7. Give a synopsis of the verb hear, used interrogatively, in the indicative mode. 8. What are the principal parts of the verb overflow? 18. I see the eye fallen that kindled the elements of war. 19. "In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice.” 20. Everett, the orator than whom we have no 9. Write a sentence containing an adverb in the comparative degree, and underscore the ad- greater, speaks for the Union. verb. 10. Name the different ways in which a grammatical predicate may be modified and give an example of each. 3. Name and describe the different forms of government. 4. What does the great central plain of the United States embrace? Describe it. Perquisites of the Head Master of Eton THE March number of the Cornhill Magazine opens with a satirical paper upon education at aristocratic Eton, in the guise of a third letter from "Paterfamilias" to the editor. Here is a passage which records what seems a very mean transaction on the part of the Head Master of a great public school, whose legitimate emoluments, from his pupils, are probably equal to some $25,000 a year: "When an Eton boy is about to quit the school, he usually takes leave' of his tutor and of the 5. Climate of the Pacific Coast of the United head master. It is understood that if he has been States. 6. Name in order five cities and towns on the Ohio River, commencing at its source. a very ill-conducted boy' his tutor and the head master would decline to take leave' of him; but such severity, at such a moment, is rarely, if ever, practiced. The theory, however, works admirably in a pecuniary sense; for well-behaved boys are 8. Newfoundland-its situation, surface, capi- thereby induced to consider that it is a slur upon tal, climate and productions. 7. In what direction is Pensacola from Washington ? 9. Draw an outline of the Mediterranean Sea, with its gulfs, bays and straits. 10. Name the political divisions of Italy. For the Schoolmaster. Grammar. Parse the words in italics. 1. I being young they denied me. 2. I felt a thrilling sensation creep over me. 3. We sometimes see bad men honored. 4. How do you do? 5. Please excuse my son's absence. 6. His servants ye are whom ye obey. 7. We choose rather to lead than follow. 8. The sun grew weary of gilding the palaces of Morad. 9. The tree of knowledge, blasted by disputes, produces sapless leaves instead of fruits. 10. Plants raised with tenderness are seldom strong. them not to take leave.' "The details of the ceremony are as follows: The boy waits on the head master, who expresses his sorrow at parting with him, his wishes for his future welfare, and sends his best compliments to his parents; the two then shake hands, and the boy retires. As he leaves the room, a small table meets his eyes on which is a plate with several bank-notes displayed upon it; if I may venture, without disrespect to anybody, to compare great things with small, I may observe that something of the same kind, with the same object, may be seen at the stick and umbrella department of the National Gallery, and, I am told, indicates that, although money is not positively demanded, it will be gratefully received. On this plate the boy deposits a note, varying from £10 to £25. It is said that the sons of dukes and railway kings go as high as £50, but of that I do not pretend to speak with any degree of authority. "The next day, when the money has been counted, the head master's servant goes round to every 11. Thy rod is as the earthquake, that shakes boy who has taken leave' with a handsomelythe mountain. bound volume as a keepsake from that dignitary, 12. The tyrant feels himself a man and subject and receives from each boy a fee of 10s. 6d. as his to the weakness of humanity. 13. The apple feels hard and tastes sweet. 14. Farewell, my friends. 15. I saw their chief tall as a rock; his spear the blasted fir. share of the transaction. "The general estimate is that leaving money' gives to the head master at Eton £1500 a year.” TRUTH, virtue and happiness may be distinguish 16. "Whether of them twain did the will of his ed from each other, but cannot be divided. They Master"? 17. They say unto him, "The first." subsist by a mutual cornherence, which gives a shadow of divinity even to our human nature. The R. J. Schoolmaster. 33. ༣ད. NOVEMBER, 1861. VOL. VII. For the Schoolmaster. NO. 11. of the chaise gave notice of its occupancy, (like poor, weak humanity, as time rolls it beyond its youth and power!) the " dapple-grey assum"IT was not at the close of a raw, chilly day ed the airs and manners of a less restrained, in the month of November, 18-, that two by-gone youthfulness, and in his pretensions to horsemen, weary and worn, might be seen com- fiery habits and progress, gave a fresh impulse ing down the hill," but it was on a bright, to the falling tears of a mother's love. There spring-like day in the early part of April, 182-, were no railroads then of sixty miles the hour, that a round, plump, dapple-grey horse, with a or lightning's flash of thought before it could short, square docked tail, might have been seen be written, and at twelve-and-a-half o'clock of standing beside the front (side) door of a brick noon "Fish's Tavern," fifteen miles distant from house on W-street, in the then town of the "great bridge" over the P and NorP—, harnessed to a yellow colored chaise. wich turnpike, was reached; showing a rate of Upon the steps of the house stood a tall, athle- speed of five miles the hour, as the result of the tic built man, of fifty-one years of age, and in fiery pretensions of the "dapple-grey" at startstrong contrast to his muscular