Is now become a god; and Caffius is A wretched creature, and must bend his body, He had a fever when he was in Spain, And when the fit was on him, I did mark How he did shake: 'tis true, this god did shake; And that fame eye, whofe bend doth awe the world, 66 Aye, and that tongue of his, that bad the Romans (3) So get the start of the majestic world, And bear the palm alone. Bru. Another general shout! I do believe that these applauses are [Shout. flourish For fome new honours that are heap'd on Cæfar. Walk under his huge legs, and peep about To find ourselves difhonourable graves. (3) So get, &c.] Mr. Warburton tells us "the image is extremely noble: it is taken from the Olympic games." Though that does not appear fo certain or neceffary, fince the allufion to any publick games will do full as well; yet what he says afterwards is more to the purpose: "The majestic world is a fine periphrafis for the Roman empire: their citizens fet themselves on a footing with kings, and they called their dominion, Orbis Romanus." But the particular allufion feems to be to the known story of Cæfar's great pattern, Alexander, who, being asked whether he would run the courfe at the Olympic games, replied, yes, if the racers were kings." For this allufion alfo, there does not feem the least hint in the paffage; rather the contrary: Caffius wonders how fuch a feeble man fhould so get the start of all the Romans, the majestic world, as to bear the palm alone? How he, feebler than the reft, fhould in the course outArip 'em all, and carry off the prize? Men Men at fome times are mafters of their fates: Brutus and Cæfar! what should be in that Cæfar? That he is grown fo great? Age, thou art sham'd; SCENE IV. Cæfar's Diflike of Caffius. Would he were fatter; but I fear him not: I do not know the man I should avoid, Quite through the deeds of men. "This (4) He bears, &c.] Mr. Theobald obferves well here: is not a trivial obfervation, nor does our poet mean barely by it, that Caffius was not a merry, fprightly man, but that he had not a due temperament of harmony in his compofition: and that, therefore, natures, fo uncorrected, are dangerous." He hath finely dilated on this fentiment, in his Merchant of Venice. The man that hath no mufick, &c. See vol. i p.71. That That could be mov'd to smile at any thing. SCENE VII. Spirit of Liberty. I know, where I will wear this dagger then : If I know this; know all the world befides, ACT II. SCENE I. Ambition, cover'd with fpecious Humility. That lowlinefs is young ambition's ladder, Confpiracy Confpiracy, dreadful till executed. 15) Between the acting of a dreadful thing, Conspiracy (5) Between, &c] Mr, Addifon has paraphrafed this inimitable paffage, in his Cato, which always ferves to remind me of that excellent diftinction, made by Mr. Guthrie, in his Efay on Tragedy, betwixt a poet and a genius: See p. 18, &c. and p. 237. vol. 1. O think, what anxious moments pafs between САТО Fill'd up with horror all, and big with death. Either Mr Theobald, or Mr. Warburton (which who can pronounce, fince the one prints the fame words in his preface, which the other ufes as his own in his notes? See Theobald's preface vol. 1. p. 25, and Warburton on the paffage) either the one or the other of them, have obferved," that nice critic, Dionyfius, of Halicarnaffus, confeffes, that he could not find those great ftrokes, which he calls the terrible le graces, any where fo frequent as in Homer. I believe the fuccefs would be the fame, likewife, if we fought for them in any other of our authors befides our British Homer, Shakespear. This defcription of the condition of confpirators has a pomp and terror in it, that perfectly astonishes; our excellent Mr. Addison, whose modefty made him fometimes diffident in his own genius, but whole exquifite judgment always led him to the fafeft guides, has paraphrafed this fine defcription: but we are no longer to expect thofe terrible graces, which he could not hinder from evaporating in the transfufion. We may obferve two things on his imitation: first, that the fubjects of thefe two confpiracies being fo very different, (the fortune of Cæfar and the Roman empire being concern'd in the firft, and that of only a few auxiliary troops in the other) Mr. Addifon could not with that propriety bring in that magnificent circumftance, which gives the terrible grace to Shakespear's defcription: The genius and the mortal inftruments VOL. II, F For CONSPIRACY O confpiracy! Sham'st thou to fhew thy dang'rous brow by night, Where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough, To mask thy monftrous vifage? Seek none, confpiracy; For if thou (6) path, thy nativé femblance on, To hide thee from prevention. Against Cruelty. Gentle friends, Let's kill him boldly, but not wrathfully; For kingdoms, in the poetical theology befides their good, have their evil genius's likewife, reprefented here with the most daring stretch of fancy, as fitting in council with the confpirators, whom he calls the mortal inftruments. But this would have been too great an apparatus to the rape and defertion of Syphaxand Sempronius. Secondly, the other thing very obferveable is, that Mr. Addifen was fo warm'd and affected with the fire of shakespear's defcript on, that instead of copying his author's fentiments, he has, before he was aware, given us only the image of his own expreffions, on the reading his great original. For Oh, 'tis a dreadful interval of time Fill'd up with horror all, and big with death, Are but the affections rais'd by fuch forcible images as thefe, All the interim is Like a phantafma, or a hideous dream. Like to a little kingdom, fuffers then Comparing the mind of a confpirator to an anarchy, is juft and beautiful: but the interim to a hideous dream, has fomething in it fo wonderfully natural, and lays the human foul fo open, that one cannot but be furpriz'd, that any poet, who had not himfelf been fome time or other engaged in a confpiracy, could ever have given fuch force of colouring to truth and nature.' (6) Path,] i. e. walk; he makes a verb of the fubftantive, which is very common with him. Not |