Puslapio vaizdai

cero discovers in Plautus a happy talent for ridicule, and a peculiar delicacy of wit: but Horace, who made a figure in the court of Auguftus, where taste was confiderably purified, declares against the lowness and roughness of that author's raillery. Ridicule is banished France, and is lofing ground daily in England.

Other modifications of pleasant paffions will be occafionally mentioned hereafter. Particularly, the modifications of high and low are handled in the chapter of grandeur and fublimity; and the modifications of dignified and mean, in the chap, ter of dignity and grace.


Interrupted exiftence of emotions and paffions. Their growth and decay.

Ere it the nature of an emotion, to continue, like colour and figure, in its prefent state till varied by fome operating caufe, the condition of man would be deplorable: it is ordered wifely, that emotions should more refemble another attribute of matter, viz. motion, which requires the conftant exertion of an operating caufe, and ceafes when the caufe is withdrawn. An emotion may fubfift while its caufe is prefent; and when its caufe is removed, may fubfift by means of an idea, though in a fainter degree :

degree but the moment another thought breaks in, and ingroffes the mind, the emotion is gone, and is no longer felt: if it return with its caufe, or an idea of its caufe, it again vanisheth with them when other thoughts crowd in. The reafon is, that emotions and paffions are connected with perceptions and ideas, fo intimately as not to have any independent existence: a strong paffion, it is true, hath a mighty influence to detain its object in the mind; but not fo as to detain it for ever, because a fucceffion of perceptions or ideas is unavoidable *. Further, even while a paffion fubfifts, it feldom continues long in the fame tone, but is fucceffively vigorous and faint the vigour of a paffion depends on the impreffion made by its caufe; and a caufe makes its strongest impresfion, when happening to be the single interesting object, it attracts our whole attention † its impreffion is flighter when our attention is divided between it and other objects; and at that time the paffion is fainter in proportion.


When emotions and paffions are felt thus by intervals, and have not a continued exiftence, it may be thought a nice problem, to ascertain their identity, and to determine when they are the fame, when different. In a ftrict philofophic view, every single impreffion made even by the fame object, is diftinguishable from what have

* See this point explained afterward, chap. 9.

See the appendix, containing definitions, and explanation of terms, fect. 33.


gone before, and from what fucceed: neither is an emotion raised by an idea, the fame with what is raised by a fight of the object. But fuch accuracy is not found in common apprehension, nor is necessary in common language: the emotions raised by a fine landscape in its fucceffive appearances, are not dishinguishable from each o ther; nor even from thofe raifed by fucceffive ideas of the object; all of them being held to be the fame a paffion alfo is always reckoned the fame, fo long as it is fixed upon the fame object; and thus love and hatred are faid to con tinue the fame for life. Nay, fo loose are we in this way of thinking, that many paffions are reckoned the fame even after a change of object; which is the cafe of all paffions that proceed from fome peculiar propenfity: envy, for example, is confidered to be the fame paffion, not only while it is directed to the fame person, but even where it comprehends many perfons at once: pride and malice are in the fame condition. So much was necessary to be faid upon the identity of a paffion and emotion, in order to prepare for examining their growth and decay.

The growth and decay of paffions and emotions, is a fubject too extenfive to be exhaufted in an undertaking like the prefent: I pretend only to give a curfory view of it, as far as necessary for the purposes of criticism. Some emotions are produced in their utmost perfection, and have a very fhort endurance; which is the cafe of fur

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prise, of wonder, and fometimes of terror. Emotions raised by inanimate objects, fuch as trees, rivers, buildings, pictures, arrive at perfection almost instantaneously; and they have a long endurance, a fecond view producing nearly the fame pleasure with the firft. Love, hatred, and fome other paffions, increase gradually to a cer tain pitch; and after that decay gradually. En vy, malice, pride, fcarce ever decay. Some paffions, fuch as gratitude and revenge, are often exhausted by a fingle act of gratification: other paffions, fuch as pride, malice, envy, love, hatred, are not fo exhaufted; but having a long continuance, demand frequent gratification.

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To handle every fingle paffion and emotion with a view to thefe differences, would be an endless work: we must be fatisfied at prefent with fome general views. And with refpect to emotions that are quiefcent, and not productive of defire, their growth and decay are easily explained an emotion caused by an inanimate object, cannot naturally take longer time to arrive at perfection, than is neceffary for a leisurely furvey: fuch emotion alfo must continue long ftationary, without any fenfible decay; a fecond or third view of the object being nearly as agreeable as the firft: this is the cafe of an emotion produ+ ced by a fine profpect, an impetuous river, or a towering hill; while a man remains the fame, fuch objects ought to have the fame effect upon him. Familiarity, however, hath an influence


here, as it hath every where frequency of view, after short intervals especially, weans the mind gradually from the object, which at laft lofes all relish the nobleft object in the material world, a clear and ferene fky, is quite difregarded, unlefs perhaps after a courfe of bad weather. An emotion raised by human virtues, qualities, or actions, may, by reiterated views of the object, grow imperceptibly till it become fo vigorous as to generate defire: in this condition i muft be. handled as a paffion.

...As to paffion, I obferve, first, that when nature requires a paffion to be fudden, it is com monly produced in perfection; which is commonly the cafe of fear and of anger. Wonder and surprise are always produced in perfection: reiterated impreffions made by their cause, exhaust these paffions instead of inflaming them. This will be explained afterward *.

In the next place, when a paffion hath for its foundation an original propensity peculiar to some men, it generally comes foon to perfection: the propensity, upon pre enting a proper object, is immediately enlivened into a paffion; which is the cafe of pride, of envy, and of malice."

In the third place, the growth of love and of hatred, is flow or quick according to circumftances: the good qualities or kind offices of a perfon, raise in me a pleasant emotion; which,

* Chap. 6.


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