form, at the ing. A good dinner, seasoned with a better aphorse's head, was the skeleton-like figure and petite. for the middle-aged and the boy of lightsable face of "Joe Orchard." In the bottom of blue eyes; oats, hay and water for the source of the chaise were many little bundles of varied locomotion, and onward and upward" the form and color, evidently showing that a smaller wheels were again in motion. person's figure would better suit their contents; As the commingling rays of beauty and tranthat the gingerbread and crackers were intend-quillity, expressive of a New England sunset, ed for a poorly drilled appetite, and the whole ar- gradually tinted the western sky, and the sun rangements were connected with one of younger of meridian and unrivalled splendor was yieldyears, and more pliant mould. In response to ing to the influences of the day's decline; gently the very decided summons from the door-steps, sinking in peaceful loveliness below the horizon that it was time to go!" out came a ruddy- of the distant hills; assuring, in its clear yet faced boy of light blue eyes and dark brown receding light, the calm, unruffled stillness of hair, dressed as was the custom, (when there the coming night, at sundown, the " dapplewere boys!) in a close-fitting short jacket, and grey" was at rest in the snug quarters of the almost his first pantaloons" with suspenders"; barn at Eaton's Tavern," Plainfield, while of tender age and feelings, whose cheeks were the athletic man and light-blue-eyed boy were still wet with the overflow of swimming eyes, at the clean-spread, well-provided tea-table of and from the impress of a fond mother's last its host. A stray tear dropped now and then, kiss to her oldest boy, as he thus first went forth as the night-shades reminded the one of a moto boarding school. The dapple-grey, with ther's love lost, and a reference to the old "famhead and tail erect, (the last appendage, how-ily clock," reminded the other of a day's lost ever, was a very short elevation !) as the motion time from business haunts and habits. 66 tant. Morning came, bright and cheerful as the away, and, with faltering step, the stranger boy past, and breakfast over, the "dapple-grey and "closes up the rear." In the long, undivided yellow chaise" were again at the door for the garret, ranged on each side in rows, are fourdestination of "Black Hill," three miles dis- teen double beds. North of the garret is a Arrived at last, the "light-blue eyes," in small room where "Master Benjamin," the their anxious gaze, find a sympathetic response faithful custodian, slept; no, laid! The new from the mild features, of the benevolent coun- scholar was assigned to one-half of the bed in tenance of the proprietor of the "school at the "northwest corner." A single chair for his Black Hill;" dressed in the plain, simple garb clothes, no carpet for his feet! no mother's hand of the Quaker and Friend, and using the plain to tuck him up! no mother's kiss to lull him to language peculiar to that sect. The anxious sleep! no mother's voice of "good night" and gaze and thought passed away; and the bundles prayer for God's care! But a series of supfrom the chaise-box and bottom are deposited in pressed jokes and jeers, of good-humored story thenorthwest room." A hurried good-bye or ill-natured reproof, (just as any other twenty and a father's farewell, leaves the stranger boy or thirty homeless boys would act and talk then, with strangers in a strange place. His first in- not now.) These strange scenes and sounds struction is, to call him of pleasant memory and brought no relief to the weary light-blue eyes! mild features, Father G," and the wife But sobbing and sighing, breathing in silent and mother, of tender recollections, "Mother whispers, "mother, mother;" hoping for, but G." The other scholars are in school, and conscious that mother could not come, to soothe led by the hand of Father G―, the stranger with gentlest love of word and look the quiverscholar is shown the school-room. At the long, ing lip and swelling heart, the little stranger boy high desk, facing the school, "Master Benja- sobbed himself to sleep. min," of gentle mien and tone, sits at the outer Morning came, and with its earliest rays, the end; and on his left, "Mary," the sister, and simple toilet of the school was over, and the efficient assistant, of gentler voice and sex, gives earlier task begun. "Well, E-, how did the stranger boy assurance of her well-remem- thee rest?" was Father G's inquiry. "I bered kind, gentle, loving ways. The dinner- could n't sleep any!" Why, was thee not bell sounds the termination of the morning's task, well?" "Yes, sir, but mother is sick." "How but pleasant memories and anxious thought keep does thee know?" "Because I have no letthe stranger boy aloof and alone, where no ter, and I know she would write me." "But it sound of knives and forks attest the health and is not time, thy father left thee yesterday!" appetite of the older scholars. A long, dreary At night, after supper, down beside the "orafternoon brings around the hour for supper. chard wall," a group of boys might be seen; In obedience to summons, the stranger boy takes in the centre of which, with clenched fists and his allotted seat midway of the long table, and ugly bearing, stands the "bully" of the school. receives his second lesson. Nature pleads for A little distance off, with shrinking manner and food, and although daintily and awkwardly the anxious mien, stands the stranger boy, with a response is made, one cup of tea is drank! anchip of wood upon his left shoulder. He is other is brought and drank! A third! and a told that if the " fourth! But when the fifth comes, the light- his shoulder, he must fight!" "I do not want bully" knocks the chip off blue eyes send out a flood of tears (and tea?) to, I do not know how, I never did fight." But and the bursting heart out-breaks, and the stran- the chip is knocked off, a dastardly blow is ger pleads for mercy, I can't drink any more!" struck, and the "bully" of the school remains "Well, E, if thee will put thy spoon in thy the " bully" still! cup when thee has done, thee need not drink more than thee wants; but when thy spoon is in thy saucer, it is understood as thy requiring more." Do you suppose that second lesson was ever forgotten! 