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The following is the report of the Local Committee, drawn up by the Secretary:

"The changes that have occurred during the past session are not particularly remarkable, but may be briefly summed up in a few words. The classes, the year preceding, were four in number, the last comprising two sections. The latter denomination has been since disused, and the two sections converted into two classes, and between the first and second classes of that year, an intermediate new class has been formed. The reason for this is given by the head master, who states very justly, that boys, studying the books of the second class after the revised scheme, find difficulty in all at once jumping to the studies of the first class, which are of the junior scholarship standard. The revised scheme he has also made his guide for the studies of all the classes. There are now, therefore, six classes; and their superintendence is thus distributed: the head master, who before took the first class in all subjects, and the second in history, has since superintended the first and second classes in all branches; the second master had the second class (except in History) and first section of the fourth class, but has since taken the third and fifth classes-and to the third master, who used to undertake the instruction of the third class, and second section of the fourth class, have since been assigned the fourth and sixth classes entirely. With regard to their studies, the changes consist in making the junior scholarship standard to be that of the first class; and the revised scheme, as above intimated, the guide to the rest; though it is necessary here to notice, that in that scheme four classes only are contemplated; nevertheless, the books of the fifth and sixth classes have been selected with a reference to the progressive comparison therein indicated.

"The local authorities have no suggestions to make at present regarding the school beyond what was advanced in the last report. With reference to which they regret that what had been intended to be carried out this session, has not yet been attended with success. The second class only were in a condition to undertake a competition for a prize for translation into the Vernacular and into English; but none of them acquitted themselves with sufficient success to admit of the award of a prize. It was also in contemplation to give a prize for the best English copy-writings. I personally invited the boys to a trial, but perhaps being not confident in their own skill, they did not appear cordially to respond to the case, and the matter was allowed to drop. Better results may be expected next year.

"The donations that have been made during the past session, have been additions to those of last year, and for the same object; viz., enlarging and repairing the late Free School house. Their amount is Rs. 291.

"The results of the late examination, though not exactly brilliant, nor quite so showy as they appeared last year, are not for that reason the less solid, or less satisfactory, inasmuch as the classes, up to the highest, are mostly of younger pupils, who also have not been so long acquainted with the class books that form their study, as had the preceding year's boys with theirs. It is, therefore, looked upon as tolerably pleasing, and, under the circumstances, quite satisfactory.

"With regard to the library, I have no reason to abate in any degree the good account of it given in my last report; other 51 volumes have been since added to it; it is filled with most useful and good standard

books, works of reference, and dictionaries on new principles, &c.-All are kept in an excellent state of preservation, and have been more frequented, and perused by the students than before.

"The sepoy hospital now forming the school will be very shortly vacated; as the late Free School house is nearly in readiness to receive the students, &c. It will be so directly, and the reason why it has not been so earlier is that the subscriptions were not such as to enter upon the alterations contemplated, until a protracted period of this year had passed by. The school house has been in fact completed; but as its accounts have not been closed, no mention is made thereof in the financial returns of the school. All the miscellaneous apparatus belonging to the institution, as chairs, tables, desks, globes, slate-board, &c., are in good order.

"The Local Committee have observed the same regularity and custom in their monthly and special meetings as before, and in their visitations according to the leisure of the members from other public business. With one exception, when the second master was found to have struck a boy, though but slightly, which called for the interference and reproof of the Local Committee, no irregularities have come to their notice to be checked or otherwise during the session. The general respect in which the school is held is not diminished, and the respectable families of the district still send their children here, as heretofore, for their education. The students are respectful and obedient to their masters, between whom and them a principle of unity and good feeling appears to exist. All the masters have been very zealous, and attentive in the discharge of their duties.

"I wish I had it in my power to say something in this place in respect of the progress of opinion in this district as to native female educationbut I feel that the subject is not ripe enough to be brought into prominent notice. We hope something may be effected in time, which alone can effect a change in the feelings and prejudices of the multitude, among whom but few do certainly know what their books enjoin, and what forbid; and who are therefore with difficulty moved to any object not sanctioned by the custom of their forefathers. Perhaps the Council of Education may not find it altogether uninteresting, with reference to the probable turn of public opinion on the subject in this district, to know that there are a few young females in the town of Bancoorah, who are daily receiving lessons in their mother tongue from an aged pundit."

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There are five classes in the Baraset School, the last being divided into two sections. The first class consists of twentyone pupils, fourteen of whom competed for junior scholarships; the second class of thirty; the third of thirty-nine; the fourth of thirty-five; the first section of the fifth of thirty; and the second of nineteen; making in all one hundred and seventy-four boys.

The following is the report of the examination forwarded by Mr. Muspratt:

"Babu Nilmoney Mitter, the Deputy Magistrate and Moonsiff of Baraset, as also Babu Bamanchunder Bhottacharj, kindly assisted me in the examination of the pupils in Bengali. I am afraid that the former gentleman was rather severe in his examination of the pupils of the third class, as out of the whole number, thirty-eight, examined, only eight obtained fair and good marks.

“In my examination in arithmetic of this class I affixed the marks of very good, good, &c., opposite the names of the pupils, which I subsequently altered to numbers, as shown in the column of remarks of 'examiners.' I afterwards learnt that some of the pupils had copied. I therefore held another examination, and the numbers were put down in pencil also in the column of remarks of examiners.'-These marks have since been copied into the column headed 'arithmetic.'

"The examination throughout was very satisfactory,

"The general management of the school during the past session has been ably conducted by the head master, Babu Peary Churn Sircar, well assisted by the second and junior masters.

"The studies of the pupils will no longer be carried on in the criminal jail of the district. The new school house is ready and will be open for the reception of the pupils after the termination of the vacation."


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