certain paffages which are generally thought. obfcure. The author giving an attentive ear to every cenfure of this kind, has, in the prefent edition, renewed his efforts to correct every fuch defect; and he would gladly hope that he has not been altogether unfuccessful. The truth is, that a writer, who must be poffeffed of the thought before he can put it into words, is but ill qualified to judge whether the expreffion be fufficiently perfpicuous: in this particular, he must take upon himself to judge for the reader, who can much better judge for bimfelf. June 1763. CONTENTS. 2. Caufes of the emotions of joy and 3. Sympathetic emotion of virtue, 3. Interrupted existence of emotions and paffions.-Their growth and 4. Coexiftent emotions and passions, 5. The influence of paffion with respect to our perceptions, opinions, and |