ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL *. KING of France. DRAMATIS PÈRSONÆ. Duke of Florence. rentine war. Stewart, fervants to the Count | Countess of Rouillon, mother to Bertram. Helena, daughter to Gerard de Lords, attending on the King; Of- SCENE lies partly in France, and partly in Tuscany. ACT I. SCENÈ I. The Countess of Roufillon's Loufe in France. Enter Bertram, the Countess of Roufillon, Helena, and . · Lafeu, all in mourning. IN diffevering my fon from me, I bury a fe Count. cond hufband. Ber. And I in going, Madam, weep o'er my father's death anew; but I muft attend his Majefty's command, to whom I am now in ward, evermore in fubjection. Laf. You fhall find of the King a husband, Madam; you, Sir, a father. He that fo generally is at all times good, muft of neceffity hold his virtue to you; whofe worthinefs would ftir it up where it wanted, rather than Black it where there is fuch abundance. * The plot taken from Boccace, Decam, 3. Nov. 9. Count |