Puslapio vaizdai

The gum down-roping from their ple dead eyes
And in their pale dull mouths the (11) jymold bitarf
Lies foul with chaw'd grass, ftill and motionless:
And their executors, the knavish crows,
Fly o'er them, all impatient for their hour.

SCENE X. K. Henry's Speech before the Battle at Agincourt.

He that out-lives this day, and comes fafe home,

Will itand a tip-toe when this day is nam'd:
And rouze him at the name of Crifpian:
He that out-lives this day, and sees old age,,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbour,
And say, to-morrow is faint Crispian:
Then will he strip his fleeve, and thew his scars:
Old men forget; yet shall not all forget,
But they'll remember, with advantages,
What feats they did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in their mouth as Houshold words,,
Harry the king, Bedford, and Exeter,
Warwick, and Talbot, Salisbury, and Glo'fter,
Be in their flowing cups freshly remembred.

SCENE XII. Description of the Earl of York's

He smil'd me in the face, gave me his hand,

And, with a feeble gripe, fays, dear my lord,


(11) Jymold] Jymold, or rather gimma'd, which fignifies a ring of two rounds, Gemellus, Skinner. Mr. Pope.

* He fmild, &c This tender and pathetic, description of the earl of York's death always reminds me of Virgils celebrated episode on the friendship of Nifus and Euryalus, who fell undivided in death, and lovely as they had lived---Euryalus was wounded when his friend rusn'd to his assistance, and begg'd his life: the poet tells us;

* In vain he spoke, for ah, the sword addrest
With ruthless rage, had pierc'd his lovely breast,




Commend my fervice to my fovereign;
So did he turn, and over Suffolk's neck
He threw his wounded arm, and kiss'd his lips;
And so espous'd to death, with blood he feal'd
A teftament of noble-ending love.
The pretty and sweet manner of it forc'd

'Those waters from me, which I would have ftop'd;
But I had not so much of man in me,
And all my mother came into mine eyes,

And gave me up to tears.

The Miseries of War.

(12) Her vine, the merry chearer of the heart, Unpruned lies: her hedges even pleach'd,

With blood his snowy limbs are purpled o'er,
And pale in death he welters in his gore,
As a gay flower with blooming beauties crown'd,
Cat by the share, lies languid on the ground:
Or some tall poppy, that o'er-charg'd with rain
Bends the faint head, and finks upon the plain :
So fair, so languishingly sweet he lies,
His head declin'd, and drooping, as he dies.


Now 'midst the foe, distracted Nifus flew :
Volfcens, and him alone, he keeps in view :
The gathering train, the furious youth furround,
Darts follow darts; and wound fucceeds to wound:
All, all unfelt: he seeks their guilty lord,
In fiery circles, flies his thundering sword:
Nor ceas'd, but found at length the destin'd way,
And buried in his mouth the faulchion lay.
Thus cover'd o'er with wounds an every fide,
Brave Nifus flew the murtherer as he died;
Then on the dear Euryalus his breaft

Sunk down, and slumber'd in eternal reft.


See Pitt, Æn. gi

(12) Her, &c.] This is from the pfalms, Wine that maketh glad the heart of man, pf. 104. 15. The word lies in the text is an emendation of Mr. Warburton's: the old reading is dies: in confirmation of it, it may be observed, the author speaks all through of the busbandry corrupting in its own fertility, as he says: the vine unpruned, grows wild and unfruitful; the hedges unpleached,.


Like prisoners, wildly over-grown with hair,
Put forth disorder'd twigs: her fallow leas
The darnel, hemlock, and rank fumitory,
Doth root upon; while that the culter rufts,
That should deracinate such savagery:
The even mead, that erst brought sweetly forth
The freckled cowslip, burnet, and green clover,
Wanting the scythe, all uncorrected, rank,
Conceives by idleness; and nothing teems,
But hateful docks, rough thistles, kecksies, burs,
Losing both beauty and utility;

And all our vineyards, fallows, meads, and hedges,
Defective in their natures, grow to wildness.

put forth disorder'd twigs; the fallow leas are over-run with weeds, darnel, &c. and so every thing, vineyards, fallows, meads, and hedges, defective in their natures, grow to wildness: defective in their own particular natures. "Sua deficiuntur natura; (fays Mr. Upton, in the preface to his Obfervations, vations, &c. p. 4г.) they were not defective in their crefcive nature, for they grew to wildness: but were defective in their proper and favourable natures, which was to bring forth food for man."



The (1)


* The First Part of HENRY VI.




LORY is like a circle in the water;
Which never ceaseth to enlarge itself,
Till by broad spreading it disperse to nought,


For marriage is a matter of more worth,

Than to be dealt in by attorneyship.





For what is wedlock forced but a hell,
An age of Difcord and continual strife ?
Whereas the contrary bringeth forth blifs,
And is a pattern of celestial peace.

* It is not the business or intention of this work to enter into a confideration of the genuineness of some of those compofitions, which are generally received as Shakespear's, tho' disputed, and I think, we may add justly, by the criticks. Among the rest none appear less worthy of our inimitable author, than the three following; some fine strokes in them fufficiently affure us Shakefpear lent a hand; that he compofed the whole, I can by no means perfuade myself; however, I leave it to the discussion of others, and only beg leave to observe, there are, beside the few paffages I have selected, many fingle lines, which I could not well produce as beauties separately confidered, that merit obfervation.

(1) Glory, &c.] Beaumont and Fletcher in their Bloody Brother, use this fine simile, though on another subject, with equal beauty. The jars of brothers, two such mighty ones, Is like a small stone thrown into a river,

The breach scarce heard, but view the beaten current,

And you shall see a thousand angry rings,

Rife in his face, still swelling, and still growing;

So jars distrusts encircle, distrusts dangers,

And dangers death, the greatest extreme follows,.

Till nothing bound them but the shoar, their graves.

At 2. S. τ.





The Second Part of HENRY VI.



A refolu'd ambitious Woman.

OLLOW I muft, I cannot go before,.
While Glo'ster bears this base and humble


Were I a man, a duke, and next of blood,
I wou'd remove these tedious stumbling-blocks;
And fmooth my way upon their headless necks.
And being a woman, I will not be slack
To play my part in fortune's pageant.



The Lord ever to be remember'd.

Let never day or night unhallow'd pass, Bur still remember what the Lord hath done..



SCENE VII. Eleanor to the Duke of Glo'fter, when doing Penance.

For whilst I think I am thy married wife;; And thou a prince, protector of this land; Methinks, I should not thus be led along,

(1) Follow, &c] There is something very like the character of lady Macbeth, in this ambitious wife of the duke of Glofter.

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