Ulivan's Philofophical Rhapfodies, Robertfon's Enquiry into the fine Arts, Philofophical Tranfactions, Vol. LXXIV. Part II, Planting and Ornamental Gardening, a practical Treatife, Paley's Principles of Moral and Political Philofophy, Routh's Platonis Euthydemus & Gorgias, Williamfon's Elements of Euclid, with Differtations, Effay on the Life and Character of Petrarch, I 10 16 22 29, 202 37 45 52 54 59 61 Abelard to Eloifa, 64 An Invocation to Melancholy, 66 The War of the Wigs, a Poem, 67 Epiftle from the Rev. Wm. M-n to the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, ibid. Epiftle from John Lord Afhburton to the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, ibid. ibid. 68 Memoirs of Sir Simon Supple, Elegies and Sonnets, Verfes on the Death of Dr. Samuel Johnson, Elegy on the Death of W. Shepherd, efq. of Plymouth, The Falfe Friends, a Novel, The Adventures of Alonzo, Candid Review of Mr. Pitt's Twenty Refolutions, Obfervations on the Jurifprudence of the Court of Seffion in Scotland, 77 Speech of the Right Hon. C. J. Fox on the Irish Resolutions, 78 Mr. Fox's Reply to Mr. Pitt, upon reporting the Fourth Propo fition of the Irish System, ibid. Debate in the Houfe of Commons on Mr. Pitt's Motion for bringing in a Bill to amend the Reprefentation of the People in Parliament, ibid. ibid. ibid. A Political Pfalm, for the Service of the Year 1785, 79 Adventures of a Pincushion, ibid. Effay to prove the Infufficiency of Subalterns Pay in the Army, ib. Practical Benevolence, ibid. Elements of Nature; or, Free Opinions sported in the interior Cabinet of Venus, Mrs. Vizor's Eleven additional Letters from Ruffia, |