Dillon, Sidney, 96. Dionysius, 460.
Distribution of wealth unequal, 92; injustice of, 143. Division of labor a cause of Social-
ism, 15-17; degrades the laborer, 16; of property, 332. Divorce, cause of, 308, 340; 350. Domestic life, 352.
Drexel, Anthony J., 227. Drummers, waste from, 290; num- ber and cost of, in the United States, ibid.
Drunkards in the United States, 301.
Duffy, Patrick G., 276.
Dalmations and common land, 84. Duties, new, 445, 446.
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