"The Night Court," and "Revelation," from "The Night Court and Other Verse," by Ruth Comfort Mitchell; and "Creed," "Sonnet," and selection from "Laughter," from "War and Laughter," by James Oppenheim. Yale University Press: "Overland Route," and "Cleared," from "The Overland," by Frederick Mortimer Clapp; and "A Summer Day," and selections from "The Testament of William Windune," from "The Testament of William Windune," by James H. Wallis. Charles Scribner's Sons: Sonnets I, XV, XLI, and selections from sonnets XXIII, XXIV, XLVII, from “The Cycle's Rim," by Olive Tilford Dargan; and "I Have a Rendezvous with Death," from "Poems by Alan Seeger." John Lane Company: Selections from "The Fairy Bride," by Norreys Jephson O'Conor; and selections from "Sea and Bay: A Poem of New England," by Charles Wharton Stork. Princeton University Press: "Ganymede," from "A Book of Princeton Verse," contributed by John Pearle Bishop. George H. Doran Company: "Out of My Living," ," "The Flirt," and selections from "Brother Angelico," "Ulysses in Ithaca," and "Mary of Egypt," from "Life and Living," by Amelia Josephine Burr. G. P. Putnam's Sons: "Invocation," "To a Cyclamen," "Instinct and Reason," "Saint Catherine," and "Tomorrow," from "The Book of Winifred Maynard." The Knickerbocker Press (G. P. Putnam's Sons): "Between the Lines," and "His Answer," from "The Open Door," by Madeline Bridges. The Manas Press, Rochester, N. Y.: "Triad," "Susanna and the Elders," "Night Winds," "Amaze," "The Immortal Residue," and "To the Dead in the Graveyard Underneath My Window," from "Verse," by Adelaide Crapsey. Duffield and Company: "The Barber Shop," and "Brown Sands," from "Flashlights," by Mary Aldis. Nicholas L. Brown: "The Body of the Queen," from "Two Deaths in the Bronx," by Donald Evans; and "When It is Night," and “The Merchant," from "Ephemers," by Mitchell S. Buck. Alfred A. Knopf: "In the Country," "Man," "Catherine," "The Two Children," from "The Collected Poems of William H. Davies," "Spring," from "Others: An Anthology of the New Verse," contributed by Hester Sainsbury; "The Next Drink," from "Others: An Anthology of the New Verse," and "Fugue," "Credo," "Overheard in an Asylum," from "Mushrooms, A Book of Free Forms," by Alfred Kreymborg. The Four Seas Company: Selections from "The Jig of Forslin," by Conrad Aiken. 66 The Roadside Press: Coming Home," from "The Chicago Anthology," contributed by E. Sewell Hill. The Astor Press: "Kinship," from "The Hour Has Struck," by Angela Morgan. Barse and Hopkins: "The Haggis of Private McPhee," from "Rhymes of a Red Cross Man,” by Robert W. Service. Sherman, French and Company: "The Feminist's Alphabet," and "The Tragedy," from "Cat's Cradle," by H. Stanley Haskins. Richard G. Badger: "Mammy-Lore," and "Youth," from "The Edge of the World," by Caroline Stern; and selections from "The Fledgling Bard and the Poetry Society," by George Reginald Margetsen. To David O'Neil I am indebted for the permission to use his poem, "To a Mocking Bird," from his volume, "A Cabinet of Jade," shortly to be published. From Lord Dunsany's "A Legend of the Dawn," which appears in his volume, "Time and the Gods," I have quoted a passage with the permission of the publishers, John W. Luce and Company. 66 66 Small, Maynard and Company: April Now in Morning Clad," "A New England June," and selections from "Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard, 1914," from " April Airs," and "Carnations in Winter," and one stanza from "A Windflower," from "Low Tide on Grand Pré," by Bliss Carman; “The Dark Way," by Joseph Mary Plunkett; "Of a Post-Patriot," and "Wishes for My Son," by Thomas MacDonagh; and "Hamilcar Barca," by Sir Roger Casement, from "Poems of the Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood," edited by Padraic Colum and Edward J. O'Brien. CONTENTS Bliss Carman, Walter de la Mare, Lizette Woodworth Reese Mitchell S. Buck, Elsa Barker, Cuthbert Wright, Donald Evans High Tide; Songs of Joy and Vision from the Present-Day Poets of America and Great Britain, Others, An Anthology of the New Verse, A Book of Princeton Verse, Catholic Anthology, Some Imagist Poets, 1916, The Chicago Anthology VI CLOTHO, LACHESIS, ATROPOS & CO. . |