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Burns, James, 10

Business habit, 136

outlook, 351

success, 230

Butt, Drinkwater, 236


California relief fund, 193, 243, 283

Cameos, photographic, 207
Camera, facing the, 527

Campton, James Stuart, 25, 73

Carbon printing, defects and failures in, 274
for professionals, 129, 172, 228, 267
in America, progress of, 528

prints on daguerreotype plates and aluminum,

process, a modification in the, 36

without subsequent mounting, finishing, 15
solar prints, 63

Celluloid for printing purposes, sensitizing, 218
Chinaware photographing, 375.

Citro-chloride celluloid for gaslight printing, 538
Clare, Paul, 204, 361

Cleanliness in the studio, 30

Cloth, mounting photographic prints on, 296
Coburn, Alvin Langdon, 107

Coins, photographing, 352

Color photography, 177

screen for orthochromatic plates, 32
photography, a new process of, 545

Commercial photography, 374

Constructive criticism, 25, 73

Convention, Illinois, 333

National, 98, 238, 241, 265, 289, 304, 313

317, 385

Nebraska, 333

New England, 473

Pennsylvania, 80

Pro. Society of New York, 194

Texas, 484

Wisconsin, 281

Conventions, news of, 189, 225, 333

Cool studio, a, 204

Copying printed matter and manuscripts, 249

Country photographer, the, 83

Criticism, constructive, 25, 73

Cut-glass, photographing, 375


pictures selected for, 479

Daguerreotype plates, carbon prints on, 150
copying, 90

the "Restoration" of, 28

Dark room hints, 369

Davis, Charles H., 7

Davison, Edward J., 374
Definition, quality of, 379

Developing, lantern slide, 89

unknown exposures, 277

Development papers, the working of, 179, 222
for under-exposure, 187

the personal element in factoral, 366
printing papers, peculiarities of, 271, 340
some notes on factorial, 346

Dirhold, G. H., 444

Dunham, Will H., 121

Dusting-on process, the, 63

EDINBURGH photographic society, annual ex-

hibition of the, 16

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