That one may fmile, and fmile, and be a villain ; It is; Adieu, adieu, remember me: I've fworn it Enter Horatio and Marcellus. Hor. My Lord, my Lord, Mar. Lord Hamlet, Hor. Heav'n fecure him! Mar. So be it. Hor. Illo, ho, ho, my Lord! Ham. Hillo, ho, ho, boy;, come, bird, come.. Mar. How is't,. my noble Lord.? Hor. What news, my Lord? Ham. Oh, wonderful! Her. Good my Lord, tell it. Ham. No, you'll reveal it. Hor. Not I, my Lord, by heav'n. Mar. Nor I, my Lord. Ham. How fay you then, would heart of man once think it? But you'll be fecret Both. Ay, by heav'n, my Lord. Ham. There's ne'er a villain, dwelling in all Denmark, But he's an arrant knave. Hor. There needs no ghost, my Lord, come from the grave. To tell us this. Ham. Why, right, you are i'th' right; And fo without more circumftance at all, I hold it fit that we shake hands, and part; You, as your bufinefs and defires fhall point you; (For every man has bufinefs and defire, Such as it is) and, for my own pcor part, I will go pray. Hor. Thefe are but wild and whirling words, my Lord. Yes, heartily. Her Hor. There's no offence, my Lord. Ham. Yes, by St. Patrick, but there is, my Lord, And much offence too. Touching this vifion hereIt is an honest ghoft, that let me tell you: For your defire to know what is between us, O'er-mafter it as you may. And now, good friends, As you are friends, fcholars, and foldiers, Give me one poor request. Hor. What is't, my Lord? Ham. Never make known what you have feen to-night, Both. My Lord, we will not. Ham. Nay, but fwear't. Hor. In faith my Lord, not I. Mar. Nor I, my Lord, in faith. Ham. Upon my sword. Mar. We have fworn, my Lord, already. Ham. Indeed, upon my fword, indeed. Ghoft. Swear. [Ghoft cries under the Stage. Ham. Ah, ha, boy, fay'ft thou fo? art thou there, truepenny? Come on, you hear this fellow in the cellarage. Hor. Propofe the oath, my Lord. Ham. Never to speak of this that you have feen, Swear by my fword. Ghoft. Swear. Ham. Hic ubique? then we'll fhift our ground. Come hither, gentlemen, And lay your hand again upon my sword. Ghoft. Swear by his fword. Ham. Well faid,old mole,can'ftwork i'th'ground fo faft? A worthy pioneer! Once more remove, good friends. Hor. Oh day and night, but this is wondrous ftrange. Ham. And therefore as a ftranger give it welcome. There are more things in heav'n and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philofophy. But come, Here, as before, never, (fo help you mercy!) How How ftrange or odd foe'er I bear myself, That you, at fuch time feeing me, never fhall, As, well-we know-or, we could, and if we would- That you know aught of me; This do ye fwear, grace and mercy at your moft need help you! So Swear.. Ghoft. Swear. Ham. Reft, reft, perturbed Spirit. So, Gentlemen, With all my love do I commend me to you; And what fo poor a Man as Hamlet is May do t'exprefs his love and friending to you; [Exeunt. ACT A CT II. SCENE, An Apartment in Polonius's Houfe. G1 Enter Polonius, and Reynoldo. POLONI U S. IVE him this money, and these notes, Reynoldo. Pol. You fhall do marvellous wifely, good Reynoldo, Before you visit him, to make inquiry Of his behaviour. Rey. My Lord, I did intend it. Pol. Marry, well faid; very well faid. Look you, Sir. Enquire me firft what Danskers are in Paris; And how, and who, what means, and where they keep, Pol. And in part him- -but you may fay-not well; But if't be he, I mean, he's very wild; Addicted fo and fo- -and there put on him Rey Rey. As gaming, my Lord Pol. Ay, or drinking, fencing, fwearing, Quarrelling, drabbing-You may go fo far. Rey. My Lord, that would dishonour him. Pol. 'Faith, no, as you may season it in the charge; You must not put another scandal on him, That he is open to incontinency, That's not my meaning; but breathe his faults fo quaintly, The flash and out-break of a fiery mind, Of general affault. Rey. But, my good Lord Pol. Wherefore fhould you do this? Rey. Ay, my Lord, I would know that. Pol. Marry, Sir, here's my drift; And, I believe, it is a fetch of wit. You, laying thefe flight fullies on my fon, As 'twere a thing a little foil'd i'th' working, Mark you, your party in converfe, he you would found, Having ever feen, in the prenominate crimes, The youth, you breathe of, guilty, be affur'd, He clofes with you in this confequence; Good Sir, or fo, or friend, or gentleman, (According to the phrafe or the addition Of man and country.) Rey. Very good, my Lord. Pol. And then, Sir, does he this; He does what was I about to say? I was about to say something-where I did leave ?— Rey. At, clofes in the confequence. Pol. At, clofes in the confequence-Ay, marry. He clofes thus ;-I know the gentleman, I saw him yesterday, or t'other day, Or then, with fuch and fuch; and, as you fay, I faw him enter fuch a houfe of fale, See you now ; Your |