66 66 ་་ Rye-biscuits, rye-dough- nuts, rye-bread, ryeful condition. coffee (and wry faces !) kept the boys in healthSchool every morning except "fifth days," and every afternoon except "fifth” and "seventh days." Reading, writing, geogra"The day has passed and gone." 66 Night's phy, arithmetic, history, grammar, and all the sable mantle" o'erspreads nature's beauty, and branches of an English education were most sucthe "light-blue eyes" droop heavily, but not with cessfully taught. The school was in excellent sighed-for rest. Sadly they follow with heavy discipline, and the improvement of the scholars heart the other boys, as books and slates are put was decided and as progressive as at any well arranged, well-taught institution. The govern- lay scattered around, reminding him that there ment was parental. And memory has a pleasant was no mistake about his being caught stealing retrospect of the school at Black Hill." dough-nuts! Stolen fruit (they say) is the sweetest!" Wonder if there is any difference between fruit and dough-nuts! There, too, was the closet window, through the slats of which James used to trade "pies" with the boys for marbles and tops from home! There was the old wood-pile's relics, on a block of which T. J. A., of No. South Water street, in P, cut off the old black cat's head to cure her of stealing milk! But the old "washhouse" was gone! There the boys were fumigated after they rubbed poison between the fin"There is the north win- gers, raising little water blisters, making good Father G(who was a regular M. D.) and honest Master Benjamin think they had an infectious disorder where the greatest relief was in scratching! Why poison themselves?" Because, after the fumigation, they were compelled to stay out of school two or three days! Thirty-nine years have passed, and again the light-blue eyes are at "Black Hill." The dark brown locks are changed! The "dapple-grey has long since died, but his color is associated with the marks of Time upon those dark brown locks! and the brightness of the " light-blue eyes" is changed for the anxious looks the close contact of life's story and its cares produce. Two other boys are there, of eleven and thirteen years, upon each arm of the stranger scholar of 182-. Permission is given by the owner to go where they please. dow where the blue-eyed boy was hung!" Yes, hung! You see, D, the youngest of Father G―'s fair girls, was his particular favorite; perhaps the sympathies of the same age and disposition may account for it; but so it was, and of all the boys she liked him the best, and of all the girls he liked her. It was fifth There is the garden wall; upon the cap-stones day afternoon. The school and all had, as usual, you see the initials of many a boy's hard work. attended meeting in the morning, and the boys Here is the outside "south door" and stairs, were gone down the lane to the lower barn," through and up which the boys entered and left as their customary privilege of the afternoon al- the "school-room." There was room enough lowed. A nice fresh lot of " rye-dough-nuts in the girls' passage way for all the scholars, had been made, and D― agreed to put the (there were no crinolines and skirts of indetin pan in which they were in the closet under scribable dimensions then!) but the dear creathe stairs, in the north room, upon the first floor. tures were considered very dangerous! and Waiting until the coast was clear, the family every possible avenue for a stray thought, word and their friends from meeting in the southwest or act, to or from them, was most scrupulously room, the boys all gone, the boy took a short guarded. (But did Master Benjamin" ever piece of board, and placing it against the house, have a thought of there being sly notes to the raised the window and clambered to where the forbidden ones, when the boys stood up to redough-nuts were, as placed by D. Every cite with their hands behind them!) There was pocket he stuffed more than full. Inside of his the "orchard wall," behind which "ghosts' jacket and cap, and every crack and tear could were made of a dark night, by putting the boys' show a dough-nut stowed away. He clamber-shirts outside of their clothes, and then creeping ed back over the window-sill, and, sliding down along stealthily to where a prearranged group of outside, the board slipped away! the window smaller boys were listening to a "ghost-story." fell upon his neck, and he was hung! Yes, There stood a large square hair trunk, into which, hung! Fast choking, and becoming bewilder- once a month, was deposited the nice short wheat ed, he screamed as best he could, and kicked biscuit "mother sent," and, while they lasted, most lustily against the house. Father G- added much to the "light-blue-eyed boy's" popMother G, Master Benjamin, Freelove, ularity and favors. That was the girls'-room Phebe, Mary, Anne, and all the rest beside, door. (It was supposed to open, but never