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Abdallah, Pacha of Acre, his revolt against
the Grand Signior, 403-proceedings
of Mehemet Ali and Ibrahim, with re-
ference to him, ib.

Aden, importance of to England, 411.
Advice and Anticipation, 285.

Eschylus, his excellence as a dramatic
writer, 229-simplicity of his plots,
242-character of the Eschylean cho-
rus, 254.
Affghanistan, recent expedition against,
386, 417-ill-will of the Affghans to-
wards the British, 416-impolicy of
our support of Soojah, ib.
Akber, anecdote of, 334.
Akhlak-i-Jalady, from the Persian of Jany
Mohammed Asaad. Practical philoso-
phy of the Mohammedans. Translated
by W. F. Thompson, Esq., 313.
Alcott, Mr., "Doctrine and Discipline of
Human Culture," 282-his views of the
nature and means of national improve-
ment, 283-extracts, 283-285-defi-
nition of imagination, 285-holds the
highest manifestations of genius to be
the result of great moral development,
Americans, their tendency to adopt the
prejudices of older nations, 280.
Antiquity, slender acquaintance with it
possessed by the learned, 316.
Apostolic Constitutions, probable date of
the compilation, 354.

Arabeski, Rasnaya Sotchineniya, (Ara-
besques, or Miscellaneous Pieces, by
Ivan Gogol,) 288-character of the
work, 311.

Arabian Nights, introduced into Europe
by Galland, 141-their first reception,
ib.-their interest increased with our

Oriental intercourse, 141-theories of
the learned respecting their origin,
142-143-striking identity of some of
the stories with popular European tales,
146-118-Mr. Lane's translation, its
merits, 149-his remarks on the pe-
riod when the work was composed, ib.
-inferences from the story of Habib,
153-testimony of Masoudi, 154-
singular beauty of the illustrations of
Mr. Lane's edition, 157.
Architectonisches Album, redigirt vom Ar-
chiteckten Verein zu Berlin, (Archi-
tectural Album, edited by the Archi-
tectural Society, Berlin,) 288.
Architectura Domestica, von A. de Cha-
teauneuf, ib.-architectural taste and
skill at a low ebb in the present day,
289-294-few English architectural
publications, 292-little influence ex-
ercised by the Royal Institute of Bri-
tish Architects, 292-falling off in the
architectural part of the Royal Aca-
demy's exhibitions of late, 293-whe-
ther architecture be justly entitled to
the appellation of a fine art? 295, 296
-encouragement and progress of archi
tecture in foreign countries, 297-
Hope's History of Architecture, ib.-
character of our more recent edifices,
298, 299-notice of the Königsbau at
Munich, 299, 303-Klenze's architec-
tural merits, 299, 303-the present
German school of architecture, 303,
note-excellence of Grecian architec-
ture, 305-hints for academies of art,
306, note-Wiegmann's views respect-
ing the unfitness of Grecian architecture
for modern purposes, ib.

Aristophanes, his high character as a dra-
matist, 230.

Aristotle, his opinion respecting the dra-


mas of Euripides, 230-amount of his
commendation, 230, 1-his poetics, 263
-his ten categories, 329.
Asiatic Society-importance of its labours,

320-deserving of national support, ib.
Art, manifests itself in the superfluous, 288.
Athenian tragedians all sacred poets, 232.
Austria, present views of, with reference
to Turkey, 391.


Bagpipe, its Arabic origin, 206.
Beauty, its all pervading presence, 281-
importance of cultivating a taste for the
beautiful in nature and art, ib.
Beethoven's monument, 431.
Belgium, its satisfactory progress since the
revolution, 75-industrial operations,
76-the coal-mines of Hainault, ib.—
Mr. Cockerill's vast establishment at
Seraing, and the cloth manufacture at
Verviers, ib.-educational institutions,
78-the unpopularity of the Dutch sys-
tem, 79-measures for the promotion
of education since the revolution, 81–
comparative state of education in Bel-
gium, 82-over-working of children in
the factories, 83-Belgic Universities
and Athenées, ib.-University of Lou-
vain, 84-connection of education with
the Catholic faith, 85-influence of the
Catholic clergy, 85, 86-progress of
crime, and discipline of prisons, 87-
infrequency of capital punishments, 88
-secondary punishments, ib.-defects
of prison discipline, ib.-separate sys-
tem of prison discipline recommended,
89-treatment of discharged criminals,

Bjornstjerna (Count), observations on the
difficulties attending a Russian invasion
of Hindostan, 415.
Bibliographical Essay on the collection of
voyages and travels edited and pub-
lished by Levinus Hulsius and his suc-
cessors at Nuremberg and Francfort,
from 1598 to 1660; by A. Asher, 56.
Bidpai. See Pilpay.


Cards (playing), origin of, 342, illustra-
trations from the images of the Kandian
kings and queens, ib.-their great an-
tiquity, 343-Indian cards, 344 [note.]
Custes, the four, in India, the origin of
unknown, 157.

Channing on Self-Culture, 279-his name
identified with American literature, 280
-extracts from his address, 281-an
advocate for awakened perceptions and
cultivated faculties, 282.

Chateauneuf's Architectura Domestica,
288-his design for the new Royal
Exchange in London, 310.

China, present state of our relations with
that country, 108-stationary condition
of the people, ib.-advantages likely to
result from an amicable alliance with
them, ib.-no armed interference with
them of late years, reason of this, 109—
their national vanity, ib.—and aversion
to strangers, 110-and deceitfulness, ib.
-line of conduct to be pursued in our
intercourse with them, 111, 132-
cause and effect of the attempts of
various nations to monopolize the China
trade, ib.-successful attempts of the
Jesuits to diffuse Christianity among
them, ib.-effect of the honourable con-
duct of the East India Company, 113,
114 opium trade, 114-its introduc-
duction and rapid increase, 114, 116—
smuggling of opium, 116, 119-direct
and collateral evils of this, 136, 137—
rapid increase of population recently
checked, 137-mischievous and demo-
ralizing effects of the passion for opium-
smoking, 137, 138.

