Conftancy in love protected, 046. Contemplation, a zealous one described, 193. Content, when perfect, 163.
n. ibid. Contention, comparison of 11. Cordelia's speech upon the in- gratitude of her fisters, 132. Countenance, a guilty one, 39. Country, an oppressed one, de- fcribed, 153. Courage, defcribed, 76. Courtefans, reflections upon them, 227, to 229, no. ibid. Courtship, a beautiful one, 202, 10 208.
Courtier, a finical one, descrip- tion of, 2, 3. Cowardice described, 177. XCranmer, archbishop, his pro- phecy, 71, 72 n. ibid. Creffida, description of, 250. n.
Delights, when not lasting, 209. Dependants, not to be trufted too much, 59.
ona, whence derived, 164, her faithfulness, 172. discover'd in bed asleep, 173 Despair, described, 87 Dialogue, between Macbeth and his lady, 142. another 145 Diomedes, his manner of walk- ing, 250 Diseases, the departure of, 83. which incurable, 158 Dover-cliff defcribed, 130 Doubt, a description of, 245 Dreams, reflections on them, 198 to 201. n. ibid Drums, defcrib'd, 88 Duelling, a description of, 222 Dying, why preferable to part- ing, 43
Edgar, his account of his dif- covery to his father, 133. n.
Eleanor, her speech to her huf- band doing pennance, 38 England, the people of defcribed, 27. its fituation, a description of, 74. when invincible, 91. pathetically described, 179 Engli
XGlory, described, 37. n. ibid Glofter's farewel to the world, 130. n. ibid Gloucester, duke, his deformity, 53. and diffimulation, 54 Gods, their justice, 133. n. ib. Gold, reflections upon it, 20. its
effects 225. n. ibid. and 231 Gouts, what, n. 140 Greatness, when falling, de-
scribed, 64. the cares of, 191 Griefs, destroy one another, 16. n ibid. tokens of grief, 78. n. ibid. and description of, 79 n. ibid. and 179
Hatred, remorseless, 4 Hetto, described in battle, 251 Henry IV. his pathetick speech to his fon, 9, 10
V. description of by his father, 19. his perfections, 24. n. ibid. his speech before the battle of Agincourt, 34 VI. his foliloquy, upon his own lenity, 54
Honesty, the dispraise of, 160, 161. n. ibid Honour, what, 4. n. ibid. how preferved, 247, 248. its va- lue, 251
Hope, deceitfulness of, 180. a description of it, 195 Horror, its outward effects, 628 of unclofing a conspiracy, 80. n. ibid
Hofpitality, held facred, n. 138 Hypocrify described, 87
Jealousy defcribed, 166. its tor- tures, 167
Infirmity, its faults pardonable,
Ingratitude, in a child, 119. n. ibid. of false friends, 222 Inhumanity defcrib'd, 70. n. ib. Invitation, to love, beautifully described, 235. n. ibid. Iudean, commented upon, n.175 Juliet, her invitation to Romeo for his stay, 212. and folilo- quy on drinking the potion, 215, 216 Juftice, lord-chief, his speech to Henry V. 21, 22
Kent, county of defcribed, 44 Kings, their purposes how ex- ecuted, 80, n. ibid. the mise ry of, 181,
Lady, a compleat one, 77. a young one, playing and fing-- ing, 237. n. 238. upon her tongue being cut out, 238 Lear, on the ingratitude of his daughters, 123. his distress in a storm, 124. aud excla- mations
mations amidst the tempest, 125 to 128. n. ibid defcrip- tion of, when mad, 129. his reflections on flatterers, 131. n. ibid. his speech to Corde. lia when taken prifoner. 132 Liberty, the spirit of, described, 96
Life, demands of, 12. and. vi-. ciffitudes, 64. its neceffaries, 322. n. ibid. and 123. flections upon it, 158. n. ib. compared, and to what, 159 Lord, of heaven, ever to be re- membered, 38
Love described, 198. its heralds, who, 208, in a young foldier 241 to 243. n. ibid. shaken off by him, 248
Lovers, their parting, 42. n. ibid. exclamation of one, 164. n. ibid. their lightness of foot and impatience 209. an ex- pecting one described, 245- the parting and farewel in a morning, 249
Lion, an hungry one, defcri- bed, 47
Macbeth, his temper, 137. and irresolution, 138. his foli- loquy. 139 to 141. n. ibid. and reflection upon his bloody lands, 144. n. ibid. his his guilt and fear, 145. his surprise at the fight of the ghost. 147
Macbeth, lady, her foliloquy on the approach of Duncan, 137 n. ibid another, 142. her behaviour, with a taper in her hand, 155
Macduff, on the murder of his wife and children, exclama. tion of, 153
Madness, how occafioned, 88. n. ibid. to 90. Mailed explained, n. 39
Offences, mistaken, 121 X Omens, on the birth of Richard
III. 56, 57 Othello's motive to marry, and relation of his courtship, 160
Reflections upon killing a fly, 229. n. ibid. Reputation, what, 165. n. ib. and 166. the praise of, 177 Resentment, when deepest, 39 Respect defcrib'd, 244 Revenge, the representation of it, for. n. ibid. and n. 102: and description, 240, 245 Rhymers, ridicul'd, 6. what compar'd, n. 6,7 Richard II, his speech on his arrival in England, 180, and entry into London, 183 his foliloquy in prifon, 184. 185. his foliloquy on his own de- formity, 186. his love for lady Ann, and praise of his person, 187. his hypocrify, 189 his character, by his mother, 195. his starting out of his dream, and folilo- quy before the battle, 196. his behaviour after an alarum, 197.
Richmond, duke of, his prayer, 196.
Ring, in a dark pit, its effects, and how compar'd, 237 Romeo, his courtship with Ju- liet, 202. on his banish- ment, 210. his description of, and discourse with, the apothecary, 215. his last fpeech, 219 Royalty, the miseries of, 3r Rumour defcrib'd, 13. n. iba
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