seen with friends from meeting and honest D, so!) This is the back and garret stairs. Here came rushing in, horror-stricken and terrified was "Master Benjamin's" room, where he staid at the unearthly strife and sounds! Quickly nights. There stood the bed in which the schocomprehending his critical situation, Father lar of imperfect sight and simple mind, slept, G—— raised the window, gently let him down, (when the boys would let him!) One night, and simply remarking, "Why, E, thee is poor B-, when all was still as midnight darkvery fond of dough-nuts," left him to his own ness. sprang up in bed, and with piteous cries thoughts and reflections, while the dough-nuts and beseeching, "oh dear, don't! don't! oh dear!" broke the silence, and every other boy watched by the careful eye of "Master Benjafound himself half upright in bed, pulling open min." The next house was Isaac Knight's, and his eyes, at the unusual request. "Master just beyond is the "old meeting house,” to and Benjamin," not dressed as he usually was for from which, every first and fifth day mornings, "school or meeting," groped his way, in dark- the scholars used to march by two's, the boys ness and doubt, to where poor B was suf- first, and then, at proper distance, the girls. fering. "What is the matter with thee, B-?" The north door was for the men, the south for Oh dear! don't, don't, oh dear!" The trou- the women. A plain board partition separated ble was some-thing (for no boy ever would ac- the bodies of the males aad females. Their heads knowledge the deed) had tied a string around were just above it. The upper seat was for the poor B's toe, and under the beds, and round" speakers," male and female; the lower ones the posts had led it, so that while one end was on for those who would be " speakers" by-and-by. the poor lame toe, the other end could be pulled, The plain plank seats, with a rail back, were for then cut off, and never traced. That old outside the people, girls and boys. The " speakers" door latch, was where the boy of whom we speak seldom spoke, but looked calm and devotional, cut his lip one dark night when running against or else at the boys on their side. The female it to bring out a "ghost"-arranged group. The" speakers" looked at the girls on the other big square chimney in the garret had every boy's side. The scholars looked at them! when they autograph on it then. Since, it has been white- didn't get asleep and fall off or through the seat washed; and the names upon it are those of backwards! How hard the seats were! The strangers, not the old scholars I am thinking of! soft side of those seats must have been underThat first house upon the left "up north," was neath! How long it was before the "minisAsa Bacon's; and that is the lane down which ters" would shake hands! Why didn't the the boys used to steal away to " Canterbury men shake hands with the women too, and let Green," as often as twenty-five cents, for two the boys shake hands with the girls, as they pounds of Malaga raisins from "Coit's store," wanted to! And then "the business meetings," could be raised, and the evening was not too when the top partition boards were let down, dark or stormy. completely separating the males and females. Asa Bacon had an old white cow. One dark How perfectly secure they were! Quaker wives, night, some of the boys started on a "raisin- of course, would never tell their husbands of gathering." Creeping out of the yard, up the what was said and done their side of the boards. road, down the lane, a tremendous ghost came Did you ever think how far removed from exout of the ground and moved strangely about. posure those "broad brims" kept the wearers The boys ran, over the walls, against the trees, from the sun's rays, and the "straight bonnets' on the rocks, and breathless, clothes torn, and from stolen glances! How soft the language, bruised noses, they told a marvellous tale, not how plain and unostentatious the manners! only to their mates, but to Father G; the How quiet the demeanor! How calm the lives one, however, differing quite from the other. and unruffled the passions of these most worthy But the ghost? It was the old white cow, that Friends. There is a fascination as well as a perwas quietly laying down, and when the boys ran against her as quietly got up and tried to dodge them, as, in their fright, they ran around her! sonality in the "thee and thou" from the soft speech, mild eye and pleasant tone of the Quakeress! and much that soothes the angry mood and mien in the "thee and thou" of a Friend! Down the hill is the old red bridge across the Next corner north was the district school"Quinebaug," over which the good boys, that house." John Monroe lived next, on the "east never stole away, were allowed to go Saturday road," Murray Johnson and John Bennett next, afternoon to the "Green" for raisins. There on the "north road." Just past the corner of was "Chauncey Bacon's Tavern," where many the "west road" William Kinney lived. Three a ninepenny bowl of "milk punch" has been miles farther west was Caleb Cook's. And when drank, instead of the "raisins," from "Coit's his daughter "Deborah" married Robert Stestore," bought. Just below the bridge is where vens, the boys had a holiday; the girls, from symthe natural aquarium of the " Quinebaug "pathy, went to the wedding in the meeting house. was supplied, every summer "Saturday after- Lott Morgan lived next south to Father G--'s, noon," with a score or more of white bipeds, in the corner of the Canterbury road. In the not amphibious, whose gambols and sports were swamp, "down the lane," was a " beaver dam." |