Chess, encyclopædia of, 422.
Chorus, in the Greek drama, important
place occupied by it, 250-253.
Churches, modern ones, poverty of their
architecture, 312.

Classical Scholars, queries for them, 318.
Coach, a word of Hungarian origin, 48.
Country, recollections of, in cities, 285.
Commercial advantages, incompatible with
the exercise of cruelty and injustice to-
wards foreign states, 107.
Corporal punishment, pernicious tendency
of an excessive employment of it in
schools, 107.


Coranus, textus Arabicus, edidit Dr. G.
Flügel, 1 Coranus Arabice Recen-
sionis Flügelianæ textum recognitum
iterum exprimi curavit J. M. Redslob,
ib. See Korann.
Cretan Dance, 206.

Cyprus, importance of to Turkey, 411.


Das buch Henoch, in vollstandiger Ueber-
setzung, mit fortlaufenden Commentar,
&c. (The Book of Enoch, translated

entire, with a running Commentary,
&c.) Von Andr. Gottl. Hoffmann, 351.
Dæmon, sense in which the word is used
by Homer, 373.

Das Verdienst der Deutschen um die Phi-
losophie der Geschichte.-Vortrag zum
Krönungsfeste Preussens am 18 Januar,
1835, in der Deutschen Gesellschaft
zu Königsberg gehalten, und mit er-
läuternden Beilagen, herausgegeben von
Karl Rosenkranz. (The Merit of Ger-
mans in developing the Philosophy of
History. An Address to the Konigs-
berg German Society at the Anniver-
sary of the Coronation of the King of
Prussia, 18 January, 1835 ; with Notes,
by Charles Rosenkranz), 56.
Das Hirn des Negers mit dem des Euro-
paers und Orang-Outangs vergleichen.
Von Dr. Friedrich Tiedemann. (The
Skull of the Negro compared with those
of the European and Ouran-Outang),
56- capacity of the negroes for im-
provement, 70.


De Kock's Novels, 168-his peculiar cha-
racteristics, 176 - extracts from his
writings, 177-great popularity of his
works, 185, 186.

Deschappelles, Treatise on Whist, 335-
design and plan of the book, 337-
extracts from it, ib.

Dost Mahommed, impolicy of our conduct
towards him, 315, 316, 387.

De l'Etat de l'Instruction Primaire et
Populaire en Belgique, par Ed. Duc-
pétiaux, 75-Des Progrès et de l'Etat
actuel de la Reforme Penitentiaire, ib.
Dickens (Charles), observations on his
writings, 173, 174-defects of " Oliver
Twist," ib.

Duelling, measures for the suppression of,


East, trade of, its overland channels, 409.
Education in Belgium, 78—great progress

of the Dutch system, 79-account of
it, 80-true basis of a good education,

Elliott (Mr.), remarks on the present po-
litical condition of Turkey, 390-with
reference to Austria, 391-and Russia,
ib.-remarks on the rise of Mahomet
Ali's power, and on his mode of retain-
ing it, 406-observations on Egypt and
Syria, 406-408.

Enoch, the Book of, 351-chances attend-
ing it, 361-its probable Ethiopic ori-
gin, 361-Dr. Laurence's conjecture

that the author was a Jew, 362, 384
-period of its composition discussed,
ib.-probably preserved by the Ethio-
pians alone, 365-the doctrine of the
Trinity, 365, 366-extracts, 368–372,
374-378-the work a palpable fabri-
cation, 379, 380-partakes largely of
Persian mysticism and tradition, 384.
Ephesus, present condition of, 273.
Erulians, brief account of them in Proco-
pius, 52-defeated by the Lombards,


Essai sur la Statistique Générale de la

Belgique, par Xavier Heuschling, 75.
Essai sur Les Fables Indiennes et sur leur
Introduction en Europe, par A. Loise-
leur Deslongchamps, 139 Contents
and character of the work, 167.
Ethiopians, who were they? 365, 383—

origin and import of the name, 385–
part of the world inhabited by them,
ib.-the Ethiopic church, from Alexan-
dria, 384.

[ocr errors]

Ethiopic Church, its superstitious reve-
rence for traditionary antiquity, 361.
Etruscan music, 427.
Euripides, his defects, 229-opinion of
Aristotle respecting his writings
amount of his commendation, 230, 231
opinion of Quinctilian, 231-mistook
his calling in applying himself to the
drama, 232-opinion of Thomas Ma-
gister discussed, 233-the Euripidean
prologue, ib.-the Hecuba, 234, 238,
239-his sneer at Æschylus, 235-his
skill in painting, 236, 237-his dra-
matic incapacity, 237-Herr Gruppe
on the character of his writings, 238-
remarks on the Ion, 244-248-design
of the Orestes, 239-its defects, 259,
240-complexity of his plots, 242-
the Medea, 243-his popularity with.
the Athenians accounted for, 248, 249
Milton's partiality for him, 248-splen-
dour of the chorus in Euripides, 251.


Falsehood, its prevalence and popularity,
169, 170.

Fandango and Bolero, now little known in
Spain, 203.

Federmann (Nicolas), his travels of dis-
covery, 62-his cruel treatment of the
Indians, 62, 63-his efforts to convert
the natives to Christianity, 64.
Ferdousi, celebrity of, introduced much
of the chivalry of the East into Europe
at the Crusades, 145.

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